NOXILO Webpage 1
30 May 2001 (latest corrections :
5 January 2025)
<Note> Edge or Chrome is recommended to enjoy this webpage.
page carries some foreign scripts (French, Greek, Japanese .... ).
The nickname of NOXILO has been determined 'SAAn' (= Sun).
NOXILO Version 3.2 (pronounced 'noshilo') is an international auxiliary language
for everybody. The following
is a brief translation of the 1st part of the NOXILO textbook and webpages
in the Japanese language written by
MIZUTA Sentaro © 1996, ........ , 2025.
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Table of
contents of the webpage 1
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Ch. 1
Ch. 2 Alphabet, Pronunciation, and Accent
2-1) Alphabet
2-2) Pronunciation of letters
2-3) Pronunciation of
2-4) Accent
Ch. 3 Vocabulary
Ch. 4 Greetings
Ch. 5 Outline of the NOXILO grammar
5-1) Mode
5-1-1. Mode I (M1 for short)
5-1-2. Mode II (M2 for short)
5-2) Mode comparison M1 with M2
5-2-1. Sentence pattern
5-2-2. Modification pattern
5-3) Parts of Speech
● Webpage 2 will include the classification of sentences, nouns, and
personal pronouns.
Ch. 1
NOXILO (pronounced 'NOSHILO') is a truly equal and easy-to-use international auxilliary
language, which was made in Japan for Asians, Europeans, Africans, and
Americans. Unlike most other international auxilliary languages, NOXILO
allows most
users (American, Brazilian, Chinese, French, German, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian,
Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, etc.) to write and speak in the word order
of their
native tongue or at least in a similar word order. The following questions
and answers
will give you a brief idea of what NOXILO is.
Where did the name of 'NOXILO' come from,and what does 'NOXILO'
mean ?
NOXILO is an abbreviation for
NOI XIIJE LOGOS. 'NOI' means 'new', and it is taken from
the German word
'NEU'. 'XIIJE' means 'world', and it's from the Chinese word '世界'.
means 'language', and it's from the Greek word 'ΛΟΓΟΣ'. Thus, NOXILO
stands for 'New World Language'. The nickname for NOXILO is SAAn, which means Sun.
What are the
characteristics of NOXILO ?
There are
5 main characteristics in NOXILO.
First is equality. NOXILO
is designed to fit most of the Eastern and Western natural
languages. With
NOXILO, most people can write and speak in the word order of their
mother tongue or at least in a similar word
(Note) Renowned linguists (Dryer, Tomlin, Ohio State, Tsunoda, et alii)
report that the SOV type
word order (Mode I ) is most frequently seen (40 to 50 %), and the SVO type (Mode II ) comes
next (35 to 45%), based on their sampling
Second, the NOXILO grammar is incredibly simple and
universal. It does not have any
kind of arbitrary exceptions or irregular rules. Students who get accustomed
will even be able to master any popular natural languages in a
shorter period of time
than their friends who did not study NOXILO
beforehand because NOXILO is a kind of Great
Common Denominator of all
natural languages, and therefore what the students have to do
is simply to
alter some of the NOXILO grammar and add the original rules of the natural
language to NOXILO.
Third, NOXILO vocabulary
consists of 20800 words in total as of Jan 2025; Basic Words
(BW, about 500 words such as I, We, You, She, from, to, by, and, or, but, because, after,
who, when, can, must, etc.) and International
Standard Words (ISW, some 20300 words).
Basic Words are very
important part of NOXILO grammar and necessary to use.
However, the use of
Int'l Standard Word is not necessary; NOXILO users
can replace ISWs
with any corresponding words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, and
adverbs) of their native
language such as English, French, Chinese,
Japanese, etc., so that they can freely write
any professional papers
concerning business, education, science, sports, and so on.
Most ISWs
have 'radical' (a kind of 'root' in English) on the head part of word,
therefore, NOXILO users can reasonably estimate the meaning of any
unfamiliar ISWs.
For example, a radical 'AP' means love, giving,
care, and so on. Knowing this, NOXILO
users are able to estimate, more or
less, the meaning of ISW such as APLO (love), APLOS
(to love),
API (giving), APIS (to give), and APAAQ (virtue). In using
English, noun
should be in singular form (dictionary form like 'book'
instead of 'books'), and verbs
in plural form (dictionary form like 'read'
instead of 'reads').
Fourthly, NOXILO words
never change their form. NOXILO grammar is formed by
(1) word order, and
(2) addition of proper letter pieces to word body, mostly to the end
words. That is to say, NOXILO is an agglutinative language.
Fifthly, each alphabet letter corresponds to a particular sound (one of 5 vowels
23 consonants) which complies with the specifications by the International Phonetic
Association. The pronunciation is super simple, and does not vary from word to word.
How much time does it take for students to
master NOXILO ?
time depends on the student's mother language and educational background.
The author figures that the basic word order of most of the student's native
are categorized into one of the following two.
Mode I : Subject + Object + Verb (Hindi, Japanese,
Korean, Tamil, Turkish, etc.) or
II : Subject + Verb + Object (English, French, Malay, Spanish, Russian, etc.)
If it is the case, and if they are
junior or senior high school graduates who completed
one year of English
lessons (or a foreign language for English speakers), most students
understand the NOXILO grammar only in a few weeks of medium intensive
Ch. 2 Alphabet, Pronunciation, and Accent
2-1) Alphabet
NOXILO has its own Alphabet consisting
of 26 Capital letters and 26 small letters ( 52 in total ).
Of it, 26
Capital letters and two small letters are used for daily communications. Small
except for the two are mainly used as symbols in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics,
and so on.
The 26 Capital letters can be substituted with the
Roman Alphabet A to Z, and the two small
letters with y
and n as shown below.
NOXILO order : A I U E O H K G S Z C X J Q
T D N F V P B M L R Y W y n
Roman order : A B C D E F G H I J K L M
N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z y n
The following is a new (since 10th of July 2013) contrasive table of Roman and NOXILO letters.
The last 5 items are the symbol for element particles (-W, -O, -L, -E and
Examples of above (3), (4), and (5).
(3) - - - KyA [kya] Ky [ky(u)] KyE [kye] KyO [kyo]
(4) - - - KyAA [kya:] KyU
[kyu:] KyEE [kye:] KyOO
(5) - - - Ky'A [kyua]
Ky'I [kyui] Ky'E
[kyue] Ky'O [kyuo]
The order and
pronunciation of NOXILO Alphabet is different from the Roman Alphabet as above,
they are more or less similar to that of the Sanscrit, a famous
ancient language in India. In NOXILO,
the sound combinations do not change
word to word. The pronunciation is expressed by the International
Alphabet, which is specified by International Phonetic Association.
(Note) This homepage except for the above chart is throughly
written with the Roman letters.
(Note) The Author is planning to introduce a new rule;
We can use small letters instead of capital
for NOXILO word with '_' before the NOXILO word such as '_se' for 'SE'
(I in English).
Even 'se' for 'SE' would be possible in the future if there is no risk of confusion.
2-2) Pronunciation of
2-2-1. Letters for Vowels
There are 5 short and long vowels.
A : [a]
AA : [a:] hold the sound 'a' longer.
I : [i]
II : [i:] hold the sound 'i' longer.
U : [u]
UU : [u:] hold the sound 'u' longer.
E : [e]
EE : [e:] hold the sound 'e' longer.
O : [o]
OO : [o:] hold the sound 'o' longer.
2-2-2. Letters for Consonants
There are 23 consonants as follows. Consonant letters are read with the short
vowel [u] at the
end of each Consonant although the letter U is not written out.
H : [hu] harmony
K : [ku]
G : [gu] get
S : [su] seven
Z : [zu]
C : [tsu] tsunami
X : (shu) shoes
J :
(ju) joke
Q :
T : [tu]
D : [du]
N : [nu]
F : [fu]
V : [vu]
P : [pu]
B : [bu]
M : [mu]
L : [lu]
R : [ru] red
Y :
(yu) young
W : [wu]
y : (y) cab [kyab]
n : (N) can [kyan]
(Note) Author's word
processor does not have IPA symbols for X, J, Q, etc., so the
author use
the Roman letters; 'shu' for X, 'ju' for J, 'chu' for Q, and 'yu' for Y.
These are put in ( ) above.
NOXILO allows some allophones in H, B, and R. For
H, there are two allophones;
[ ] as in 'ich' (German) and [Ф] as in
'布団'([ФutoN] or [ФtoN] Japanese).
For B, there is one allophone; [ ] as in 'aber'
(German). For R, there are three
allophones; [ ] as in 'cry'
(English), [ ] as in 'rouge' (French), and [ ] as in
(Note) Unfortunately, the author's processor does not have
IPA symbols for the
allophones, which would otherwise fill in all of the
[ ] above.
2-2-3.Double Consonants Letters
Double consonants (geminate) play a special
role. The first consonant in the geminate
is not pronounced but indicates a
time beat of one syllable in duration (generally
speaking, a syllable is no
shorter than a third of a beat. Thus, PAKK is read as
'pa ck' [pa_ku]
rather than 'pack' in English, and SITT is read as 'si t' [si_tu]
than 'sit'.
2-2-4.Two small letters
The following 2 small letters have unique
y : [uos yu]
n : [uos nu]
The letter 'y' is read as [uos yu] when it stands alone. The 'uos' means
small, and it is
an international standard wowd (ISW). However, in words, the 'y'
is not read [uos yu]; it
means the palatalization of Consonants. Thus, KyAB is pronounced [kyab]
(as 'cab' in English),
and KyU is pronounced [kyu:](as 'queue' in English). See 2-3.
The letter 'n' is read as [uos nu] when it stands alone, and it means nasal sounds /N/ in
words. There are 3 allophones [m], [n], and (ng) in the /N/. Ex. nation
compass [kompas], contact
[kontakt], English [inglish]. See 2-3.
2-3) Pronunciation of word
As we learned earlier, all 21 Consonants
letters are pronounced with the short vowel[u]
at the end, so that
everyone can easily hear (distinguish) any Consonants, in particular
(voiceless) sounds such as [k], [t], and [p].
However, in
pronouncing words, students, especially those who are accustomed to
closed sounds, may delete
the sound [u] after open Consonants such as H [h],
L [l], S [s]. Further, the students may even delete the
sound [u] after
closed (voiceless) Consonants as well if the the closed Consonants have vowels
or open
Consonants immediately before or after it. Thus, AKT is pronounced [aktu] instead of [akutu]
because the
first Consonants K[k] has a vowel A[a] immediately before it, but [akt]
not allowed since the second Consonants T[t] does not have any vowels or open
Consonants immediately before or after it.
K (a letter) [ku]
AKT [aktu] or
[akutu] (hereafter, this will be expressed as [ak(u)t(u)])
APT [aptu]
or [aputu] (hereafter expressed as [ap(u)t(u)])
When 'U' is used
immediately after Consonants, the sound [u] should be held longer.
Thus, a
word KU is read [ku:] instead of [ku] although there is only one U written.
a letter 'K' [ku] (not
[k]) (Note) There is no
one-letter-word in NOXILO.
a word 'KU' [ku:]
a word 'Ky'
a word 'KyU' [kyu:]
The above is not applicable when U is
the first letter of the word. See the following
UDIn [udiN] (victory)
UUS [u:s(u)] (although)
'Consonants + ' + either one of A, I, E, or O' means the Consonants
+ [u] + either
one of [a],[i],[e], or [o]. Thus, K'A is read [kua]
(not [ka]), and K'I is read [kui]
instead of [ki].
K'A [kua]
K'E [kue]
k'O [kuo]
Pronunciation Table of NOXILO
A [a] | I [i] | U [u] | E [e] | O [o] |
AA [a:] | II [i:] | UU [u:] | EE [e:] | OO [o:] |
HA [ha] | HI [hi] | H [hu], [h] | HE [he] | HO [ho] |
HyA [hya] | Hy [hyu], [hy] | HyE [hye] | HyO [hyo] | |
KA [ka] | KI [ki] | K [ku], [k] | KE [ke] | KO [ko] |
GA [ga] | GI [gi] | G [gu], [g] | GE [ge] | GO [go] |
KyA [kya] | Ky [kyu], [ky] | KyE [kye] | KyO [kyo] | |
GyA [gya] | Gy [gyu], [gy] | GyE [gye] | GyO [gyo] | |
SA [sa] | SI [si] | S [su], [s] | SE [se] | SO [so] |
ZA [za] | ZI [zi] | Z [zu], [z] | ZE [ze] | ZO [zo] |
CA [tsa] | CI [tsi] | C [tsu], [ts] | CE [tse] | CO [tso] |
XA [sha] | XI [shi] | X [shu], [sh] | XE [she] | XO [sho] |
JA [jya] | JI [ji] | J [jyu], [jy] | JE [jye] | JO [jyo] |
QA [cha] | QI [chi] | Q [chu], [ch] | QE [che] | QO [cho] |
TA [ta] | TI [ti] | T [tu], [t] | TE [te] | TO [to] |
DA [da] | DI [di] | D [du], [d] | DE [de] | DO [do] |
TyA [tya] | Ty [tyu], [ty] | TyE [tye] | TyO [tyo] | |
DyA [dya] | Dy [dyu], [dy] | DyE [dye] | DyO [dyo] | |
NA [na] | NI [ni] | N [nu], [n] | NE [ne] | NO [no] |
NyA [nya] | Ny [nyu], [ny] | NyE [nye] | NyO [nyo] | |
FA [fa] | FI [fi] | F [fu], [f] | FE [fe] | FO [fo] |
VA [va] | VI [vi] | V [vu], [v] | VE [ve] | VO [vo] |
VyA [vya] | Vy [vyu], [vy] | VyE [vye] | VyO [vyo] | |
PA [pa] | PI [pi] | P [pu], [p] | PE [pe] | PO [po] |
BA [ba] | BI [bi] | B [bu], [b] | BE [be] | BO [bo] |
PyA [pya] | Py [pyu], [py] | PyE [pye] | PyO [pyo] | |
ByA [bya] | By [byu], [by] | ByE [bye] | ByO [byo] | |
MA [ma] | MI [mi] | M [mu], [m] | ME [me] | MO [mo] |
MyA [mya] | My [myu], [my] | MyE [mye] | MO [myo] | |
LA [la] | LI [li] | L [lu], [l] | LE [le] | LO [lo] |
LyA [lya] | Ly [lyu], [ly] | LyE [lye] | LyO [lyo] | |
RA [ra] | RI [ri] | R [ru], [r] | RE [re] | RO [ro] |
RyA [rya] | Ry [ryu], [ry] | RyE [rye] | RyO [ryo] | |
YA [ya] | Y [yu], [y] | YE [ye] | YO [yo] | |
WA [wa] | WI [wi] | W [wu], [w] | WE [we] | WO [wo] |
(Note) In pronouncing words,
students, especially those who are accustomed to closed sounds, may delete
the sound [u] (as shown by pink-colored
symbols in the above table) after open Consonants such as H [h],
L [l],
and S [s]. Further, the students may even delete the sound [u] after closed
(voiceless) Consonants as
well if the closed Consonants have vowels or open
Consonants immediately before or after it. Thus, AKT
may be pronounced [aktu] instead of [akutu] because the first Consonants
K[k] has the
vowel A[a] immediately before it, but [akt] is not allowed
since the second Consonants
T[t] does not have any vowels or open
Consonants immediately before or after it.
Indeed, it is hard to hear K, P,
T without any vowels or open consonants immediately
before or after K, P,
and T.
2-4) Accent
Subtle accent is set on the 1st vowel, and
3rd vowel for a long word (No.7 in the table).
Accent is set on
the long
vowel (No.8, 9, 10, 11, 12) and the
vowel before consecutive
same consonants
(SS in No.13 and PP in No.14). No more than 2 accents set on a word.
No accent is set on the 2nd and 3rd part of synthetic word such as TyUIAA_ST.
No accent is set on the particles including AA and II.
No. | NOXILO Words | Sounds to be put accent |
1 | AU /AUL [au] / [aul] through | A (1st vowel) |
2 | AUB [aub] big | A (1st vowel) |
3 | IMREI [imrei] appraisal/judgment | I (1st vowel) |
4 | IEST [iest] strong | I (1st vowel) |
5 | BOnRy [boNry] cooking/dish | O (1st vowel) |
6 | GEIT [geit] station | E (1st vowel) |
7 | ELAFANA [elafana] affirmative | E (1st vowel) and A (3rd vowel) <note> This is a long word (7 letters !). |
8 | EUUVIO [eu:vio] violent | E (1st vowel) and UU (long vowel) |
9 | EUDAA [euda:] dryer | E (1st vowel) and AA (long vowel) <note> This 'AA' is not particle. |
10 | InTAAD [iNta:d] standard | I (1st vowel) and AA (long vowel) |
11 | KUI [ku:i] eat | U (long vowel) <note> 'U' after consonant letter is pronounced [u:]. |
12 | ILyUM [ilyu:m] father | I (1st vowel) and U (long vowel) <note> 'U' after consonant letter is pronounced [u:]. |
13 | IPASSE [ipa_se] assembly | I (1st vowel) and A before SS (consecutive same consonant letters) |
14 | XOPP [sho_p(u)] ship | O before PP (consecutive same consonant) |
15 | TyUIAA_ST [tyu:ia:st] passenger list |
U (1st vowel) TyUIAA (passenger) ALST (list) <note> AA is particle that means person, therefore no accent is set on the AA. No accent on the 2nd part (_ST) of the synthetic word. |
<Note> The above accent rule is applied for the most of the NOXILO Basic and International Standard Words.
Ch. 3 Vocabulary
NOXILO vocabulary
consists of two types of words, which are 500 Basic Words (BW) and 20300 International
Standard Words (ISW). Basic Words are mandatory to use. Except for the BWs, NOXILO users can freely choose
proper words from the ISWs or any words from their mother language such as English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic,
Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Swedish, Thai, etc. Total NOXILO words reach some 20800 words (500 + 20300) as of
Januaryl 2025.
@ Basic Words
Some 500 Basic Words are
an important part of the NOXILO grammar. All NOXILO users must use the Basic
Words in writing/speaking NOXILO sentences. For beginners,
memorization of 60 to 70 Basic Words would
be enough.
Ex. SE ( I in English), SEI (my), SE-O (me), ME (You), MEI
(your), ME-O (you), AB (about), UT (to),
OnD (and), OA (or), OTT
(but), HA (what, interrogative pronoun), HI (which), HU (who), etc.
@ International Standard Words
International Standard Words (ISW) have a 'radical' (one like root or semantic hint) on its head. There are some
300 radicals. Therefore, NOXILO users can see more or less the meaning
of any particular ISW with the radicals.
Any newly made ISW for worldwide-use can be authorized at NOXILO Association as long as they are formed
upon the word-formation-rule. ISWs are counted up to 20300 as of January 2025.
The following table shows some examples of the
radicals and the ISWs with the radical.
Radical for ISW | Meaning of radical | Examples of ISW |
AP [ap] | noun: non-material love, sympathy, pride, etc. |
APLO (love), APLOS (to love), API (giving), APAAQ (virtue) |
ILy [ily(u)] | noun: non-material kinship, family |
ILyS (son), ILyTE (daughter), ILyUD (mother), ILyUM (father) |
EL [el] | noun: non-material accept, agree, support, etc. |
ELPA (accept), ELPAS(to accept), ELVI (invitation), ELSA (support) |
BE [be] | noun: material hair, skin, muscle, bone, etc. |
BEA (hair), BENE (nail), BEMAS (muscle) |
BEE [be:] | noun: material book, paper, ticket, etc. |
BEEK (book), BEEPA (paper), BEETE (letter) |
BII [bi:] | noun: material house, building |
BIIUS (house), BIIRES (address), BIIKOn (construction) |
EI [ei] | adjective: color |
EIMA (magenta/red), EITA (white), EIBLA (black), EIPI (pink) |
PyU [pyu:] | bodily verb/action verb (vb) with ear |
PyU (to hear), PyUL (to listen in), PyUO (to overhear) |
(Note) The use of ISWs
is not mandatory; The ISWs can be replaced with English, French, Japanese, etc.
For example, APLO, ILyS, ELPA, PyU can be replaced with 'love',
'son', 'accept', 'hear' in English.
BIIRES (address) is not material,
but closely related to house, therefore, it's treated as a material noun.
The 'vb' stands for bodily verbs.
Ch. 4 Greetings
NOXILO greetings for 'Hello' ('How are you ?', too) is 'FIINA' [fi:na] and 'ALOO' [alo:]. People should
say 'FIINA' before they start talking or writing to others in
Mode I of NOXILO, and say 'ALOO' in Mode II.
'YUP' [yu:p] is for 'Yes', and 'NAI' [nai] for 'No' or 'Not'.
The following is a glossary of
frequently used NOXILO greetings.
Good morning | HAU [hau], from Lakota (one of the native American nations) |
Good night | BOnSOWAA [boNsowa:], French |
Excuse me. | DAMIHI [damihi], Latin |
Here you are. Here we go. | NA [na], Greek |
Congratulations | MABLUK [mab(u)lu:k], Arabic |
Thank you. | ASAnTE [asaNte], Swahili in
Africa KAMSA [kam(u)sa], Korean (Note) NAI ASAnTE, NAI KAMSA = No thank you. |
Thank you very much. | MUQ ASAnTE [mu:ch(u)
asaNte] MUQ KAMSA [mu:ch(u) kam(u)sa] |
Not at all. | PARAKAALO [paraka:lo], Greek |
Fine ! Nice ! Smart ! Good looking ! |
GUT [gu:t(u)], German BELLO [be_lo], Italian ALIn [aliN], Quechua in South America |
Take care of yourself. | SMAKKLyANA [sma_k(u)lyana], Quechua |
Good bye. | KWAHELI [k(u)waheli], Swahili |
See you again. | ABIAnTO [abiaNto], French |
Welcome | WELKAM [welkam], English |
Sorry | IZVINII [iz(u)vini:],
Russian SOORII [so:ri:], English |
I am sorry. | IZVINIITIE [iz(u)viniitie], Russian |
The following has been added since July 2007.
Come on ! Stick to it. | YEELA [ye:la] |
Enjoy it. or Take it easy. | QAAMO [cha:mo] ........ Ex. QAAMO America = Enjoy America. QAAMO exam = Enjoy exam. QAAMO coffee = Enjoy coffee. |
Good Luck. | GUTENAAS [gu:te na:s] |
I wish the current situation was getting better. |
GUTEPOOL [gu:te po:l] |
God save us. | AHA GATEE [aha gate:] |
The universe will save us. | AHUL GATEE [ahu:l gate:] (This would be for atheists/scientists.) |
Poor (poor my John ! ) |
POONA [po:na] |
Very poor | SOO POONA [so: po:na] or ZAO POONA |
Expressing my sympathy. | APSIAALE [aspia:le] |
Offering my Condolence | KOnDOLAATI [koNdola:ti] |
Let's go ! Launch ! Shoot ! Go ! |
XPAADA [shpa:da] |
One, two, three ! (In cooperative work, members release their full power at the moment of saying 'SAM' (three). |
WAn NI SAM [waN ni sam] |
Ready ? Go ! | REDII DAn [redi: daN] |
The following has been added since March 27, 2010.
I see. | SEAn [seaN] |
Wait a minute. Just a minute. Hold on. |
IDyUTE [idyu:te] |
Can you wait a minute ? Can you hold ? |
? IDyUTEBL [esk idyu:tebl]
or [e idyu:tebl] in conversation. |
nnn .... I can't agree./I can' belive it. (No. of N shows the strength of doubtness; NNN or NNNN) |
We met again ! | SAIIn [sai:N] |
Lups, Look, Alas, Ah (small surprise) | LE / LELE [le/lele] |
By the way, | BAIZA [baiza] |
Let's see ? | LASII [lasi:] |
(Note 1) In conversation, '?' can be pronounced [e] instead of [esk].
(Note 2) Greeting words (as well as Basic Words) don't have any 'radicals'.
Ch. 5 The outline of the NOXILO grammar version 3.2
first see the Mode of NOXILO grammar, and then Parts of Speech.
5-1) M o d e
NOXILO grammar
consists of two symmetrical and reversible mode, which are Mode I (M1 for short)
Mode II (M2). The basic word order of the Mode I is
Subject (S) + Object (O) + Verb (V),
and the one of the Mode
II is
Subject (S) + Verb (V) + Object (O).
The Object (O) in the above formula can be replaced with the Complement (C).
Mode I (M1) may be called 'SO Mode', and Mode II (M2) called
'SV Mode'.
The word order of Mode I more or less fits Hindi, Japanese,
Korean, Mali, Tamil, Turkish, Latin, etc., and
Mode II fits Chinese,
German, English, French, Russian, Spanish, etc. People can write or speak
either in Mode I or Mode II, whichever is more comfortable to
him/her. Naturally, the communication in
the same mode are extremely easy,
and even communication in the other mode is just as easy because
both modes
are simply reversible.
5-1-1. Mode I ( M1
@ Sentence
The sentence pattern of Mode I is SV, SOV, SCV, S ( Oa Ob ) V, S ( O C ) V,
where Oa is
indirect object, and Ob direct object.
@ Modification pattern
There are 3
kinds of modifiers ; the modifing word (MW), the modifing phrase (MP), and the
modifing clause (MC).
The MW include adjectives, adverbs, and verbals
without object or complement.
The MP include adjective phrases and adverb
phrases, which are the combination of nouns and modification agents,
combinations of verbs and modification agents, and verbals with object or
The MC include adjective clauses and adverb clauses, which are
the combination of clauses and clause leaders.
The order of the modifier
(underlined below) and the modified word (modificand) for Mode I are as follows;
MW + modified word (modificand) Ex.
EILO BIIUS ( yellow house )
MP + modified word Ex. Japan AT BIIUS ( Japan in house
MC + modified word Ex. Japan AT RIZ
Ky BIIUS ( Japan in exist which house )
'BIIUS' means 'house'. 'RIZ' means 'to exist'. 'Ky' [kyu] means
'that/which/who' (relative pronoun
in English) and also 'when/where' (relative adverb).
'Ky' has a broad range of meaning.
● Modification Agent and Clause Leader
Modification Agent (underlined) is post-positioned as follows:
Ex. Japan AT (Japan in
) ATyUn IZ ( friend with )
'AT' means 'at' in English. 'ATyUn' means 'friend'. 'IZ' means 'with'.
Clause Leader ( underlined ) is post-positioned as well as
Modification Agent.
Ex. ME ITAM Dy ( you come
whether ) FEN ITAM My ( they come that )
<Note> 'ME' means 'You'. 'ITAM' means 'come'. 'Dy'
means 'whether'. 'FEN' means 'They'.
'My' means 'that'
which leads noun clause.
5-1-2. Mode II ( M2
@ Sentence pattern
The sentence pattern of Mode II is SV, SVO, SVC, SV ( Oa Ob ), SV ( O C ),
where Oa is indirect object, and Ob direct object.
@ Modification pattern
There are 3 kinds of modifiers;
modifing word (MW), modifing phrase (MP), and modifing clause (MC).
MW include adjectives, adverbs, and verbals without object or complement.
The MP include adjective phrases and adverb phrases, which are the
combination of modification agents and nouns,
the combinations of
modification agents and verbs, and verbals with object or complement.
MC include adjective clauses and adverb clauses, which are the combination of
clause leaders and clauses.
The order of the modifier (underlined below)
and the modified word (modificand) for Mode II are as follows;
+ modified word (modificand) Ex. EILO BIIUS (
yellow house )
modified word (modificand) + MP Ex. BIIUS ATL Japan ( house in Japan )
modified word
(modificand) + MC Ex. BIIUS Ky RIZ ATL Japan (
house which exists in Japan )
● Modification Agent and Clause Leader
Modification Agent ( underlined ) is pre-positioned (= prepositions in English)
as follows:
Ex. ATL Japan ( in Japan
) IZL ATyUn ( with friend )
<Note> The MAs in Mode II are made by simply adding a
letter 'L' after the end of MAs in Mode I.
Clause Leader (
underlined ) is pre-positioned as well as Modification Agent.
Ex. Dy ME ITAM ( whether you come
) My FEN ITAM ( that they come )
Note: Hereafter, we often use the
abbreviation 'M1' for Mode I, and 'M2' for Mode II, especially in examples.
5-2) Mode comparison M1 with
5-2-1. Sentence pattern
I (M1) : S V
II (M2) : S V
I (M1) : S O V
Mode II
(M2) : S V O
Mode I (M1) : S C V
Mode II
(M2) : S V C
Mode I
(M1) : S (
Ob ) V
Mode II (M2)
: S V ( Oa Ob )
Mode I
(M1) : S (
O C ) V
II (M2) : S
V ( O C )
Let's see the examples of 5 patterns.
★ S V
Ex. I walk.
M1: SE
M2: SE RyU.
<Note> M1 stands for Mode I. M2
stands for Mode II.
'SE' means 'I', and it's Basic Word. 'RyU' means 'to walk' and
it's NOXILO International Standard Word.
If you prefer to use English word over NOXILO International Standard
Word (ISW), you can write as follows.
M1: SE walk.
M2: SE walk.
<Note> The use of 'SE' is necessary
because it's NOXILO Basic Word.
Ex. We swim.
<Note> 'SEN' means 'We', and
'DyUMI' means 'to swim'.
If you prefer to use English words over
International Standard Words (ISW), you can write as follows.
M2: SEN swim.
The use of 'SEN' is necessary because it is Basic Word.
★ SOV (SVO for M2)
Ex. I
love you.
M1: SE ME-O APLOS. ( I you love. )
M2: SE
APLOS ME-O. ( I love you. )
<Note> 'SE' means 'I',
'ME' means 'you', and 'APLOS' means 'to love'.
'-O' means that ME
is an object. 'ME-O' is pronounced [meo].
If you prefer to use English
words over International Standard Words (ISW), you can write as follows.
M1: SE ME-O love.
M2: SE love ME-O.
The use of SE and ME-O is necessary since they are both Basic Word.
★ SCV (SVC for M2)
Ex. That house is large.
BIIUS-W AUB-E (RI). (That house large is.)
AUB-E. (That house is large.)
<Note> 'BOI' means
'that', and 'BIIUS' 'house', and 'AUB' 'large'. '-W' after BIIUS shows that
'BIIUS' is
subject. '-E' after AUB shows that AUB is complement,
and the '-E' is often omitted in any simple sentenses.
'RI' means
'is' (present form of 'be' in English), and often omitted in S + C + RI (S +
RI + C for M2) at present
tense. Thus, the above examples can be
shorten as follows.
M1: BOI BIIUS-W AUB. (That house
M2: BOI BIIUS-W AUB. (That house large.)
If you
prefer English words to ISWs (BIIUS and AUB in the example),
house-W large. (That
house large.)
M2: BOI house-W
large. (That house large.)
★ SOaObV
(SVOaOb for M2 )
Ex. I gave the person
a book.
the person book gave.)
(Oa Ob)
SE APIS-T FE-O BEEK-O. (I gave the person book.)
(Oa Ob)
<Note> 'SE' means 'I', and 'FE' 'the person', and 'BEEK'
'book', and 'APIS' 'to give'.
'-O' means that BEEK is object, and
'-T' (pronounced [ta] ) means that 'APIS' is at past tense.
There are no Articles (a, an, the) in NOXILO, and therefore 'a' is not translated. Further,
have only one form, and they are not changed to indicate number or gender. The same form is
used for all circumstances.
(SVOC for M2)
Ex. You will
find him guilty.
M1: ME MAFE-O InPLEn-E MUFA-R. (You him guilty find-will.)
M2: ME MUFA-R MAFE-O InPLEn-E. (You find-will him guilty.)
<Note> 'ME' means 'you'. 'MAFE' means 'he', and 'MAFE-O'
means 'him'. The '-O' after MAFE means that
MAFE is object.
'InPLEn' means 'guilty', and '-E' after InPLEn means that InPLEn is complement.
'MUFA' means 'to find', and '-R' (pronounced [re] ) after MUFA means
that 'MUFA' is at future tense.
for Object and '-E' for Complement
in SOCV (SVOC for M2) may be omitted if
you use the
basic form of object and complement. Thus, the above examples
can be written as follows.
The person keeps his room clean.
<Note> 'FE' means 'the person' (He or She), and 'FEI' is
possesive form of 'FE'.
'TOM' means 'room', and 'AOKL' means
'clean', and 'UKEE' means 'to keep'.
The above examples can be written
as follows by using 'TOM' instead of 'TOM-O', and AOKL instead of AOKL-E.
Ex. The police
caught that killer alive.
InPIAA-O AUUL-E TUK-T. (Police that
killer alive catch-ed.)
InPIAA-O AUUL-E. (Police catch-ed
that killer alive.)
<Note> 'AnPOLIS' means 'police', 'BOI'
'that', 'InPIAA' 'killer', 'AUUL' 'alive', and 'TUK' means 'to catch'.
'-T' (pronounced [ta] ) means that 'TUK' is at past tense. Ordinary
pronoun such as AnPOLIS must
be accompanied by '-W' to show subject
although Personal pronoun such as SE (I) and ME (You) and
Interrogative pronoun such as HA (what), HI (which), and HU (who)
must not.
The above example can be written as follows by using 'InPIAA'
instead of 'InPIAA-O' and 'AUUL' instead of AUUL-E.
Ex. I understood her nurse.
M1: SE DAFE-O UKyUDA-E INAnDAS-T. (I her nurse
M2: SE INAnDAS-T DAFE-O UKyUDA-E. (I understand-ed her
<Note> 'SE' means 'I', 'DAFE' 'she' (her), 'UKyUDA'
'nurse', and 'INAnDAS' 'to understand'.
'-T' means that INAnDAS is at
past tense.
The above example can be written as follows by using 'DAFE'
instead of 'DAFE-O',
and 'UKyUDA' instead of UKyUDA-E.
M1: SE
If you prefer English words to ISWs, you can write as follows.
However, the use of Basic Words such as SE, DAFE, -T, and -R is necessary for
any case.
M1: SE DAFE nurse understand-T.
M2: SE understand-T DAFE nurse.
<Note> Pronunciation of understand-T is [anda:standta], not [anda:stud].
'-T' is always pronounced [ta].
Ex. Parents made their daughter
medical doctor.
UKyMIST-E BLE-T. (Parent their daughter
medical doctor make-ed.)
ILyTE-O UKyMIST-E. (Parent make-ed
their daughter medical doctor.)
<Note> 'ILynT' means 'parents', and '-W' tells that ILynT is subject.
'-T' tells that the tense of
verb EKAMS (= make in English) is past tense. 'FEI' means
'their', 'ILyTE' 'daughter', and 'UKyMIST'
'medical doctor' respectively. 'In
this sentebce, 'BLE' can be replaced with a verb 'EKAMS' which
corresponds to 'make' or
'have' in English.
The above example can
be written as follows.
M2: ILynT-W
<Note> 'BLE' is causative verb
such as 'make' in English. You can write the above example as follows if
you prefer to use English over NOXILO int'l word. However, the use of
-W, FEI, BLE, and -T is
still mandatory because they are Basic Words.
M1: Parent-W FEI daughter
medical doctor BLE-T.
M2: Parent-W BLE-T
FEI daughter medical
In the following examples, 'OC' in SOCV (SVOC in M2) means S2 + V2 .
That is,
S(OC)V means
S1(S2V2)V1, and SV(OC) means S1V1(S2V2).
For these particular types, the object (= S2) should be written by the basic form,
and '-O' and '-E' can (should) be omitted.
Ex. We heard
her singing.
M1: SEN MAFE sing-In hear-T.
M2: SEN hear-T MAFE sing-In.
We heard her singing a song.
song-O sing-In hear-T.
M2: SEN hear-T MAFE sing-In
<Note> '-O' after 'MAFE' can be omitted, but
another '-O' after 'song' can not be omitted.
There are no Articles (a, an, the) in NOXILO, and therefore 'a' is not
Ex. Teacher keeps the boy standing.
Teacher-W boy stand-In
M2: Teacher-W keep boy stand-In.
<Note> There are no
articles (a, an, the) in NOXILO, and therefore 'the' is not
Ex. I had my hair cut.
M1: SE SEI hair cut-ZE BLE-T.
M2: SE
BLE-T SEI hair cut-ZE.
<Note> 'ZE' means passive voice.
'BLE' is causative verb. 'SEI' means 'my' (possesion).
Ex. I
had my TV repaired.
M1: SE SEI TV repair-ZE BLE-T.
M2: SE BLE-T SEI TV repair-ZE.
Ex. I had him repair my TV.
TV-O repair BLE-T. ............ S (O C) V
M2: SE BLE-T MAFE repair SEI TV-O. ............ S V (O
<Note> C (verb) has an object 'SEI TV-O'.
Sorry, I kept you waiting.
<Note> 'IZVINII' means 'sorry'
as we learned earlier (Greetings).
Ex. You should make yourself
M1: ME MEL understand-ZE GIMI BLE.
M2: ME GIMI BLE MEL understand-ZE.
<Note> 'MEL' means
'youself' (MENL yourselves, SEL myself, SENL ourselves, etc).
is auxiliary verb, and means 'should'. Auxiliary verbs are always put before
All auxiliary verbs start with GI such as GIKA (may/permission),
GIKI (had better do), GI (sure to do),
GIMA (can/capable/possible),
GIMI (should/need/obligation), GIM (must/strong obligation),
Ex. You should make her understand you
understand GIMI BLE.
M2: ME GIMI BLE DAFE understand ME-O (MEL-O).
5-2-2. Modification Pattern
Mode I (M1)
Mode II (M2)
( yellow house )
Mode I (M1)
Mode II (M2)
ATL Japan
house in Japan )
Mode I (M1)
Mode II (M2)
( house which exists (= is) in Japan
We take a look at the drawings of the
basic structure of NOXILO grammar. For the sentence pattern of SOV,
and VSO which are tied with the red line, the 'S' always comes before 'O',
whereas in the sentence pattern
OSV, OVS, and VOS which are tied with blue
line, 'O' comes before 'S'. The author (MIZUTA Sentaro) supposes
that there
is none or very few Cartesian in such society with O-first-language. What do
you think ?
NOXILO covers the first 3 patterns of SOV, SVO, and VSO.
The VSO type is not explained in this webpage yet
since the no. of the
speakers may be less than 3% of the world populations. However, it (VSO) is
to be added
in the future (hopefully by the end of year 2011).
The 'x' means any words to be modified. the 'a'
means any words that modify x, and a' means any phrases
that modify x,
and a'' means any clauses that modofy x.
In the following drawing,
the upper portion (triangle) shows the rule about elements, and the lower
portion explains
the rule concerning the modification mode of NOXILO.
Note. For
VSO, the ax (example. red book) might be changed to
xa (book red). .......... <16 Dec 2009>
(NOXILO doctorine of stress-minimization)
In NOXILO, in order
to avoid the structural stress, all phrases have the constant form of "noun + postposition",
and all subordinate clauses have "subordinate clause + Clause Leader" in Mode 1, and all phrases have the
constant form of
"preposition + noun" and all subordinate clauses have the constant form of
"Clause Leader (Conjunctions in English) + subordinate clause" in Mode 2. These word order agrees the word
order of S + O + V in Mode 1, and S + V + O in Mode 2.
Please note Postpositions
(M1)/Prepositions (M2) show actions, functions as if they are verbs.
And Post/Pre Clause
Leaders show similar meaning like verbs as well. Therefore,
the Clause Leaders are
placed after subordinate clause in Mode 1, and placed before subordinate clause in Mode 2 in compliance with
the order of O + V in Mode 1, and V + O in Mode2. For example, prepositions 'with', 'by', and 'to' mean
'to have', 'to use', 'to go' respectively. Therefore, these words (with, by, to) are placed after nouns (O) just
like 'ribbon with', 'nife by', and 'NY go' respectively in Mode 1, and before nouns (O) in Mode 2 just like
'with robbon',
'by nife' and 'go NY'. By the same token,
'after' and 'as' are place after subordinate clause in
Mode1, and before
the subordinate clause in Mode2. Unification of word order is
very important to achieve
We maybe able to get a hint from a bar-magnet with N-S
poles, where any pieces inside
the magnet has the same directionn
of the N-S. (Aug 20, 2019)
5-3) Parts of
There are 12 parts of speech; Nouns, Pronouns,
Auxiliary verb, Verbals, Adjectives, Adverb, Modification Agents,
Clause Leaders, Particles, and Naturalists as shown below.
Parts of speech | Examples of NOXILO International Standard Words |
Nouns | APLO (love), AFKOR (cooperation), ILyS (son), InFOM (intelligence), EDKEI (education), EDyTT (student), BEEK (book), LOWT (water), SII (ocean), WIIB (bread), WIIT (wheat) |
Pronouns | SE ( I ), SEN (We), ME (You), MEN (you), FE (The person), FEN (They), DAFE
(He), MAFE (She), TE (It), TEN (They), JE (one), JEN (ones), SEL (myself) |
Verbs | APIS (give), CU (sing), INAnDAS (understand), RI (is/are), RIZ (exist),
RyUR (run), UYUS (take), IYAA (would like to do), IYUS (want/request), IYAnS (want/require) |
Auxiliary verb | GIMA (can), GIMI (should), GIM (must), GIME (may), GIME-MA (may be able to ) |
Verbals n/i | UYUS-M (verb-noun = gerund), UYUS-K (verb-adjective) |
Adjectives | AOBI (beautiful), AUB (=DAA; large), AUWA (wide), EILO (yellow), EIBLA
(black), UOS (small) |
Adverbs | YUP (Yes), NAI (No), AIBSOLI (absolutely), BAIZA (by the way), KALE (always) |
Modification Agents (post-posision in M1) n/i (pre-position in M2) |
AT (in), ATL (for M2), IZ (with), IZL (for M2),
UT (to), UTL (for M2), BI (to-infinitive), BIL (for M2), CI (to-infinitive), CIL (for M2), DI (to-infinitive), DIL (for M2) |
Composers | OnD (and), OA (or), OTT (but), OZn (and then), OENI (therefore) |
Clause Leaders (post positioned in M1) n/i (pre positioned in M2) |
EEF (if), EEFL (if), Dy (whether), Ky (who,
which, when, where, that), My (that) |
Particles n/i | -W (subject), -O (object), -T (ed; past tense), -R (will, shall; future tense), -In ( |
Naturalists | AA (Ah), SOO (So) |
(Note 1) ' n/i ' stands for 'no identity' (no corresponding) in English.
(Note 2) Please click here to see the
parts of speech for the NOXILO Int'l Standard Words.
@ Nouns
have only one form, and they are not changed to indicate number or gender. The
same form is used for all
circumstances. Most NOXILO nouns consist of non-material nouns
and material nouns. Most non-material nouns
start with vowel letter A, I, U, or E, and most material nouns start with Consonant letter such as B, C, K, S, Y, X.
The material nouns include
anything that we can touch, see, or hear, and that we can measure by various
equipment in the experiment room in our school. Property or nature
of materials such as heat and wave are often
started with a consonant letter
although they are not considered material itself. Please remember there are no
Articles ( a, an, the ) in NOXILO.
non-material nouns; APLO (love), AFKOR (cooperation), EDKEI
(education), EMyURE (party),
InFOM (intelligence), UXRAn (insurance),
UKyUM (medical treatment), UKyUMIST (medical doctor).
nouns; BEA (hair), BEEK (book), BIIUS (house), HEES (earth), SAAn (Sun),
SII (sea),
YETI (tooth), YOO (car), etc.
<Note> 'BEEK' could be 'a book', 'books', 'the book',
and/or 'the books' in NOXILO.
@ Personal and
Impersonal Pronouns
Personal and Impersonal Pronouns change
their form depending on number and gender.
Basic and subject
forms are as follows.
Ex. SE ( I ), ME ( You ), FE ( the
person ), MAFE ( He ), DAFE ( She ), JE (One), TE ( It ), etc.
Plural forms are made by adding N [n(u)] at the end of the single
forms as follows.
Ex. SEN ( We ), MEN ( You ), FEN (the
persons), MAFEN (They), DAFEN (They), JEN (Ones), TEN (They )
Possesive form is made by adding 'I' to its subject form.
Ex. SEI (my), MEI (your), FEI (the person's), MAFEI (his),
DAFEI (her), JEI (someone's), TEI (its),
SENI (our), MENI (your), FENI
(their), MAFENI (their), DAFENI (their), JENI (Their),
TENI (Their), etc.
Objective form is made by adding '-O' to to its subject
Ex. SE-O (me), ME-O (you), FE-O (the persons), MAFE-O
(him), DAFE (her), JE-O (one), TE-O (it),
SEN-O (us), MEN-O (you),
FEN-O (them), MAFEN-O (them), DAFEN-O (them),
JEN-O (them),
TEN-O (them)
<Note> For more details, see the next Homepage 2
(Chapter 18)
@ Verbs
Verbs do not have different forms to indicate the number or
gender of the subject of sentence.
Past tense is indicated by adding
'-TA' ( or '-T' ) immediately after the present form of verbs, and future
tense is indicated by adding '-RE' ( or '-R' ). Both -TA and -T are
pronounced [ta], and -RE and -R are
pronounced [re]. The ' - ' should
not be read out.
Ex. APLIS [aplis] ( 'like' in English)
APLIS-T [aplista]
APLIS-R [aplisre] (will
Progressive tense is indicated by adding '-In' after the basic form of
verbs, and Passive voice by '-ZE'.
APLIS-In [aplisiN] ( liking )
APLIS-ZE [aplisze]
( is liked )
APLIS-TInZE [aplistaiNze] ( was being liked )
APLIS-RInZE [aplisreiNze] ( will be liked )
There are two
Causative Verbs; BLE [ble] (to make or to have) and BLU
[blu:] (polite causative).
These will be explained in detail in Ch-9 in
Webpage 3.
There are 2 kinds of verbals; verb-noun and
verb-adjective. These are made by adding particular letter
(-M, -D, -K, -KE) to the end of verbs. Verb-nouns
(verb-M or verb-D) work as verb and noun at the same
time. The English counterpart for verb-nouns would be gerund. The
functions of verb-adjectives verb-K
resemble participles or relative pronouns, and verb-KE the predicative
use of adjectives in English.
@ Adjectives
Adjectives are similar to their
English counterparts. Adjectives never change their form. In NOXILO, there are
no articles such as 'a', 'an', and 'the' in English. Here, learners are
advised to memorize two demonstrative
adjectives 'TO' (pronounced
[to] not [tu:], 'this' in English), and BOI ([boi],
@ Adverbs
Adverbs are similar to their English counterparts. Like
adjectives, adverbs never change their form.
@ Modification Agents (MAs)
Modification Agents always work with Noun, Pronoun, Gerund, or Verb,
and form modification phrase (adjective
phrase or adverb phrase) to modify other word. MAs which are paired with nouns, pronouns, or gerunds are
2-, 3-, or 4-letter-word with either A, I, U, or E beginning,
and are 84 in number.
The MAs which paired with verbs are only six; BI (BIL for M2), CI (CIL), DI (DIL), FI
(FIL), GI (GIL), and JI (JIL).
Adding a letter 'L' at the end of MA in Mode I, you have the MA in Mode
II (M2). That is, MAs in Mode II have always
L-ending and are one letter (L) longer than corresponding MAs in Mode I
MAs in
Mode I are put after noun, pronoun, gerund or verb, so it is called
'postpositions'. However, MAs in
Mode II are put before
noun, pronoun, gerund, or verb, so it is called 'prepositions'. Unlike
English, the nouns,
pronouns, or gerunds which are paired with the MAs are
always in subjective mode instead of objective mode as
'with I' instead of
'with me'.
Modif. Agents | Mode I | Mode II |
to Pari | Pari UT | UTL Pari |
from 7 | 7 IM | IML 7 |
with me | SE IZ |
(Note) 'SE' means ' I '. 'SE-O IZ' and 'IZL SE-O' are wrong because
SE-O is an objective form;
they should be 'SE IZ' and 'IZL
Composers mainly play the role in forming logic. English counterpart
for Composers is Conjunctions such as 'and',
'or', 'therefore', 'because', etc. Please note the Conjunctions
such as 'that', 'if', and 'although' are not included;
these are categorized into Clause Leaders in
Ex. OnD ([ond] 'and'), OA ([oa], 'or'), OENI
([oeni], 'therefore'), OOZ ([o:z] 'because'),
OTT ([o_t(u)] 'but' ), OZn
([ozN] 'and then'), etc.
Clause Leaders
English counterparts for Clause Leaders ( CL
) are 'if', 'that', 'which', 'who', 'although', etc. CLs are put last
the sentence in Mode I, and therefore it is called post-clause-leaders.
However, CLs are put first of the
sentence in Mode II, and it is called
pre-clause-leaders. The pre-clause-leader is the same as Conjunctions
English. CLs does not include 'and' and 'or', which are categorized into
Composers in NOXILO.
Clause Leaders | Mode I | Mode II |
that I love you | SE ME-O APLOS My | My SE APLOS ME-O |
whom we invited | SEN ELVIS-T Ky | Ky SEN ELVIS-T |
although I like you | SE ME-O APLIS UUS | UUS SE APLIS ME-O |
(Note) 'APLOS' means 'to love', and 'APLIS' means 'to like'. 'My'
means 'that' (Conjunction in English).
'Ky' (= who, which, that,
where, when) is Clause Leader which leads adjective clause.
(=although) is CL that leads adverb clause. 'ELVIS' means 'to
@ Particles
There are many kinds of Particles. We
learn Element Particles and Tense Particles so far.
Element Particles '-WA' or '-W' ( both pronounced [wa] ) are put at the end of all
subjects ( except for
personal pronoun and interrogative pronoun ). '-O' ( pronounced [o] ) is put at the end of all objects in
noun clauses, and '-OL' or '-L' ( both pronounced [ol(u)] ) in modification clauses (
that is, Adjective
clauses and Adverb Clauses ). 'E' (
pronounced [e] ) is put at the end of Complement in Noun clauses, and
or 'Q' ( both pronounced [ech(u)] ) in modification clauses.
Putting '-W', '-O' and '-L' is mandatory,
but 'E' and 'Q' are put only
in long and complicated sentences. 'L' and 'Q' would be better than 'OL' and
because the formers are shorter by one letter.
Particles in Noun Clauses |
Particles in Adjective Clauses and Adverb Clauses |
location of Element Particles |
-W [wa] | -W [wa] | end of subject |
-O [o] | -L [ol(u)] | end of object |
-E [e] | -Q [ech(u)] | end of complementary |
(Note) Noun Clauses become Subject clause, Object Clause, or
Complementary clause.
Adjective and Adverb clauses modify other
words and sentences.
Ex. This is a book.
M2: TO-W
<Note> 'TO' means 'this'. 'BEEK' means 'book'.
'-E' can be omitted as follows because the above
sentence is a simple SCV (SVC for M2)
type. In NOXILO, article 'a' and 'the' is not translated;
in case translation of article is necessary, you simply
add words such as WAn (=one), SGL (single),
SOM (some), PLU (plural),
or MUQ (many/much). Ex. WAn BEEK (a book, one book).
<Note> As explained earlier,
verb RI [ri] ( 'be' in English) in SCV type sentence in Mode I and SVC type
sentence in Mode II can be omitted to make the sentence even simpler.
Thus, the above sentences
can eventually be written as follows.
<Note> Both sentences become
identical !
Tense Particles -TA or -T ( both pronounced
[ta] ) is put at the end of verbs, and show the past tense.
RE or R ( both
pronounced [re] ) is put at the end of verbs to show the future tense. T and R
are better than
TA and RE because the formers are a bit shorter. There
is no Tense Particles to show the present tense.
Tense Particles | Past | Present | Future |
-T, -R | -T [ ta] | -R [ re] |
Verb | Past | Present | Future |
take | took | take | will, shall take |
UYUS [uyu:s] |
UYUS-T [uyu:sta] |
UYUS [uy:s] |
UYUS-R [uyu:sre] |
<Note> 'UYUS' means 'to take'.
@ Naturalist
Naturalists include Onomatopoeias
and Interjections.
Ex. Ah, Oh, So, Ouch, Bang, knock, Rin
Rin, Cook-a-doodle-doo, etc.
Thank you for reading! See you again on webpage 2.
( Webpage 2 will include the
classification of sentences, nouns, and personal