トップページへ Volcano Fuji

A ham radio station JA2BGH
Jun Aihara
2-4-10 Ohmiyachou Mishima-City Japan

I started a ham radio station in 1959.
I answer all QSL cards via bureau or eQSL.cc.
Operate bands : 7MHz, 10MHz, 14MHz. 18MHz, 21MHz.
Operate Emission Mode : CW, SSB, PSK31, MFSK, MMSSTV、DigitalSSTV

My Shack (station information)
Transceiver :
 . ICOM  IC-756PRO2
 . Home-brew ELECRAFT K2
 .( Linear Amplifier : FL-2100Z :500W)
Computers :
 . SONY  PCG-71311N : CPU CORE i3 , Memory (4GB)
 . Home brew : CPU CORE i5 (3.5GHZ,) ,Memory (4GBx2), SSD (250GB) ,HDD (500GB)
・Antenna : Dipole
・Soft-ware : MixW, MMVARI, MMSSTV ,EasyPal, WSJT



Get QSL card (It is the QSLcard which was sent from the foreign radio station.)


Other hobbies

Birdwatcher and canoe
 I do birdwatching at the foot_hills of Mt.Fuji.

Prunella collaris  イワヒバリ 富士山六合目  全長18cm
Ficedula narcissina  キビタキ 富士山麓  全長 14cm
Cyanoptila cyanomelana オオルリ 富士山麓  全長 16cm

I mountaineer well to the foot of Mt.Fuji because of the research on the volcano. Then it takes a picture when there is a beautiful bird..

Pandion haliaetus ミサゴ  富士川河口
Parus montanus コガラ  富士山麓
I enjoy a canoe on the river and the sea.
 Birdwatching 富士山麓の豊かな自然を楽しんでいる。

Thank you for visiting my home page.
73  Good lack
