
Never Forgetting their Heart - as Commitment to Peace -


The arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry, commander of four warships of the US East India Squadron in 1853 laid the ground for Japan to open the country to the external world. Japan that realized the strength of Western countries with its own eyes, began to take a policy for enhancing the wealth and military strength to cope with the Imperialism of the Western Powers (Asian countries colonization policy) and had to submit to the turbulant tide of the times.

Through the expansion of the territory by the victories during the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the entry into World War I, Japan had gradually strengthened its war potential. At the same time, Japan began to take a policy of Imperialism just like the Western Powers. These situations led to the Sino-Japanese War, the U.S. economic blockade following the Great Depression, Japan's declaration of war (outbreak of the Pacific War), deterioration of the war situation due to the great differences in war potential, and the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration following atomic bomb droppings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan's defeat). Toward the end of the Pacific War, I understand there were some disgraceful conducts taken by some soldiers. However, I feel a kind of inevitability in the process of the tactic "Special Attack" was born as the only measure to defend the country. It was when Japan that the people were really proud of, was placed in an extreme situation, facing the destruction of the country.

One of the inventors of Kaiten, Sub-lieutenant Nishina (left) and Lieutenant Kamibeppu (Both died in the first Kaiten mission)

From a third party's viewpoint, it is quite easy to say that Kaiten pilots died for nothing. When I think about the feeling of those young Kaiten pilots who died in the mission and also about the situation in Japan and surrounding areas of Asia in those days, I strongly feel we need more objective perspectives upon "Kaiten Special Attack."

We should not say anything about "Kaiten Special Attack" without paying respect to the souls of all who perished in the tragedy of the Special Attack. Otherwise, the spirits of those who died in the war will never be able to rest in peace and we, their descendants will make Japan the soulless country we can not be proud of.

The armed forces of Japan, the last country stood squarely in the way of the Great Powers' colonization policy in Asia, were held at bay. Under these circumstances, they were all so young, all with bright hopes and dreams, sacrificed their lives to save their beloved country, buddies, lovers, and families and also to achieve the reconstruction of the country for us, their descendants.

They could lay down their lives as they really loved their country and the people.

The Sortie, Brave Kaiten Pilots

I sincerely hope the heart of Kaiten pilots will be realized by young people in Japan who seem to lose the heart to be proud of their own country after defeated in war.

I sincerely hope that their hearts will be understood by the people in the world who love their own country, family, friends and their loved ones.

I sincerely hope the heart they left will be taken as the commitment to peace, "We shall never repeat this tragedy for our beloved people," and be handed down to the next generation. When I can share my hope with many others, I strongly believe in never forgetting the Special Attack, will greatly contribute to world peace toward out future.
