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Check out our list of things you can look forward to seeing in upcoming game updates. Some of these are long-term and some are shorter-term; you'll usually be able to tell which is which by the amount of detail given.

New Log in Features
Feb 1 2000 4:44PM CST
2000年2月1日 1:44 JST
The log in menus of the Ultima Online client will be improved to include more options.
Ultima Online クライアントのログインメニューには、より多くのオプションが追加されます。

Log in with Last Character
This option will appear where the "save password" option currently is, provided that you have unchecked the save password option. Checking "Log in With Last Character" will automatically log in the character you last logged out with after you have entered your password.

Tutorial Option
"Young" players will have the option of entering the tutorial (to be detailed at a later date) instead of creating a character.

Pet Loyalty Duration
Feb 1 2000 4:43PM CST
2000年2月1日 1:43 JST
Pets will remain loyal much longer than they did in the past. Pets will remain loyal for approximately 24 hours.

Invulnerable Shopkeepers
Jan 28 2000 5:42PM CST
2000年1月28日 2:42 JST
Shopkeepers will become "invulnerable" and will not take any damage from attacks.

Animal and Monster Spawn Phase II
Jan 28 2000 5:37PM CST
2000年1月28日 2:37 JST
Untamed monsters and animals in houses will "die" after a certain amount of time. These monsters and animals will be eligible for "death", within a given amount of time, under the following circumstances:

  • If the monster/animal is not targeted.
  • If the monster/animal does not receive or deliver damage.

Gray Flagging Fix
Jan 3 2000 10:06AM CST
2000年1月2日 19:06 JST
To avoid exploits involving "gray" to "blue" flagging, entering or being the target of combat will extend the "gray flag" of a "gray" character for two additional minutes.

Name Change Deeds
Nov 17 1999 1:17PM CST
11月17日 22:17 JST
You will be able to purchase a deed that will allow you to change your character痴 name. A new NPC called a "Registrar" will be available in towns. You will only be able to change the name of a character once. Therefore, once you change a character's name you will not be able to use another deed to change it again. The price for these deeds is still under review.
キャラクターの名前を変更可能な証書を購入できるようになります。「Registrar(戸籍係)」と呼ばれる新しい NPC が町に現れます。1度だけキャラクターの名前を変えることが可能です。そのため、キャラクターの名前を変えると、他の証書を使用しても再度変更する事は出来ません。証書の価格については、検討中です。

Name Change Deeds
Oct 12 1999 2:23PM CST
10月12日 2:23PM
The price of the Name Change Deeds is currently under review and will be updated at a later date.

Clean Up Britannia (Phase II & III)
クリーンアップブリタニア(第2 & 第3フェーズ)
Oct 6 1999 5:11PM CST
10月6日 5:11PM
For details of Phase I of Clean Up Britannia (The Ticket System), please visit In Testing.
クリーンアップブリタニア第1段階(チケットシステム)の詳細は、In Testingを訪問してください。

Phase II - Lockdown

The second phase of our Clean Up Britannia event will change the way items are stored in houses.

Lockdown will be optimized for interaction with the item decay system. In addition to storage changes, we will also be implementing some other changes in preparation for item decay.

  • We will be increasing the number of secure containers and lock downs for most houses. The exact numbers are detailed below.
  • To lock down a container, it must first be emptied. Also, once locked down, containers may not have any items placed in them.
  • You will be able to lock down stackable items (such as ingots and reagents). The house owner, friends and "co-owners" of the house will be able to use these items. When a locked down stackable item is used up, the lock down slot will automatically become available.
  • You will be able to designate other players as a "co-owner". Co-owners will have access to more functions than friends of the house. Specific information on co-owners and their access to the house functions will be communicated in the future. Only the most trusted friends should be designated as co-owners.
  • Secure containers will have their weight restrictions removed. You will be able to place 125 items in these containers regardless of their weight.
  • Bank Boxes will have their weight restrictions removed. You will be able to place 125 items in these containers regardless of their weight.
  • While items on boats will not decay, we will be making changes that prevent boats from being used as permanent storage. More information on this system will be posted at a later date.
Lock Down and Secure Containers
As part of Phase II, the number of secure containers and locked down items will be increased for most house types. The numbers are detailed below. The total items column is the maximum number of items that can be stored in each house.

House Type
Secure Containers
Lock Downs
Total Items
All Small Houses
3 50 425
Brick Houses
8 100 1100
Large Patio Houses
8 100 1100
Both Two Story Houses
10 120 1370
15 244 2119
Small Stone Keeps
18 375 2625
28 576 4076

These changes, along with the ability to lock down stackable items and the removal of weight restrictions from secure containers and bank boxes, should offer you adequate room to store your most valuable and useful items and decorate your home.

Phase III - House Item Decay
第3段階 − 屋内アイテムの崩壊
The final phase in our Clean Up Britannia campaign will be the implementation of item decay in houses. The decay rate will be the same as with items outside.

Once in effect, house item decay will affect all items that are not:
  • Placed in a secure container.
  • Locked down.
  • Placed by an IGM or GM.
Future House Changes
* You will only be able to place one house per account, per shard. Accounts with more than one house per shard will not be affected, however if you have more than one house on your account, and deed one of the houses, you will not be able to place the deed.
* A secure house transfer system will be added in the future.
※安全な家謙譲システムが将来追加されます。 * We are also planning on implementing a house maintenance or taxation system. However, this change will probably not occur until late this year. We welcome your feedback on this issue.

In Development
Oct 1 1999 5:19PM CST
10月1日 5:19PM
The following features and fixes are currently in development.

Skill Management
In an effort to give players more control over their character's skills we will be implementing a skill management system. To facilitate this management the skill menu will be changed in the following ways:
  • A toggle button will be added at the top of the menu. This toggle button will change the state of the menu so that it will show or hide your character痴 unmodified skill numbers. This will allow you to see what your actual skill level is unmodified from stats.
  • A toggle button will be added next to each skill. This toggle button will have three states: "up", "down", and "stop". Skills marked "up" will rise normally and will never go down. Skills marked "down" will be candidates for atrophy. Skills marked "stop" will not go up or down, regardless of how often they are used.
  • A field will be added to the bottom of the skill menu that lists the character痴 unmodified skill total. This will allow you to see how close you are to the skill cap (700).
The FAQ for skill management can be found in the previous In Development communication.

Flagging Changes
PvP enhancements will begin with changes to the flagging system. These are designed to make combat more consistent and create more fairness in guild wars.
PvP の拡張をフラグシステムの変更から行います。これらにより、さらに整合性の取れた戦闘と公正なギルド戦争を行えるようになります。
  • Using the healing skill on a murderer (red) or criminal (gray) will result in you taking on their flag. In other words, if you heal a "red" player, you will be red to all other players for two minutes and they will be able to attack you freely.
    殺人犯(赤)や犯罪者(灰色)に Healing スキルを使用すると、あなたに同じフラグが立ちます。言い換えると、あなたが「赤い」プレイヤーを治療すると、あなたは2分間赤くなり、誰からでも攻撃を受けることになります。
  • This also holds true for healing a member of a guild. If you use the healing skill on a guild member, you will be "orange" to any warring guild. This means that opposing guilds will be able to attack you and you will not be able to report them for a murder count.
    これはギルドメンバーを治療した場合も同様です。ギルドメンバーに Healing スキルを使用すると、戦争中の全てのギルドから「オレンジ」になります。これにより、敵対ギルドはあなたを攻撃でき、殺人カウントのための報告を行えなくなります。
  • We are also looking into the criminal flag timer to combat exploits within the system. These will be designed to stop flagged players from abusing the system. More details on these changes will follow.
Some of the trade skills will be enhanced to allow for more flexibility and personalization of their wares. These enhancements will affect Tailors, Carpenters, Blacksmiths, and Tinkers.
生産スキルのいくつかで、柔軟性と個性を発揮できるようにします。これらの拡張は、仕立て屋(Tailors)、大工(Carpenters)、鍛冶屋(Blacksmiths)、細工屋(Tinkers) に影響があります。
  • In addition to Blacksmiths and Tailors - Carpenters and Tinkers will now be able to craft "exceptional" items.
  • Any item that is exceptionally created will be marked as "exceptional" even if the craftsman is not a Grandmaster in the skill.
  • Exceptionally made items that have limited uses (such as sewing kits and smith hammers) will have more uses than non-exceptional items.
  • When a Grandmaster creates an exceptional item, a window will appear asking if they wish to place their mark on the item. Selecting "okay" will place the creator's name on the item when examined (single clicked). Selecting "cancel" will not put the maker's mark the item.
    Grandmaster が高品質品を作成した際には、アイテムに銘を刻むかどうかを尋ねるウィンドウが開きます。「okay」を選択すると、調べた(シングルクリック)際に、作成者の銘が現れます。「cancel」を選ぶと、アイテムに作成者の銘が刻まれません。
Buying from vendors will be made more secure. After selecting an item to purchase from a player vendor, you will be given a message that tells you the item name and the cost associated with it. The message will have two options:
  • To purchase the item, click "okay".
  • To cancel the transaction, click "cancel".
While the message is on your screen, the vendor owner will not be able to move the item or change its price until you click either "okay" or "cancel". The message will remain on the screen for 60 seconds to give you time to decide.

Pet Changes
Some issues involving pets will be addressed.
  • To avoid a bothersome misuse of pets, you will not be able to name any pet "you" or "your bag".
    ペットの厄介な誤用を避けるため、ペットに「you」や「your bag」と命名出来なくします。
  • Pack horses will now accept food. Dragging food onto a pack horse will cause the horse to eat it.
Veterinary and Healing
We have made some changes to the Veterinary and Healing skills to improve their performance and make them more consistent.
  • You will no longer be able to use Veterinary or Healing on the following monsters: Zombies, Daemons, Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Gazers, Liches, Spectres, Skeletons, Wisps, Energy Vortexes, and Blade Spirits.
    以下のモンスターには獣医学と治療をしよう出来なくします: Zombies, Daemons, Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Gazers, Liches, Spectres, Skeletons, Wisps, Energy Vortexes, and Blade Spirits。
  • The Veterinary and Healing skills will also now distinguish between animals, monsters, and humanoid creatures.
  • The following animals and monsters will be healed using the Veterinary skill: Gargoyles, Corpsers, Dragons, Reapers, Slimes, Terrathans, Eagles, Birds, Giant Snakes, Spiders, Gorillas, Mongbats, Giant Scorpions, Snakes, Drakes, Frogs, Sea Serpents, Dolphins, Horses, Cats, Alligators, Pigs, Rabbits, Lava Lizards, Sheep, Chickens, Goats, Ostards, Bears, Grizzly Bears, Polar Bears, Cougars, Giant Rats, Cows, Dogs, Llamas, Walruses, Wolves (timber), Nightmares, Bulls, Great Harts, Hinds, Rats, Pack Horses, Pack Llamas.
    以下の動物とモンスターを治療するには、獣医学スキルを使用します:Gargoyles, Corpsers, Dragons, Reapers, Slimes, Terrathans, Eagles, Birds, Giant Snakes, Spiders, Gorillas, Mongbats, Giant Scorpions, Snakes, Drakes, Frogs, Sea Serpents, Dolphins, Horses, Cats, Alligators, Pigs, Rabbits, Lava Lizards, Sheep, Chickens, Goats, Ostards, Bears, Grizzly Bears, Polar Bears, Cougars, Giant Rats, Cows, Dogs, Llamas, Walruses, Wolves (timber), Nightmares, Bulls, Great Harts, Hinds, Rats, Pack Horses, Pack Llamas。
  • These creatures will be healed using the Healing skill: Trolls, Cyclopes, Ophidians, Ogres, Ettins, Orcs, Harpies, Headlesses, Lizardmen, Ratmen, and Humans (including Player Characters).
    以下の生物を治療するには、治療スキルを使用します:Trolls, Cyclopes, Ophidians, Ogres, Ettins, Orcs, Harpies, Headlesses, Lizardmen, Ratmen、そして人間(プレイヤーキャラクターも含む)
  • The issue with double finger slips while healing when hit with a magical attack will be resolved. You will now only slip once.
Some issues involving boats will be addressed.
  • Issues that did not allow players to dry dock a boat even when it was empty will be resolved.
  • The miniature boat models will now say the type of boat and the name of the boat when examined (single clicked).
  • Other major changes to boat functionality will be announced late next week. These changes will be designed to prevent boats from being used as permanent storage. We will update you further once these changes are more formalized.
Monster Treasure
Some issues with the treasure carried by monsters will be addressed
  • You will no longer get the item, "a scroll". These items have been removed and you will now get a genuine, usable magic scroll.
    「a scroll」は出なくなります。このアイテムが生成されることはなくなり、使用可能な魔法のスクロールが現れます。
  • Monsters will no longer carry an inordinate number of backpacks to hold their treasure.
Name Change Deeds
You will be able to purchase a deed that will allow you to change your character's name. A new NPC called a "Registrar" will be available in towns and the deeds will cost 10,000 gold. You will only be able to change the name of a character once. Therefore, once you change a character's name you will not be able to use another deed to change it again.
キャラクターの名前を変更可能な証書を購入できるようになります。「Registrar(戸籍係)」と呼ばれる新しい NPC が町に現れ、証書を 10,000gpで販売します。1度だけキャラクターの名前を変えることが可能です。そのため、キャラクターの名前を変えると、他の証書を使用しても再度変更する事は出来ません。

Clean Up Britannia (Phase II & III)
Sep 29 1999 7:38PM CST
9月29日 7:38PM
For details of Phase I of Clean Up Britannia (Ticket System), please visit In Testing.
クリーンアップブリタニア第1段階(チケットシステム)の詳細は、In Testingを訪問してください。

Phase II - Lockdown

The second phase of our Clean Up Britannia event will change the way items are stored in houses.

Lockdown will be optimized for interaction with the item decay system. In addition to storage changes, we will also be implementing some other changes in preparation for item decay.

  • We will be increasing the number of secure containers for most houses. The exact numbers will be released next week.
  • The number of lock-downs will also be increased for most houses.
  • You will be able to lock down stackable items (such as ingots and reagents). Friends and 'Co-owners' of the house will be able to use these items.
  • You will be able to designate other players as a "co-owner". Co-owners will have access to all functions associated with a house, except redeeding. This includes rekeying, unlocking and locking items down and designating secure containers. Only the most trusted friends should be designated as a co-owner.
  • Secure containers will have their weight restrictions removed. You will be able to place 125 items in these containers regardless of their weight.
  • Bank Boxes will have their weight restrictions removed. You will be able to place 125 items in these containers regardless of their weight.
  • While items on boats will not decay, we will be making changes that prevent boats from being used as permanent storage. More information on this system will be posted at a later date.
The Lockdown phase is scheduled to begin October 19, 1999. More Details on this phase will be posted in the upcoming days.

Phase III - House Item Decay

The final phase in our Clean Up Britannia campaign will be the implementation of item decay in houses.

Once in effect, house item decay will affect all items that are not:
  • Placed in a secure container.
  • Locked down.
  • Placed by an IGM or GM.
House item decay is scheduled to begin on October 25, 1999. More details on this phase will be posted at a later date.

Future House Changes
* You will only be able to place one house per account, per shard. Accounts with more than one house per shard will not be affected, however if you have more than one house on your account, and deed one of the houses, you will not be able to place the deed.
* A secure house transfer system will be added in the future.
* We are also planning on implementing a house maintenance or taxation system. However, this change will probably not occur until late this year. We welcome your feedback on this issue.

Skill Management
Sep 27 1999 7:29PM CST
9月27日 7:29PM
In an effort to give you more control over what skills your characters have, below is the current plan for stat and skill management. This new system will give you a simple and straightforward method for customizing your characters.

The skill menu will be changed in the following ways:
  • A toggle button will be added at the top of the menu. This toggle button will change the state of the menu so that it will show or hide your character's unmodified skill numbers. This will allow you to see what your actual skill level is unmodified from stats.
  • A toggle button will be added next to each skill. This toggle button will have three states: "up", "down", and "stop". Skills marked "up" will rise normally and will never go down. Skills marked "down" will be candidates for atrophy. Skills marked "stop" will not go up or down, regardless of how often they are used.
  • A field will be added to the bottom of the skill menu that lists the character's unmodified skill total. This will allow you to see how close you are to the skill cap (700).

Q: "What happens if I'm at the skill cap and all my skills are all marked 'up'?"
A: "None of your skills will change."

Q: "What happens if I'm at the skill cap and the only skills marked 'down' are at 0.0?"
A: "None of your skills will change."

Q: "What happens if I mark all my skills 'down'?"
A: "None of your skills will change, because they only atrophy when another skill raises."

Q: "If I mark all my skills 'down' except for one, will that skill go up faster?"
A: "No."

Q: "Will I gain stats when I use a skill marked 'down'?"
A: "No."

Q: "Will I gain stats when I use a skill marked 'stop'?"
A: "No."

Q: "What happens when I try to train with an NPC if I am skill capped and all of my skills are marked as either "stop" or "up".
A: "You will not be able to train with the NPC"
  「NPC から訓練を受けることは出来ません」[NEW]

Q: "How will this system affect murderers with regards to 'Stat-loss'?"
A: "Murderers will still take stat and skill loss as normal, regardless of their skill locks."

Q: "Can I set a different configuration for each character?"
A: "Yes. Each character on each shard can have different skill management settings."

Sep 23 1999 11:35AM CST
9月23日 11:35AM
We will update this section very soon to give you the latest plans UO development. Stay tuned for more!
我々は皆さんに最近の UO の開発計画 をお知らせするために、間もなくこのセクションをアップデートします。さらに多くのために見守ってください!

In Development
Sep 14 1999 12:03PM CST
9月14日 12:03PM
The following items are In Development. Details on these features will be given when they are placed In Testing:
以下の項目を開発中です。これらの特徴上の詳細は、In Testingに置かれた時に書かれます:
  • A system to inform players when the server maintenance back-up will result in their current play-time not saving.
  • Changes to the backups to significantly reduce raw backup data size. This will improve servers performance with faster restart times, faster backup times and less load on the server when players cross server boundaries.
  • The client ghosting issue is under analysis to determine an appropriate resolution.
  • Armor and weapons can be smelted back into ingots.
  • Clothing can be made back into cloth.
  • Leather items can be made back into leather.
  • Pets will be able to fetch and drop items again.
  • Pets will only guard the following:
    • The owner
    • The corpse of the owner
    • Items in the house of the owner
    • Other pets of the owner
  • A fix for transferring pets in town.
  • After changing the guild type from Chaos, Order or Neutral, guilds will have to wait 24 hours before they can change the declaration.
  • The interior door for Patio Houses will be lockable.
  • A fix for NPCs Vendors who are not going back to their shops.
  • Items placed in an armoire will no longer disappear.

Updates Coming Soon
Aug 31 1999 2:43PM CST
8月31日 2:43PM
We plan to update this section very soon to give you the latest plans and aspirations of the UO Live team. Stay tuned for more!
我々は皆さんに、最近の計画と UO ライブチームの念願をかなえるために本当に間もなくこのセクションをアップデートする予定です。もう少しお待ちください!

The following Items Are Currently Under Development
Apr 29 1999 5:07PM CST
5月3日 6:51PM
The following items are longer term:
  • We are revising the way tinker traps are dealt with for the purposes of murder reporting.
  • Alchemy and necromancy have gone back to the drawing board as we work to make them the best additions possible.
  • A house auction system will allow you to buy and sell player-built buildings on the open market.
  • Changes will be made to boats to minimize crowding along the shores, and problems with losing your boat.
  • Order/chaos warfare will be revamped.
  • It will be possible to declare public buildings to be guard zones.

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