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GMイベント、Town Cryer関連、UO House of Common Chat関連、uo-profile関連の記事については翻訳を行わないことがありますが、ご了承ください。

Japanese Shard Maintenance
Feb 29 2000 9:11AM CST
2000年3月1日 0:11 JST
We will be performing upgrades on the 5 Japanese shards over the next three days. The shards will skip their normal maintenance period and will be brought down at around 10AM Tokyo time. The downtime for each shard should be from 1-2 hours, barring any unforeseen problems.

The schedule is:

Wakoku & Hokuto

Yamato & Asuka


We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause and thank you for your patience.

Korean Shards Maintenance
Feb 29 2000 1:56AM CST
2000年2月29日 16:56 JST
Our provider will be performing maintenance on Tuesday, February 29th, 2000, from 05:00 - 07:00 KST.

Please be aware that it is possible this could cause the shards to become unavailable, or cause your connection to them to fail. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Feb 24 2000 3:58PM CST
2000年2月25日 6:58 JST
Please do not call Game Masters or Counselors looking for information regarding the moonstones. These items are related to the current ongoing fiction and the Game Masters and Counselors will not be giving out any information on these items.

The exact purpose and functionality of the moonstones will be detailed in the Update Center on the uo.com site at a later date. These items will become useful in the future.
ムーンストーンに関する正確な目的と機能は、後日 uo.com サイト上のアップデートセンターで詳述されます。このアイテムは将来有用となります。

Formosa Publish Delay
Formosa へのパッチ適用を延期
Feb 22 2000 6:16PM CST
2000年2月23日 9:16 JST
Due to an unscheduled delay, the publish of features listed in Testing for the Next Update will not be available on the Formosa shard until after the shard's Friday, Feb. 26th (local time) scheduled maintenance. In the event of unscheduled downtime prior to the next scheduled Formosa maintenance, the shard will be updated with the latest publish when it returns. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
予期せぬ事態のため、次回アップデート用のテスト(日本語版は「テスト中」)にリストアップされている機能は、2月26日金曜日(ローカル時間)の定期メンテナンスまでは、Formosa シャードには適用されません。次回定期メンテナンスまでの間に、予期せぬダウンが発生した場合、復帰時に最新パッチでの更新が行われます。大変ご迷惑をおかけしております。

Formosa Shard Opens Worldwide
Feb 22 2000 6:12PM CST
2000年2月23日 9:12 JST
We are pleased to announce the global opening of Formosa shard on February 23rd, local Taiwan time. Formosa is the 20th worldwide Ultima Online shard and the first to be located in Taiwan.
我々は、2月23日に台湾シャードが、ローカル台湾時間で2月23日にグローバルオープンする事を発表出来て嬉しく思います。Formosaは20番目の世界的な Ultima Online シャードであり、台湾に位置する最初のシャードです。

The shard's name means "the beautiful" in Portuguese, and dates back to the 1500's, when the island of Taiwan was discovered by Portuguese explorers.

Formosa is the 8th Asian Ultima Online shard, and is staffed by bilingual Taiwanese and English speaking Counselors and Game Masters. We are continuing to accept Counselor applicants for this shard, and are eager to hear from dedicated, bilingual UO players interested in these positions. For information on joining the UO Counselor program, and to fill out an online application, please visit http://town.uo.com/counselor.html.
Formosaは8番目のアジア Ultima Online シャードであり、台湾語と英語のバイリンガルなカウンセラーとゲームマスターのスタッフがおります。このシャードに対するカウンセラーの募集は引き続き行われており、この地位に興味あるバイリンガルで献身的なUOプレイヤーからの応募を望んでいます。UOカウンセラープログラムに加わるかどうかの情報を得たり、オンラインの応募を行うには、http://town.uo.com/counselor.html を訪れてみてください。

Client Patch 1.26.4b
クライアントパッチ 1.26.4b
Feb 21 2000 10:58AM CST
2000年2月22日 1:58 JST
We will be releasing a client patch today at approximately 11am CST. This patch will disable the Ultima Messenger utility (you will no longer see the file "owo.exe" running in your task bar). Additionally, this patch will address a client crash involving books, and will include files related to our localization support.
本日午前11時(CST)ごろにクライアントパッチをリリースします。このパッチは Ultima Messenger ユーティリティ(タスクバー上の「owo.com」ファイルがなくなります)を使用不可にします。さらにこのパッチは、本によるクライアントクラッシュの解決、ローカライズサポートに関連するファイルが含まれます。

If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:
  • Check the "Patch" directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted.
    Ultima Online ディレクトリ(デフォルトの位置は C:\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch)をチェックしてください。このディレクトリは空になっているはずです。このディレクトリの中のファイルは全て削除してください。
  • If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at http://support.uo.com/c_issue.html.
    まったくパッチサーバに接続することが不可能であり、 Ultima Online のオリジナル(非 T2A )バージョンを使っている場合、verinfo ファイルを更新する必要があるかも知れません。このファイルの詳細は、http://support.uo.com/c_issue.html をご覧下さい。
  • Run a virus scan on your computer. Undetected viruses may cause conflicts with patching Ultima Online.
    コンピュータ上でウイルス検査を行ってください。発見されていないウィルスが Ultima Online にパッチを当てる際に、衝突しているかもしれません。
If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at tech@uo.com.
もし上記の項目を試した後で、 Ultima Online クライアントへのパッチ当てに問題があるならば、tech@uo.com でテクニカル・サポートに連絡を取ってください。

Disconnect Problems
Feb 18 2000 7:17PM CST
2000年2月19日 10:17 JST
We are currently receiving reports from many players losing connection every few minutes while playing the game. We have identified the problem to be one of the major Internet carriers. They are working on resolving the problem at this time.

Publish Reschedule
Feb 18 2000 7:06PM CST
2000年2月19日 10:06 JST
We have rescheduled the publish of features listed in Testing for the Next Update to the servers for Monday, Feb. 21st, beginning with the Napa Valley shard. The features will be active on Napa Valley after the shard returns from its Monday morning maintenance. If all goes well, we will then publish to the Catskills shard, activating this publish during Catskills scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd CST. We will then monitor these shards for issues before activating the remaining shards.
次回アップデート用のテスト(日本語版は「テスト中」)にリストアップされている機能を、2月21日月曜日に Napa Valley から順次適用するようにスケジュールし直しました。新機能は、シャードが月曜朝のメンテナンス復帰後、 Napa Valley 上で有効になります。全てがうまくいけば、Catskills シャードに適用し、2月22日木曜日(CST)の定期メンテナンス復帰後から適用されます。我々は残りのシャードに適用する前に、これらのシャードを監視します。

If no outstanding issues are found, the features will be active on all remaining shards following their scheduled Wednesday maintenance (local server time).

UO House of Commons Chat, Thursday, Feb. 17th
UO House of Commons Chat、2月17日木曜日
Feb 16 2000 5:26PM CST
2000年2月17日 8:26 JST
The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for this Thursday February 17, at 7 PM CT (5 PM PT, 8 PM ET).

The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on the following networked servers:
  • irc.stratics.dhp.com, port 6667
  • stratics.sanman.com, port 6667
  • stratics.frws.com, port 6667
  • intworks.stratics.com, port 6667
  • stratics.tac.net, port 6667
This week's topic is "In Testing and In Development". You can read about what's currently In Testing for Next Update and In Development at OSI's website. Please make sure the questions and comments you have during the chat are on this topic. Allow me to remind you that this is a development chat, and as such any questions about the current plot will not be answered.

Like we did with previous chats we have set up a webpage where players can post questions in advance. Others can vote on these questions and we'll soon see which questions are most popular. During the chat we may then try to have some of these answered. Just keep in mind that only a small amount of questions will be taken from the website. Also the list will be wiped once the chat is over to make room for fresh questions for the next chat. If you want to post a question or just vote on one, please have a look at http://uodr.strat ics.com/cgi-bin/uohoc/hoc_post.cgi for the current list.

If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to our IRC server. If you wish to use your browser to join the conference you can use our Java IRC client.

Game Master Support 2-16-00
Feb 16 2000 4:23PM CST
2000年2月17日 7:23 JST
Game Master support will be unavailable from 5pm-6:30pm CST today for an internal support meeting. Service will return at 6:30pm CST. Counselors will still be able to assist you in the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

Publish Delay
Feb 16 2000 2:56PM CST
2000年2月17日 5:56 JST
The upcoming server publish has been delayed and will not be activated on the Napa Valley and Catskills shards this week, as previously scheduled. The publish to the remaining shards will also be delayed. We are currently working to resolve issues that arose during final QA testing, and will reschedule the publish as soon as possible.
来たるサーバパッチは延期となり、今週予定されていた Napa Valley と Catskills シャードへの適用も行われません。残りのシャードも同様に延期されます。最終QAテスト中に起こった問題を解決策を検討しており、パッチの適用スケジュールも再調整します。

We will post a revised publish schedule to this section as soon as one is available.

Publish Update
Feb 15 2000 6:40PM CST
2000年2月16日 9:40 JST
We will be publishing the features listed in Testing for the Next Update to the servers starting Thursday, Feb. 17th with the Napa Valley shard. The features will be active on Napa Valley after the shard returns from its Thursday morning maintenance. If all goes well, we will then publish to the Catskills shard, activating this publish during Catskills scheduled maintenance on Friday, Feb. 18th CST. Both the Napa Valley and Catskills shards will then be monitored throughout the weekend for any issues that may arise.
次回アップデート用のテスト(日本語版は「テスト中」)にリストアップされている機能を、2月17日木曜日に Napa Valley に適用します。新機能は、シャードが木曜朝のメンテナンス復帰後、 Napa Valley 上で有効になります。全てがうまくいけば、Catskills シャードに適用し、2月18日金曜日(CST)の定期メンテナンス復帰後から適用されます。Napa Valley と Catskills の両シャードは、週末を通してモニターを行います。

If no outstanding issues are found, the features will be active on all remaining shards following their scheduled Monday maintenance (local server time).

Balhae Shard Opens Worldwide
Feb 15 2000 2:27PM CST
2000年2月16日 5:27 JST
We are pleased to announce the global opening of Balhae shard on February 16th, KST. Balhae was the 19th Ultima Online shard to open worldwide, and is located in Korea - making it the 7th local Asian shard and a welcome addition to the global Ultima Online community.
我々は、Balhaeシャードが2月16日(KST)にグローバルオープンする事を発表出来て嬉しく思います。Balhaeは世界的にオープンする19番目の Ultima Online シャードであり、韓国に位置しています。グローバルな Ultima Online コミュニティとしては、7番目のアジア地域シャードとなります。

Korean Ultima Online players helped choose the name of this shard, by voting for the name "Balhae". Balhae dates from the 7th century and is the name of a famed ruling dynasty.
このシャードの名前を「Balhae」と投票で選出する際には、韓国の Ultima Online プレイヤーに手伝って頂きました。Balhae は、7世紀に始まった有名な王朝の名前です。

Origin plans to improve upon worldwide localized support by further staffing Balhae with bilingual Korean and English speaking staff. We are continuing to seek out enthusiastic counselor applicants for both Korean shards. For more information on joining the UO Counselor program, please visit http://town.uo.com/counselor.html.
オリジンはさらに Balhae で、英語と韓国語のバイリンガルなスタッフを置くことで、世界的なローカライズサポートを改善する予定です。我々は韓国の両シャードのために、献身的なカウンセラー志願者を探し求め続けています。UO カウンセラープログラムに加わるかどうか、さらなる情報のためには、http://town.uo.com/counselor.html を訪れてみてください。

Counselor Application Re-submissions
Feb 15 2000 11:38AM CST
2000年2月16日 2:38 JST
Due to recent mail server issues, many Counselor applications recently submitted using the UO website may not have reached our mailbox. We take time to review all our applications, and would hate to miss out on a great Counselor candidate because of this issue. If you submitted a Counselor application at any time during the last two weeks (Feb. 1 - 11, 2000), and have not yet heard back from us, we urge that you re-submit your application so that we may give it the proper consideration.

To learn more about the UO Counselor program, and to fill out an application, please click here.

Updated Macro Policy
Feb 14 2000 5:36PM CST
2000年2月15日 8:36 JST
The Ultima Online policy on unattended macroing has been updated to a "three-strike" policy. Players who are determined to be macroing in the game while not at their computers will now face the following repercussions:
不在マクロ(訳注:決して寝マクロに限った話ではない事に注意)に対する Ultima Online のポリシーは「三段階」に変更されました。コンピュータの前にいないでゲーム内でマクロを行っているとされたプレイヤーは、以下のような処置が行われます:
  • 1st offense: 48 hour account suspension
  • 2nd offense: 72 hour account suspension
  • 3rd offense: permanent account suspension
It is our goal to provide an enjoyable and exciting co-operative gaming experience for all our users, and we feel that unattended macroing does not help us achieve this goal. For additional details regarding these account actions, and for information on the process by which we determine unattended macro users, please read our GameMaster FAQ by clicking here.
すべてのユーザーに対し、楽しく、面白く、協力的なゲーム経験を提供するのが我々の目的です。そして不在マクロは、この目的にそぐわないと考えます。これらの行動に関する説明や、不在マクロユーザに対する処置に関しては、GameMaster FAQ の「ここ」をクリックして読んでください。

High Speed Connectivity Issues
Feb 11 2000 7:37PM CST
2000年2月12日 10:37 JST
We are continuing to work on alternative solutions for the connectivity issues that have recently affected players with high speed connections (such as cable or DSL). Our official recommendation still remains as mentioned in a previous announcement: we urge you to contact your ISP to let them know of the correctable router issue that is affecting packet transfer for high speed players. Additional information on this issue can be found here.
我々は最近、高速接続(ケーブルや DSL など)でプレイヤーに影響を与えていた接続問題の代替案に取り組んでいます。我々の公式な推薦方法は以前に発表した通りです:高速接続プレイヤーのパケット転送に影響する、是正可能なルータ問題を知らせるため、皆さんが御自分のISP(訳注:インターネットサービスプロバイダ)に連絡する事をお勧めします。この問題についての追加情報は、ここで見ることが出来ます。

Should this issue persist after you have contacted your ISP and exhausted all alternatives, you may wish to explore the instructions outlined at http://www.futurelife.net/mtupic.htm. While we do not support these changes, we have received reports that this solution has, in some cases, resolved the connectivity issue.
御自分の使用しているISPに連絡を取って、全ての代替案を使い尽くした後でもこの問題が続く場合は、http://www.futurelife.net/mtupic.htm にある概要説明を探してみてください。これらの変更によるサポートを行わずとも、あるケースでは解決したという報告も受け取っております。

Please note that this alternative should be attempted by advanced users only, as it involves the modification of registry settings on your computer. Incorrectly modifying registry settings can disable your modem, or your computer. We urge that should you attempt to use the instructions on this link, that you do so at your own risk. Our technical support department provides support for game-related technical issues only, and will not be able to resolve any modem or operating system issues that occur as a result of this alternative. Issues with your modem or operating system should be resolved through the manufacturer.

We will continue to pursue resolution for high speed modem users as quickly as possible, and will update you as we receive any additional information.

Seeking Tales of Britannian Bachelors
Feb 11 2000 5:11PM CST
2000年2月12日 8:11 JST
We're wrapping up our month of love stories with a salute to those who choose to walk alone down the paths and trails of Britannia. For some, tis the bachelor life that is the only life to lead. Whether out of piety, sacrifice, chastity, or simply because they have no time for such foolishness as love, there is many a lad and lass throughout the realm who opt to eat their dinner at a table for one.

Tell us the story of a Britannian bachelor (or bachelorette) and the reasons behind their single life. Why do they turn their back on love? What happened in the past to lead them to a solo life? Are they perhaps merely waiting for the 'right' person to come along?

Send an e-mail to uo-profiles@uo.com by Friday, February 18th, and tell us a story of a Britannian bachelor. Please be sure your story falls between 500-1000 words, and include 填O Bachelor in your subject line. Please provide a name and phone number for verification of the story. Submissions to 砥o-profiles become the property of OSI and may be used for special events, promotions, and/or advertising. All submissions must be made by the original author and are subject to verification.

GM Ques temporarily closed
Feb 11 2000 2:52PM CST
2000年2月12日 5:52 JST
The GM ques will be temporarily closed from 3pm central time until 5pm central time. They will reopen after 5pm central time. The counselors will still be available for your assistance. Thank you.

Trinsic Falls - Guards Defeated
Trinsic 陥落 - ガード敗北
Feb 11 2000 1:03PM CST
2000年2月12日 4:03 JST
The Battle for Trinsic was lost last night as evil forces defeated guards and townsfolk alike to claim the besieged city as their own. Any Britannian guards remaining alive after the daunting battle were routinely captured and slaughtered by the victorious army. Trinsic and her outer lands are no longer patrolled by the guards of Lord British's army, and should be considered a land of utmost danger!
Trinsicでの昨夜の戦争は大敗し、壁に囲まれたこの都市のガードと市民は、悪の力に屈した格好となった。決して屈することの無かったブリタニアのガード達も、敵軍に捕らえられ虐殺された。Trinsicとその周辺の地は、Lord British 軍のガードによるパトロールも行われなくなり、大いに危険な地となっている!

With the defeat of the Trinsic guards, all players are urged to bear in mind the following:
  • There is no one left to respond to cries for help.
  • Looting the corpses of others within the town boundaries will not bring a guard response.
  • Attacking others within the town boundaries will not bring a guard response.
It is rumored that one, lone guard escaped the slaughter and continues to patrol the land near the moongate. However, we urge that those traveling near the Trinsic walls be most cautious, for in defeat this City of Honor has most certainly lost hers.

Mini-Publish Update
Feb 10 2000 5:00PM CST
2000年2月11日 8:00 JST
We will be updating a mini-publish to all shards that will distribute Valentine''s gifts, repair a guild-reporting issue that was causing incorrect information to be reported to the UO website, and disable the ability to create storage kegs.

Following a subsequent major publish, any items placed in a storage keg that are not locked down, will decay. We strongly advise players to remove items from storage kegs and place them in a secure container or lock them down immediately. Storage kegs will again be made available at a later date. These changes will not affect potion kegs in any way.

This mini-publish will take effect following each shard's Friday maintenance, excluding Oceania shard. The publish will go into effect on Oceania shard following their Monday maintenance, Sydney time.
このミニパッチは、Oceania を除く各シャードの金曜日のメンテナンス終了後に有効となります。Oceania シャードへは、シドニー時間で月曜のメンテナンス後に有効となります。

Travelers Routed Around Trinsic
Trinsic 周辺への旅行者の経路
Feb 10 2000 4:51PM CST
2000年2月11日 7:51 JST
The undead have struck Trinsic, and defenses are falling! As evil forces run rampant in the city of Trinsic, Lord British has decreed all area within the city limits as unsafe for adventurers new to Britannia. Thus, for the time being, all new players who choose Trinsic as their starting city will be re-routed to begin their adventures in the city of Moonglow. Should the monsters be repelled and the streets of Trinsic made safe once again, new players will once again be allowed to start within the city walls. We will post notice on additional developments in the Trinsic situation as they become available.
Trinsic がアンデッドに襲われ、陥落しました! Trinsic では悪行の限りが尽くされており、Lord British は、都市に限らず全てのエリアは安全ではないと、 Britannia への新しい冒険者に対し宣言しました。現在の所、新しいプレイヤーが Trinsic を開始都市に選んだ場合、冒険者は Moonglow へとリルートされます。モンスターは追放すべきであり、Trinsic の街道が再び安全になれば、新規プレイヤーは都市の城壁内から開始することが出来るようになります。Trinsic の状態にさらなる展開が起こり次第、通知をポストします。

Extended Central Shard Downtime
Feb 8 2000 2:26PM CST
2000年2月9日 5:26 JST
All Ultima Online shards located in the Central US region (Great Lakes, Lake Superior, Siege Perilous, and Test Center) will be unavailable from 2:00AM to 6:00AM on Saturday, February 12th (CST). The main central hosting facility will be conducting preventative repairs on their power system during this time, requiring electrical disconnection at the facility. Additionally, there is a possibility that the worldwide login server will be temporarily affected by this maintenance period. In the event of login server downtime, players will not be able to login to Ultima Online - however those already logged in to a shard will be unaffected.
米国中部地域に属す全ての Ultima Online シャード(Great Lakes、Lake Superior、Siege Perilous、Test Center)は、2月12日2:00〜6:00 CST(2月11日11:00〜15:00 JST)まで利用できません。米国中部メインホスト施設では、この間に電気システムの予備補修作業が行われるため、施設の電気が遮断されます。さらに、世界的なログインサーバがこのメンテナンス時間に一時的に影響を受けます。ログインサーバのダウン中は、プレイヤーが Ultima Online にログインすることが出来なくなります。しかし、すでにログインしている人々には影響しません。

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this downtime, and will endeavor to keep you updated on any changes to this schedule.

'Clean Up Britannia' A Success
Feb 7 2000 4:51PM CST
2000年2月8日 7:51 JST
With the recent publish of house item decay, we have completed the last phase in the Clean Up Britannia Program - and are pleased to announce that the program was a great success!

The Clean Up Britannia program began in October of 1999 as a three-phase program designed to reduce the number of items in Ultima Online, and thus improve overall gameplay by reducing backup and maintenance times.
1999年10月、クリーンアップブリタニアプログラムは、Ultima Online のアイテム数を減少させ、バックアップとメンテナンスの時間を減少させ、ゲームプレイを全体的に改良する、三段階のプログラムとして始まりました。

We've seen amazing results! On the older shards, we've seen backup times drop by over 75%, and server start times have been cut by over 50%!

What does this mean to you, and how does it affect your gameplay?

Backup Times
Ultima Online shards are constantly backing up and saving information about your characters and the items in the world. In the event of an unexpected shutdown, we restore the game from the most recent backup available. Previously, this could mean extreme time warps in which hours of gameplay were lost. Through your efforts in the Clean Up Britannia program, we've been able to increase to as many as three times the number of daily backups completed on older shards and subsequently greatly decrease the amount of time warp seen after a shutdown.
Ultima Online シャードは、頻繁にバックアップが行われており、みなさんのキャラクターや世界中のアイテム情報をセーブしています。予期せぬシステムダウンが起こると、利用可能な最新のバックアップデータによって復旧させます。以前は、これによる極端な巻き戻し(タイムワープ)により、数時間ものゲームプレイ時間が無効となってしまいました。クリーンアップブリタニアプログラムへのみなさんのご協力によって、旧来のシャードでは今までの3倍以上の回数のバックアップを行うことが出来るようになり、シャットダウン後のタイムワープ(巻き戻り)時間を大幅に減少する事が出来ました。

Server Start Times
When an Ultima Online shard goes down for its scheduled maintenance period, it is shut down. A good portion of the maintenance period is devoted to simply restarting the shard, as it loads the last backup, rebuilds the world, places items, monsters, NPC's, etc. As a result of the massive decrease in items on each shard, the servers are able to restart and reload much faster - cutting the overall maintenance downtime by 50% or more on some shards.
Ultima Online シャードが、定期メンテナンスを行うために停止する際には、シャットダウンが行われます。メンテナンス時間の大部分は、シャードの再起動時間であり、最終バックアップのロード、世界の再構築、アイテム、モンスター、NPCの配置などが行われます。各シャードでの大規模なアイテム数減少の結果、サーバの再起動と再ロードはとても速くなりました。メンテナンス全体のダウン時間は、シャードによっては50%以上削減されました。

We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to everyone who took part in the Clean Up Britannia Program. Your efforts have greatly improved the quality of gameplay for everyone in Ultima Online.
この場を機会として、クリーンアップブリタニアプログラムに参加していただいた皆さんに、感謝の言葉を述べさせていただきたいと思います。皆さんの努力によって、Ultima Online の皆さんのゲームプレイの質が大きく改善されたのです。

Uo-profiles Email Returned to Service
Uo-profiles 電子メールサービス復旧
Feb 7 2000 4:35PM CST
2000年2月8日 7:35 JST
The uo-profiles@uo.com email box was temporarily out of service over the weekend of February 4th - 7th. If you have attempted to send email to this address in the last few days, it may not have reached us. The email address has been returned to service, and we hope you'll take the time to resend any UO Spotlight submissions or suggestions.
uo-profiles@uo.com の電子メールボックスは、週末の2月4日から7日まで一時的に停止していました。この数日中にこのアドレスに電子メールを送っていた場合、我々には届いておりません。電子メールのサービスが復旧しましたので、UOスポットライトへの原稿や提案は、再度送信してくださいますようお願いします。

Looking for Stories of First Love
Feb 4 2000 4:46PM CST
2000年2月5日 7:46 JST
First love. Everyone has one, though they may be vastly different. First love is that first person, or place, or idea, that makes your heart flutter. First love can make you feel like running around the world or singing from the hilltops. It brings butterflies to your stomach, and keeps you awake at night. For some, that first love is a person - the dark haired lass with eyes of fire who smiled, dug her heels, and rode off to leave you and your horse coughing dust in fair day races. For others, first love is an idea or a goal, as with the young mage who runs away from his home to seek out the ways of the paladin in the training halls of Britain.

Tell us the story of your first love in Britannia. Who or what did you strive for, and how did you set out to achieve your heart痴 desire? Did you succeed? Are you still trying?

Send an e-mail to uo-profiles@uo.com by Friday, February 11th, and tell us your story of first love. Please be sure your story falls between 500-1000 words, and include "First Love" in your subject line. Please provide a name and phone number for verification of the story. Submissions to "uo-profiles" become the property of OSI and may be used for special events, promotions, and/or advertising. All submissions must be made by the original author and are subject to verification.

UO House of Commons Chat Tonight, February 3rd
今夜2月3日、UO House of Commons チャット開催
Feb 3 2000 10:01AM CST
2000年2月4日 1:01 JST
The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for Thursday, February 3, at 7 PM CT (5 PM PT, 8 PM ET).
The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on the following networked servers:
  • irc.stratics.dhp.com, port 6667
  • stratics.sanman.com, port 6667
  • stratics.frws.com, port 6667
  • intworks.stratics.com, port 6667
  • stratics.tac.net, port 6667
This week's topic is "In Testing and In Development". You can read about what's currently In Testing for Next Update, In General Testing and In Development at OSI's website. Please make sure the questions and comments you have during the chat are on this topic.

Like we did with previous chats we have set up a webpage where players can post questions in advance. Others can vote on these questions and we'll soon see which questions are most popular. During the chat we may then try to have some of these answered. Just keep in mind that only a small amount of questions will be taken from the website. Also the list will be wiped once the chat is over to make room for fresh questions for the next chat. If you want to post a question or just vote on one, please have a look at http://uodr.strat ics.com/cgi-bin/uohoc/hoc_post.cgi for the current list.

If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to our IRC server. If you wish to use your browser to join the conference you can use our Java IRC client.

Game Master Support for 2-2-00
Feb 2 2000 4:50PM CST
2000年2月3日 7:50 JST
Game Master support will be unavailable from 5pm-6:30pm CST today for an internal support meeting. Service will return at 6:30pm CST. Counselors will still be able to assist you in the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

High Speed Connectivity Issues
Feb 2 2000 11:32AM CST
2000年2月3日 2:32 JST
We are aware that players with high speed connections have been experiencing connectivity problems recently while attempting to play Ultima Online. Our Network Team has been working diligently to address this problem and have tracked it down to an issue found in certain router configurations. Cisco has corrected the code issue, but some routers on the Internet may still have the older software. Users with high speed connections (such as cable or DSL) passing through these routers may, as a result, receive corrupted or error packets that can greatly affect gameplay.
高速接続を行っているプレイヤーが Ultima Online をプレイする際に、最近接続性問題が起こっています。我々のネットワークチームはこの問題を解決するために努力し、ある特定のルータ設定に問題があることを突き止めました。 Cisco はコード問題を修正しましたが、インターネット上の若干のルータは、まだ古いソフトウェアのままかもしれません。これらのルータを通過する(CATV や DSL といった)高速接続をしているユーザは、受信不正やエラーパケットにより、ゲームプレイへの大きな影響を受けています。

We are working with our ISP to ensure that all of their routers are updated. However, we cannot track all possible routers you may be passing through. If you are a cable modem or DSL user and are still experiencing significant connectivity issues, we suggest contacting your ISP to let them know of this router issue. For more information you can look on the Cisco web site under 'caveat CSCdk76257'.
我々は、すべてのルータが更新されるように、 ISP に働きかけています。しかしながら、皆さんが通過する可能性のある全てのルータを追跡することはできません。ケーブルモデムや DSL のユーザーであり、重要な接続性問題が起こっている場合は、このルータ問題を知らせるために ISP に連絡することを提案します。より多くの情報のためには、「caveat CSCdk76257」の Cisco ウェブサイト見てください。

Origin is committed to providing a quality gaming connection, and we will continue our efforts to provide resolution to this issue as quickly as possible.

Client Patch 1.26.4a
クライアントパッチ 1.26.4a
Feb 1 2000 6:07PM CST
2000年2月2日 9:07 JST
We will be releasing a client patch today at approximately 6pm CST. This patch will address recent client crashing issues involving books and large groups of players, animals, or monsters. We will continue to address any other client crash issues. If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:
本日午後6時(CST)頃にクライアントパッチをリリースします。 このパッチは最新クライアントの、本、プレイヤー、動物、モンスターが大量にいる際のクラッシュ問題を修正します。その他のクライアントクラッシュ問題についても修正を続けています。このパッチを受け取る際に問題が発生する場合は、以下の項目をチェックしてください:
  • Check the "Patch" directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted.
    Ultima Online ディレクトリ(デフォルトの位置は C:\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch)をチェックしてください。このディレクトリは空になっているはずです。このディレクトリの中のファイルは全て削除してください。
  • If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at http://support.uo.com/c_issue.html.
    まったくパッチサーバに接続することが不可能であり、 Ultima Online のオリジナル(非 T2A )バージョンを使っている場合、verinfo ファイルを更新する必要があるかも知れません。このファイルの詳細は、http://support.uo.com/c_issue.html をご覧下さい。
  • Run a virus scan on your computer. Undetected viruses may cause conflicts with patching Ultima Online.
    コンピュータ上でウイルス検査を行ってください。発見されていないウィルスが Ultima Online にパッチを当てる際に、衝突しているかもしれません。
If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at tech@uo.com.
もし上記の項目を試した後で、 Ultima Online クライアントへのパッチ当てに問題があるならば、tech@uo.com でテクニカル・サポートに連絡を取ってください。


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