He seemed to want to say "Go teach your grandmother how to milk ducks."

Ann consults with her next door neighbor,a college professor,about Bill's
Prof : So,Bill hasn't been able to find work?
Ann : Yes,I'm afraid so.He is trying hard to find something,but he's been coming
up empty-handed.On top of that,he'll likely end up using up all of his
savings in a month's time.It looks like he's pretty much under pressure.
Prof : Well,he doesn't seem to be very worried about the situation.I ran into him
just the other day.I knew that he had been looking for work.I told him that
he had to get moving on.But he seemed to want to say "Go teach your
grandmother how to milk ducks.I wonder if he really senses how perilous his
situation is?

situation 境遇,状態,形勢
empty-handed 求めたものを何一つ手に入れていない、手ぶらの
under pressure せっぱつまって
get moving on 急いで動き出す,奮起する。

教授: ビルの仕事が見つからないんだって?
教授: そうは、見えないね。ついこの前、ビルと会ったよ。

He seemed to want to say "Go teach your grandmother how to milk ducks."

「彼は、わかりきったことを言うなと言いたそうだった」という意味です。文字どおりの意味としては、「おばあさんにあひるの乳のしぼり方を教える」となります。mild ducks のかわりに usck eggs(卵の扱い方)と言いかえた方が一般的でしょう。teach の前に Go をつけると強い否定文となります。


