The pictures employed for "Renso Den" were drawn by T. Kompon for selected scenes of a Japanese Nichiren Daishonin's life story, "Nichiren Shonin", written by a believer of Nichiren Shoshu named A. Kumada, in 1911 on a general news paper, The Houchi Shimbun Paper. The collection was published in 1981 for the 25th anniversary of Daisenji Temple, Kokubunji City, Tokyo, Japan. When I was a high school student, I often visited the temple near the school for chanting after the classes and found the pictures sold. In a development of the web site, i.e. Myo'on (the mystic sound), this translation was a very natural idea for me.The life story of Nichiren Daishonin is a textbook for Nichiren Shoshu believers itself as He says in go-sho writings "Those who practice the Lotus Sutra, do as I have done." However, the original novel adopted many traditions. So in this translation, matters that do not have a description in the go-sho writings were excluded for the sake of accuracy, following a policy of a Japanese story "Nichiren Daishonin Shoden" by the head temple in 1981. Therefore, the present English story has mostly nothing to do with the original Japanese document written in each picture. I have always tried to read the corresponding go-sho writings before the translation.
Because I am not good at writing English, it cost more than three years to complete. Now, I would like to dedicate the work for the 750th anniversary of Nichiren Shoshu in 2002. Thank you very much for your reading.
訳者あとがき (Japanese) 『蓮祖伝』に使用した『日蓮大聖人御一代絵図』は、法華講員熊田葦城氏が明治44年5月に『報知新聞』紙上で連載した伝記小説『日蓮上人』をもとに、宗祖の御生涯の中から重要な場面を抽出して根本桃湖画師が描いたものです。画集は昭和56年10月に、東京都国分寺市の大宣寺創立25周年を記念して出版されました。