The road to Blues
English Page

My songs
Song name
Your SkyIs it the only music which has a blues sense?Gibson J45 & The passage sound of the carRealPlayerG2
A Winter StoryThe degree of self's being satisfied as this music are high.Takamine PT408 & BOSS ME-8RealPlayerG2
The ExpiationThe premium.New music in 2000Gibson J45 & Birds Realplayer7.0
The floating weedThe love is power!Gibson J45 & TOMBOW MajjorBoyRealPlayerG2
The camping on the mountainThe nature is wonderful! Gibson J45 & Martin OOO-28
& Vastek VIS-I & Famous FU-120
The miserable tropical fishGive a polished technology.Gibson J45Realplayer7.0
It will go to the sea togetherTo the sea from the mountain.The nature is good.Gibson J45Realplayer7.0
The greetingThe comity is important to the gentleman.Gibson J45RealPlayerG2
The song of the birdBird flapping from the past from present and then the present to the futureGibson J45 & Hot conversation & clappingRealPlayerG2
RomanticThe place which puts me pivot leg,It is romantic!Gibson J45 & Regal(shoes sound)RealPlayerG2
KaleidoscopeAs for the world, kuru-kuru changes like the kaleidoscope.Vision WS20Realplayer7.0
The land endsTo Japan at the end of it.Gibson J45 & Regal & BirdsRealplayer7.0
GullAre you learning the gulls which were made that it wasn't possible to flap for oil?Gibson J45Realplayer7.0
Day lightThe refreshing and lazy atmosphereMartin OOO-28Realplayer7.0
Thanks!I appreciate custom around the day.Martin OOO-28Realplayer7.0
Shade of a treeYou who doze are ・・・.Vastek VIS-IRealPlayerG2


To listen to the sound, RealPlayer7.0 is necessary.

Copyright Yoshida Masami
All produced by )Domestic Y.

E-mail        BBS 

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In the main page, more photographs of the author and the musical instruments can be seen.

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