マウスピース比較対照表 -
I obtained the specifications about the various mouthpieces from printed and online catalogs. I can't afford all mouthpieces on the market :-) Thanks to Mr. Jay kosta and Mr. David McCurley for inputs.
My experience has been that the rim diameter (grip) sizes given in most publications is not consistant from one maker to another. For example, I use a Giardinelli C1 and have also tried a Bach 7, the Bach 7 feels a little larger than the Giard C1. The C1 is very comfortable for me, but the Bach 7 rim felt too large for me.
I have also used a Holton DC, and it does feel smaller than the Giard C1.
The bore size, and outside rim diameter are fairly easy to measure accurately, but the inside rim diameter is difficult to measure because it is a curved surface.
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Last Update: 99/09/30
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