Toppageservice>Long Term Resident

 Long Term Resident

Office Cosmopolitan handles Long Term Residency procedures.
If you have any questions, Please ask us from the E-mail below.

A foreign applicant for Long Term Resident status may be qualified if the Minster of Justice determines such applicant to have a special reason for living in Japan.

The following are typical circumstances of a foreign citizen which may be deemed legitimate to qualify the foreign citizen for Long Term Resident status.

 ・A foreign citizen divorced or was bereaved of his/her Japanese spouse, obtained the parental authority of their child/children, and is raising, and will continue to raise, such child/children in Japan.

 ・A foreign citizen who divorced or was bereaved of his/her Japanese spouse and does not have their child/children has lost the way to make a livelihood in his/her home country as a result of long-term residence in Japan, and thus the residence of such foreign citizen is considered fixed in Japan.

 ・A foreign citizen with “Spouse or Child of Japanese National” status of residence has a biological child in his/her home country who was born in his/her prior marriage and is under legal age, single and supported by the parent(s). Then such foreign citizen intends to invite such child to Japan to live with him/her. (In this case, the applicant of Long Term Resident status is the child.)

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