Landscape design Tsuguo Hiraoka


造園業の父(平岡常朝)の二代目(平岡次雄「改名=嗣雄」)として「京都庭常」を継承し58年目を迎え 当年採って74才になりました ここまで特別な波乱もなく営業を続けて来られましたのは偏に父の代からお世話になったお得意先様各位とその後お引き立てくださったお得意様各位のお陰だと心より感謝致しております 有難うございます そのご恩に報いるため今後も京都庭常三代目(平岡晋治)と共に総員7名が意欲的に仕事面でお応えして参りたいと思っております 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます      敬具


玉青苑 鶴来の里 連峰

[Photo= 玉青苑(gyokuseien)鶴来の里(tsuruginosato)連峰(renpo)

]私はLandscape designを職業とする作庭家です
I am the garden designer who makes Landscape design an occupation.
庭園は日本古来の文化であり伝統芸術であります 庭師の家に育った私は父の「石組」に魅了され庭師の道に踏み込むことになりました  
a garden -- Japan -- it is culture from ancient times and is tradition art I who grew up into a gardener's house will be charmed by a father's "rockwork", and will tread in a gardener's way.

Now, I also think Providence at the same time I am proud of being engaged in gardening.
I learned the value of people's mind from faith of a mother, and received priesthood (The priest of Jisyouzan Myougenji -next Large lecturer).

脈々と継承されてきた庭園芸術の素晴らしさを日本に留めず 世界の人々に観て頂くための庭(創作庭園)を作らなければならない使命感を持ちました 
Wonderfulness of the garden art inherited continuously is not stopped to Japan. It had the sense of mission which must make the yard (creation garden) for having people in the world see.
叉次代に継承するため 現在この時代に「平成の庭」つくる努力をしようと深く考え意欲的に取り組んでおります
In addition, in order to succeed to the next generation It is tackling deeply that an effort to "garden of Heisei" Build will be made at this time now at the idea volition target.
If "the yard of the Heisei time" is this in future generations at a historical page, it considers intentionally that an opportunity to engrave in the earth firmly the yard which carries out "pointing" is now.
such -- conservative -- thinking (However, it is important.) -- if I will become only me, the life which dared be left behind to me will be imposed and 作庭 of the Japanese garden which is tradition art "will be tried"

It is very fortunate if the will is transmitted from my homepage.
最後にこのホームページをご覧になった方々のなかで共感を頂いた人 また日本庭園を求める人に提供すべく国際的に飛躍しようと決意しました
Person who obtained sympathy in people which finally looked at this homepage It was decided that it would progress rapidly internationally that it should provide for those who ask for a Japanese garden again.

I will be born in Showa 10 (1935).
It became the apprentice of "kyotoniwatsune" at 16 years old (1951).

24歳でdebut(デビュー)作品制作「橋本 修邸庭園」(1959)
It is debut (debut) work work "the mansion garden of the Hashimoto 修" (1949) at the age of 24.
資格免許類 職業訓練指導員(1970) 一級技能士(1974) 
Qualification license Occupation training instruction member (1970) First-class consultant engineer (1974)
代表作品 玉青苑(1991) 甲水庵 鶴来の里
A person's masterpiece「Gyokuseien (1991)」 「Kousuian」 「Turuginosato」

庭の種類 池の庭 茶庭 枯山水の庭 芝生の庭 近代的な庭 花壇の庭 ガーデニング オブゼのある庭 ゴルフが出来る庭 プールがある庭 その他
Kind of garden ,Garden of a pond,Tea house garden ,Dry landscape garden,

Garden of grass,

Modern garden ,

Garden of a flower bed Gardening Garden with OBUZE garden which can do golf Garden with a pool In addition to this

Subject matter (motif)
海の景色 その中でも海岸 島々 波 岩群 州浜 岬(半島) 船(舟) 橋(吊り橋、石橋、土橋) 
Marine scene It is the seashore also in it. Islands Wave Rocks Beach Cape (peninsula) Ship (ship) Bridge (a suspension bridge, a stone bridge, a soil bridge)
山の景色(連峰)密林 疎林 立ち枯れ(枯れ枝)
Scene (The mountain located in a line in a pile) jungle of a mountain Thin wood It withers (withered branch).
荒野 高原の景色 
wilderness Scene of a plateau
情景描写(心理描写) 伝説 童話 格言 諺 神仏
Description of a scene (psychological description) Tradition Fairy tale Proverb proverb Shinto and Buddhist deities

Material (Material)
Trees (evergreens, fallen leaves)
Grand cover (Japan cedar moss,Moss,grass,tamaryu,Others)
Steel materials (ironware, stainless steel)
Wood (a log, a drooping tree, board)
Apparatus (a circulation pump, an underwater pump, lighting, watering equipment, in addition to this)
A set of building materials (water-works material, the ground, sand, cement, ballast, brick, block)
Exterior (a set of exterior construction)

return (it returns)