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Comments from the Team
Of Blue PKs, Townfighting, and You
青PK、街での戦闘、そしてみなさん |
Mar 4 1999 7:00PM 3月4日 7:00PM |
Quite a furor started up on the various discussion boards today when measures
were discussed that we are taking to make towns a safer haven. In addition,
there's a lot of discussion going on around the measures we're going to take to
reduce antisocial behavior in Britannia. 街をより安全な休息所とするための処置について論じたとき、各種ディスカッションボードではたくさんの激怒が始まりました。加えて、我々が Britannia で反社会的な行動を減らすためにとろうとしている処置についても、多くのディスカッションがありました。 We want to make clear that we regard player-vs-player combat as an important part of the Ultima Online experience. We feel that it can be a fun pastime, that it can provide great challenge, and that it also allows the online society to develop in interesting ways, allowing greater scope for roleplay. 我々は、プレイヤー間の戦闘をUltima Onlineの経験の重要な部分と見なしている、ということを明らかにします。我々はそれが面白い娯楽であり得る上、大きな挑戦を供給し、オンライン社会での面白い方法の開発や、ロールプレイをする機会に大いに役立つと感じています。 That said, we are working towards reducing the amount of playerkilling in UO. In particular, we are targeting the so-called "blue PKs"--those who kill whilst flagged as a blue innocent, thus surprising their victims, and then macro away time online in order to keep their murder counts low enough to remain blue. We feel that this conscious circumventing of the reputation system cannot continue. そうは言っても、我々はUOでのPKの量を減らすように働いています。特に、青い一般人にフラグが立っている状態の驚いている犠牲者を殺す「青PK」と呼ばれる者、マクロによってオンラインから離れている時間に殺人カウントを減らす事で青に戻る事、をターゲットにしています。我々は、この評判システムの隙を埋めなければならないであろうと感じています。 To that end, we are instituting a new tracking layer on the reputation system. In addition to tracking reports on an 8 hour timer, we will track them on a 40 hour timer as well. We will base stat loss on the 8 hour timer, but we will base going red on the 40 hour timer. This means that when a player receives his fifth murder report, he will remain red for 40 hours of play time, instead of 8. We have been passively tracking these figures on the public shards for some time now, and have enough data to be able to tell that a large number of the blue PKs will be caught by this additional tracking layer, and made red. If these measures are not sufficient, we intend to keep tightening up. The next obvious step would be to make the stat loss count decay at 40 hours as well. In addition, we will be tracking the number of times a player goes from red to blue, and players who exhibit a pattern of doing this will be made permanently red. This will take effect next update. 最終的に、我々は評判システム上に新しい追跡レイヤを制定します。8時間タイマーのほかに、同様の40時間タイマーを追跡報告するようにします。ステータスロスは8時間タイマーに基づきます。しかし赤になるかどうかは40の時間タイマーに基づきます。これは、プレイヤーが5回目の殺人報告を受け取った時、8時間の代わりに40プレイ時間の間、赤いままとなることを意味します。我々はしばらく前から、公共のシャード上で受動的にこれらの数字を追跡していました。そしてこれは、多数の青PKがこの追加追跡レイヤによって捉えられ、赤になるということを示すのに十分なデータを集めました。もしこれらの案が十分ではなければ、我々は強化を続けるつもりです。次の明白なステップは、ステータスロスが生じるのを同様に40時間にする事です。加えて、我々はプレイヤーが赤から青になる回数を追跡し、プレイヤーの行動が示すパターンによって永久に赤くします。これは次のアップデートで効力を発揮します。 A few other minor things will go in next update to better channel PvP activity. Order members will now highlight blue to other Order members, and Chaos members will appear blue to other Chaos members. Shoving past someone while stealthy will make you visible. Lastly, partly in preparation for someday making towns safe, but also simply because of crowding and performance issues in towns, we will be disallowing summoning of creatures in towns. 少数の他のマイナーなものが、PvPの行動をもっと良くするために、次のアップデートで導入されます。オーダーメンバーから他のオーダーメンバーへのハイライトは青になります、カオスメンバーから他のカオスメンバーへも青く見えます。ステルスしている時に誰かを通り過ぎると、現れるようになります。最後に、いつか街を安全にするということに対する部分的調整として、また同じく街の混雑によるパフォーマンス問題のため、街での生物召還を禁止します。 In the future (but not in the next update) we intend to add a far more robust system for consensual player-vs-player combat. Players should expect scoring systems akin to those that we have been testing on the Abyss, the ability to capture cities, and large-scale warfare between factions that are major players in UO's ongoing plot. Guild warfare will receive an update as well, making it easier to declare war and also to determine guild standings. Once these changes go in, we will also make towns a safe haven for all players. 将来(次のアップデートではなく)我々は互いの同意によるプレイヤー間戦闘のための、いっそう強靱なシステムを加える予定です。プレイヤーが予想するのは、我々がAbyss上でテストしているスコアリングシステムの類似のものや、街の占拠能力や、UOで進行中のプロットに沿ったメジャープレイヤーによる派閥同士の大規模な戦争などでしょう。ギルド戦争は、戦争を宣言することやギルドの立場を決定することをより容易にし、同様なアップデートを行います。これらの変更が入る事で、街はすべてのプレイヤーにとって安全な休息所となります。 In addition, of course, as we've previously mentioned, the Abyss will be returning permanently, with new features. 加えて、もちろん、我々が以前に言及したように、Abyssは新しい機能を導入し、永続します。 We hope that these changes will make UO a more enjoyable experience for everyone: the devotees of playerkilling and the pacifists alike. これらの変更で、UOがいっそう楽しい経験になることを希望します: PK愛好者や平和主義者であっても。 -The UO Dev Team − UO Dev チーム |
The Plans for Thieves
シーフへの計画 |
Feb 4 1999 3:15PM 2月4日 3:15PM |
For some time now the Dev Team has been developing a plan to further reduce antisocial behavior in Britannia. The first stage of these plans is tackling the problem of rampant thievery. Today we're presenting our plan for both reducing the amount of player-vs-player theft, and making the rogue a more viable profession. We hope to see much discussion of this plan amongst the players of Ultima Online. しばらく前から、DevチームはBritanniaでの反社会的行動をさらに減らすプランを開発しています。このプランの第一段階は、見境ない窃盗問題に取り組むことです。本日我々はプレイヤー対プレイヤーの窃盗を減らし、ローグを職業としてよりよくするプランを発表します。我々はUltima Onlineプレイヤーの間で、この計画に関する多くのディスカッションが行われることを望みます。
Creating the adventurer rogue
The thief is a classic roleplaying profession. However, the thieves in Britannia do not tend to conform to the classic mold. Our desire is to strengthen the role of the adventuring rogue so that those who seek an outlet for playing thieves may do so in a way that does not damage the experience of other players. Therefore, half of our plan actually focuses on making rogues a more powerful and interesting to play. |
Updates to the Housing Plan
住宅計画のアップデート |
Nov 20 1998 6:40PM 11月20日 6:40PM |
We'd like to fill you in on the latest updates to the housing plan, based on feedback from players. We've received many comments on the plan, and are pleased that overall it was so well-received. プレイヤーからのフィードバックに基づいた、住宅計画の最近のアップデートについて説明します。我々は計画についての多くのコメントを受け取り、そのほとんどが好意的であったことを嬉しく思います。
Probably the most controversial part of the plan was maintenance for houses. We are going to proceed with all the other stages of the ownership update, and then we will evaluate how much space has been freed up by the changes made. After that, we will decide whether or not maintenance or other measures need to be put in place. It is likely that if we do maintenance, it will entail payment in either materials, or gold, but with an additional surcharge for paying in gold. For now, however, it is on hold.
Concerns were expressed by merchants regarding their safety whilst in public buildings, and for privacy in public buildings. The following two measures will therefore be part of the housing plan:
Many players wished for reimbursal of buildings that are "sold back." We will be giving 10,000 gp to players who collapse their tents during the first phase of housing implementation. We realize that many players paid 22,000gp for their tents; many others, however, only paid 4,000, and we chose a middle ground for the reimbursal value.
We are not going to be able to let you sell back your houses during the claim period, unfortunately. Too many houses are contested, and we don't feel comfortable with allowing sell-back until after ownership is settled. However, once ownership is fully in place, you will be able to sell back your house, effectively demolishing it.
Lastly, many players have inquired as to how many lockdowns and secure containers will be available in each house type. Here is a table. The numbers are somewhat approximate, because even though the buildings grouped together are extremely similar, they do vary slightly, and therefore may have one or two more or less lockdowns than described below. 訳注:原文はNetscapeで表が正確に表示されないため、タグ抜け部分を追加しました。
The Plan for House Ownership
家の所有権プラン |
Nov 6 1998 8:20PM 11月6日 8:20PM |
As many of you know, we have been discussing a housing ownership update for quite some time. There are several goals to this update, and we have a tentative plan which we'd like to lay out here for comment from the citizens of Britannia.
Working on the design for this has been very difficult. There are several competing priorities players have that seem to conflict with priorities on the development side:
Note that this plan is not yet final, and will not be until after we have received player feedback. As usual, we will be monitoring all the various discussion areas, including the ones on various websites and on Usenet. If there is something in here with which you disagree, please do post so that we can see your comments, and if possible, amend the design before it goes into practice! In particular, we expect that the Housing Discussion Page will serve as an important resource, as it has throughout this process.
Tackling the tents
The first step we'd like to tackle is removing tents from the game. Why? Because they account for fully half the buildings in Britannia. Although the removal of one tent doesn't match the removal of even a small house in terms of object reduction, they do account for up to a third of the house components on a server. In other words, getting rid of them can make a very big difference. They may return someday, but for now, we propose to simply eliminate them.
But in order to get rid of them, we need to address the reasons why they are so popular:
明らかに、家のセキュリティを上げることで3つの理由のうちの2つが解決します。それを終らせる為に我々が提案する最初の事項は、家のキーを持つ者にアイテムを「ロック」する能力を与えることです。これは、キーを持つ者(そのアイテムを移動させる為にアンロックできる)を除いて、誰もそのアイテムを動かせなくなることを意味します。 我々が現在計画しているのは、基本的に家のサイズをベースとして所定の制限に達するまでは、なんでもロックすることができるというものです。つまり、小さな家はロックできるアイテムが20個しか保管能力がありませんが、大きな城は数百アイテムを扱えるでしょう。城の中庭としての4つのテントの代わりに、100個の安全なアイテムを提供したとしても、十分な利益となると我々は見ています。現在、これではまだ完全なセキュリティを提供しているわけではなく、キーを落としたりしてしまうと、ロックしたアイテムも盗られます。しかし、住宅提案の最後の部分でこのような場合をカバーします。アイテムのロックに関する唯一の例外は、「スタック可能」アイテム(秘薬、金、作成に使うほとんどの原料)の安全なロックを提供できそうもないことです。これは、それらを実際に取らなくてもアイテムを使う方法が多数あるためです。従って、我々はアイテムをロックできるようにしますが、本当に安全ではないことに気をつけてください。
The second thing we do is add a feature to lockdown: every building would have a maximum number of secure containers (the ideal place to put those stackable items that you can't securely lock down!). When you lock down a container, it will automatically become a secure container, unless you have already made all the secure containers a building can hold. These secure containers would only be openable by the owner of the building or their designated "friends" (see below). At first, this would mean a keyholder, but it would automatically shift over once ownership was fully in place.
Now, this runs the risk of increasing hoarding and backup size, of course. The desire here is to provide players with the secure storage they crave, but make sure that it is both tied to a location (so that the many items within the container are not crossing the server boundaries, slowing down inter-server traffic) and within a container (so that it does not need to be sent to passersby). Once we put in the lockdown feature and the new secure containers, we'd ask players to move all the contents of the secure chests left behind by tents into other locations, such as actual houses or the bank. They would get a period of two weeks to do so.
Creating real shops
That brings us to vendors. We'd like to foster the use of shops, rather than roadside vendors. Shops are a more social experience, can provide more fictional atmosphere, and can be coupled with the lockdown feature to allow larger inventories for merchants. So we propose to not permit vendors outside of buildings anymore. Instead, the capability to have more than one vendor per building would be added. We would also add the ability for the owner of the building to allow vendors placed by others as well, so that players can create mini-malls or marketplaces which house multiple businesses. However, in order to ensure that vendors are used as shops, and not as banks, we will remove the ability to lock the front door of shops. In other words, the building will be designated as "public."
This will allow those merchants who value the location of their current vendors to replace their tent with a building in the same location, and create a nice shop. Additional features, such as adding the ability to customize the shop sign to use the graphic for whatever shop type the owner designates, and for automatic advertising on bulletin boards, allows the shop to function better.
Once these changes go in, the first time a vendor owner visits his vendor to collect gold, the vendor will turn back into a deed with all the contents of the shop intact within the deed. This deed will automatically be placed in the owner's bank box. The deed will be placeable in valid locations (inside a building, or in a stall) and will restore the vendor to exactly the way they were before they were moved. Once again, there will be a two week period to visit your vendor and turn it into a deed.
Then we delete the tents. The secure chests and vendors not yet cleaned up will be deleted with all contents after the two week period.
The transition to house ownership
Changing over to house ownership means that many players have to give up many of the houses they own. The current plan is to allow one house per character. This means that there is still the possibility of a player with mules owning five houses. However, we do have measures planned to combat that.
The process of changing over to an ownership model will require a claim period. We currently plan to have this period last two weeks. During this time, no houses will be able to be placed, and no vendor deeds will be able to be placed. This includes the vendor that you most likely just got done turning back into a deed to move it. We realize that this means that there will be a period between two and four weeks during which virtually no vendors will be available. Unfortunately, we do not see any way around this (though ideas are welcome!)
Any player with a valid claim can double-click the house sign to register their claim on a given house. A given character can only lay one claim. At the end of the two weeks, the house is awarded to the player with the best claim. Validity of the claims will be determined thus:
At all times during this process, the sign will give a report of all the claims lodged, and who the current frontrunner is for claiming the house. No new houses will be placeable during this period. And at the end of the two weeks, ownership will be assigned to the owner as determined by this process. In the case of claims where there are two claims of equal priority, we're just going to delete the house, on the grounds that nobody knows who owns it really, and nobody is likely to want to take the hours to sort out who might be in the right in a given case. In order to make sure that unintentional conflicts do not cause the loss of a building, players will be able to withdraw claims to houses as well. We will also be deleting all houses that nobody at all claimed.
So what does ownership entail?
Every house will know exactly who its owner is. And this owner would be the one with the power to lock down items, transfer ownership to another player for house sales, demolishing the house, and so on. But most importantly, they will be the one who maintains the building.
That's right, maintains it.
The maintenance fee for a house will be scaled based on how big it is, and also on how many items you have locked down in it. But it will be reduced for public buildings, such as shops, taverns, and other buildings which choose to not have a lockable door. This would be another option the owner of a building can select (of course, it is automatic when you place a vendor in the building). Right now we are thinking at least a 50% reduction in maintenance costs for having a public building. And we expect the costs to be moderately steep, to encourage cooperation in maintaining large buildings. Public buildings will also have a "contribution box" into which any interested player can drop contributions towards the upkeep of the public establishment.
The kicker is that the fee is not payable in gold. Instead, it is paid in logs and ingots and ore and other raw materials. It is literally the ongoing house repairs you need to make to keep your house in good order. We choose this route to enhance the roles of tradespeople.
Beyond this, the first pass of ownership would also include the ability to change the locks on the front door (if the building is unlockable, it means that the old keys no longer work for locking down items). And what we cheerfully call "Texas Law" would apply--the owner of the house can attack anyone who is within their building, without incurring any reputation system penalties--as if they were criminal flagged. Note that Texas Law will not apply to public buildings, as we do not wish them to become death traps. Owners of public buildings will have to use the measures available to them under the reputation system, until a later date when more house defense measures can be imposed.
Players will be able to designate "friends" of their house as well, who will have similar "Texas Law" privileges, will be able to contribute materials to house upkeep, and will have some of the capabilities of an owner. In particular, "friends" will be the ones allowed to place vendors in the building if the owner has granted them permission to do so.
Additional measures will be possible, once we have ownership fully in place, ranging from house guards and bouncers to alarm systems, traps, and other measures. But we will be holding off on these frills until we see that the above measures are working.
But what about crowding?
Well, there is one key thing that will be going in to reduce building crowding. Once buildings can be placed again, houses will have a larger area around thhem that must be empty in order to place the building. We currently plan for five tiles (five steps) around each building. This means that most small clearings, all the very edges of coastlines, the edges of mountains, and many other locations will no longer be eligible for new building placement. Current buildings will not suffer penalties for being in ineligible locations, but since we expect to see many buildings vanish during the claim process, we hope to see much of Britannia restored to its former houseless glory.
Caveats and Questions
One thing you may notice missing from this is that there is no mention of minimum number of people required to own a large building, no mention of fame requirements for castles, and no mention of a limit per account on the number of houses. Any of these things may still be required. We want this solution to be as final as possible, and that means that more severe restrictions may indeed be required than what we are currently planning for. Similarly, you may notice that the previously discussed plans of having marketplaces in towns is not described; this is because we deemed it something that could easily be added later.
Questions which we would dearly love to see discussion of:
これですべてです−我々はこの計画上に、もっと多くのコメントを見ることを望んでいます。そしてフィードバックのために注意深くボードをモニターします。 -The UO Dev Team. |
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