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Game Master Support
Nov 3 1999 4:50PM CST
11月3日 4:50PM
In-Game GM Support will be unavailable from 5:00pm to 6:00pm CST today. We apologize for the inconvenience. Counselor coverage will be available during this time, and normal support will resume at 6:00pm CST. Thanks!!

Ultima Online: Product of the Year
Ultima Online:プロダクト・オブ・ザ・イヤー
Oct 29 1999 6:10PM CST
10月29日 6:10PM
We are pleased to announce that Ultima Online has been honored as a High Technology Product of the Year! The Product of the Year Award is presented annually to a company in the greater Austin, Texas area that has successfully organized, developed, or managed a technology concept into a commercial product or service within the last three years.
我々は Ultima Online がハイ・テクノロジー・プロダクト・オブ・ザ・イヤーとしての名誉を与えられたと発表でき、とても嬉しく思います!プロダクト・オブ・ザ・イヤーは、毎年オースチン、テキサスエリアに存在する企業が、組織化、開発、技術管理、コマーシャルプロダクトのコンセプトテクノロジー、サービスなどで過去3年間の間に成功を収めた場合、受賞できます。

In the last two years, over 130,000 of you around the world have helped us bring the world of Ultima Online to life, and for that we sincerely thank you.
これまでの2年間に、世界中の130,000以上の人々が我々の Ultima Online の世界での生活を手助けしてくれました。我々は心から皆さんに感謝します。

Read all about the award here!

Volunteer Shard Opening
Oct 22 1999 2:29PM CST
10月22日 2:29PM
We are pleased to announce the opening of Volunteer Shard, our newest shard. While it is a "Public" shard and will be available on your login screen, the shard is designated primarily for training UO Customer Support Staff and Volunteers. Additionally, as it has been allotted fewer servers and resources, this should not be considered a full service shard.

As Volunteer Shard is used to prepare staff for all possible game situations, we may make changes at any time. This could include deleting houses, items, or making other changes which may affect your character on the shard. We would like to stress that there is no degree of permanence on this shard.
ボランティアシャードは、全てのゲーム状況をスタッフに用意するために使用され、いつ変更を行うか解りません。 これは家やアイテムの削除、シャード上の皆さんのキャラクターに影響する変更などが行われる事を含みます。我々はこのシャードに永続性がないことを強調します。

Ultima Online Billing Upgrade
Ultima Online 料金請求処理アップグレード
Oct 22 1999 11:50AM CST
10月22日 11:50AM
Sometime in the next two weeks, we will begin an upgrade to our billing system in an effort to provide our customers with improved service. This upgrade will require significant downtime to the following systems when it occurs:

  • New Account Creation & Account Management will be unavailable for approximately 24 hours.
During that time, we will be unable to provide you with account changes or updates via the website or via telephone.

To be safe, we urge all customers to check and pay up your account balances. If you have an outstanding balance on your account, an expired credit card, or are using a gameplay coupon soon to expire, we will be unable to restore your service once this transition starts until the new billing system is in place.

We are making our best effort to provide you with continued service during this upgrade, and apologize for any inconveniences it may cause.

An additional notice will be posted 2 days prior to the transition starting.

Introducing "In Concept
Oct 19 1999 6:47PM CST
10月19日 6:47PM
We're pleased to present "In Concept", the latest addition to the Ultima Online website. We'll be using this area of our website to tell you about ideas and plans currently being considered by the UO Development Team - and to solicit your feedback.
我々は Ultima Online ウェブサイトに最近の追加に関する「コンセプト」を発表できることを嬉しく思います。ここでは、UO開発チームが考えているアイデアと予定を皆さんにお話しし、フィードバックを期待します。

Keep in mind, the ideas presented in this section are defined by the title - they are in concept only. Changes listed in this section are not currently set in stone, they are not currently in development, nor are they ready for testing. Some changes posted may never make it into Ultima Online in the manner described. However, they are systems, ideas, or proposals that we believe you can provide valuable insight on, and we want to have the opportunity to hear your thoughts on them.
覚えておいて頂きたいのは、このセクションに提出するアイデアはタイトルで定義されているように、コンセプトのみです。このセクションにリストアップされた変更は、決定事項ではなく、開発中でもなく、テストの準備も出来ていません。ポストされた変更のいくつかは、記述されたように Ultima Online に作りこまれるとは限りません。しかしながら、システム、アイデア、提案といった価値あるものが提出されると信じ、皆さんの考えを聞く機会が得られることを望んでいます。

Our first addition to "In Concept" concerns the boat system in UO. Please stop by and read our ideas.

We look forward to hearing your comments!

New Maintenance Schedules for Select Shards
Oct 18 1999 2:31PM CST
10月18日 2:31PM
We are pleased to announce that the following shards will now be subject to a new maintenance schedule. The selected shards are Arirang, Izumo, Yamato, Hokuto, Wakoku, Asuka, Drachenfels, Europa and Siege Perilous.
以下のシャードでのメンテナンススケジュール変更を発表できることができ、大変喜ばしく思います。選ばれたシャードは、Arirang、Izumo、Yamato、Hokuto、Wakoku、Asuka、Drachenfels、Europa、Siege Perilous です。

Effective immediately, these shards will have scheduled maintenance only on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays (local server time). This decrease in downtime for maintenance will add many hours of playtime per week to each of these shards.

In the near future, we will begin testing in an effort to reduce the amount of maintenance downtime across all remaining shards. For the time being, the remaining shards will continue with daily maintenance schedules.

Ultima Online Domain Reminder
Ultima Online ドメインの覚え書き
Oct 5 1999 5:40PM CST
10月5日 5:40PM
As a reminder, if you are currently linking to http://www.owo.com for the Ultima Online website, you should update your links to http://www.uo.com.
覚えておいてください、Ultima Online のウェブサイトとして、現在 http://www.owo.com をリンクしている場合、a href="http://www.uo.com" target="_Top">http://www.uo.com への変更をお願いします。

With the upcoming addition of Ultima Online 2 to the Origin online games lineup, the website at http://www.owo.com will become the Origin Worlds Online website. The Ultima Online website will remain at http://www.uo.com. Until the Origin Worlds Online website is completed, both urls will continue to point to the same place.
オリジンオンラインゲームのラインアップに Ultima Online 2 を間もなく追加するため、 http://www.owo.com ウェブサイトは、Origin Worlds Online ウェブサイトとなります。 Ultima Online ウェブサイトは、 http://www.uo.com となります。Origin Worlds Online のウェブサイトが完成するまでは、両方の URL が同じ場所を指すようになります。

Additionally, any email correspondence should now be directed to uo.com instead of owo.com - using the same addressee. For example, JohnDoe@owo.com should be changed to JohnDoe@uo.com. For the near future, both uo.com and owo.com addresses will deliver to the same place - we just want to give you the chance to grow accustomed to our new domain name as soon as possible.
さらに、全ての電子メールは受取人は同じですが、現在の owo.com の代わりに uo.com にしてください。例えば、 JohnDoe@owo.com は JohnDoe@uo.com に変えてください。しばらくの間は、 uo.com と owo.com のアドレスは同じ場所に配達されます。皆さんが、できる限り早く我々の新しいドメイン名に慣れて頂けるようにお願いいたします。

Announcing Izumo, the newest Japanese shard!
Oct 1 1999 6:28PM CST
10月1日 6:28PM
Origin is pleased to introduce the newest shard to the Ultima Online service, Izumo. This newest shard is located in Japan. Some of you may be wondering what the meaning of 'Izumo' is, and why the name was chosen for the UO shard.
オリジンは Ultima Online サービスの最も新しいシャード、 Izumo を紹介します。この最も新しいシャードは日本にあります。「Izumo」の意味が何であるか、そしてなぜ UO シャードにこの名前が選ばれたのか疑問に思う方がいるかも知れません。

The Official Japanese UO website allowed Japanese UO players to submit suggestions for new shards. All tolled, over 2500 players submitted names. The shard naming decision was kept internal, but Izumo, a name suggested by quite a large percentage of the Japanese players who submitted ideas, was finally chosen.
日本公式 UO ウェブサイト上で、日本の UO プレイヤーに新しいシャードの名前を募集しました。全部で2500人以上のプレイヤーが名前を投稿しました。シャード名の決定は内々に行われました。しかし、Izumo という名前は応募した日本のプレイヤーの多くが提案した名前で、最終的に選ばれました。

What does it mean? Izumo is an existing Japanese city with a deep historical background and is also famous for the foreword thinking municipal programs that have been adopted lately. Many Japanese are familiar with this city, and with Izumo-taisha, which is an old Japanese shrine that imparts good luck for finding your mate. The city boasts a history rich with legendary stories and a culture from which many medieval samurais came. The Japanese characters for this name mean 'cloud is out' or 'coming out of cloud.'
それはどういう意味ですか? Izumo は深い歴史を持つ日本の都市であり、最近採用された地方自治体プログラムの序文で有名です。多くの日本人はこの街を出雲大社としてよく知っており、これは古くからある縁結びの神社です。この街は、戦国時代の侍から来る文化と豊かな歴史を持っています。この名前の日本語での意味は、「雲が出る」「雲から出てくる」となります。

Izumo, the shard, will take advantage of the new localized shard policy that began with Arirang. Izumo will be available to Japanese players only for a short period in order to help build a solid foundation for both the social well being and the customer support strength on that shard.
Izumo シャードは、Arirang から始まった新しいローカライズシャードのポリシーが適用されます。 Izumo は、強力な顧客サポートと、シャード上に堅実な社会的基盤が構築されるまでの短い間、日本人プレイヤーのみが利用可能となります。

Izumo will become available to all UO players, regardless of location, after this initial moratorium. We celebrate the global nature of our game and the rich mixture of player cultures on the shards. Izumo will be opened to the entire UO community by approximately December.
Izumo は、最初のモラトリアム終了後、地域に関わらずに全ての UO プレいヤーが利用可能となります。我々はゲームがグローバルな性質であり、シャード上での文化的交流が盛んに行われることを歓迎します。Izumo は12月ごろに、全 UO 共同体にオープンされます。

Commemorative Plates
Sep 30 1999 11:25AM CST
9月30日 11:25AM
The 300th year commemorative plates are available again. To get your plate you must visit Doyl Beita, the Royal Tinker, who is personally distributing the plates. He has set up shop at the entrance to Lord British's castle in the north guard chamber. There is a parchment in front of him that you can sign (double click it) to receive your plate.
300周年記念のお皿が再度入手可能です。お皿を得るためには、個人的にお皿を配布している、王室御用達ティンカーの Doyl Beita を訪問しなければなりません。Lord British 城の入り口、ガードの詰め所の北に店を設置しました。お皿を受け取るためには、羊皮紙に著名(ダブルクリック)してください。

To read more about this, click here.

Sept 29th Mini-update
Sep 28 1999 3:19PM CST
9月28日 3:19PM
Some players have been experiencing problems with raising stats and skills. After reviewing players's comments and our own internal information, we have identified the cause. Once the shards come back from their next daily maintenance they will be updated with a resolution to this issue.

Our thanks to the players who sent us information about stat and skill gains. We apologize for this issue and will keep you updated should further information become available.

Counselor Age Requirement Changes
Sep 27 1999 11:16AM CST
9月27日 11:16AM

It seems that one of the brightest burning issues we have right now in the Counselor program is centered around the 25 year age restriction. Many of you have written in with your opinions and we have responded. The age restriction has been in place not to ensure maturity, but to give the program a better shot at gaining a group of individuals who have a set routine and can commit to a set schedule. This seemed to make sense to the majority of you, but you still asked, "What about the counselors who were grandfathered in?" Good question . We have paid special attention to this particular group over the past few months and I must say, we have had very few, if any, scheduling problems with them. These counselors have shown us that not only are they excited, dedicated and knowledgeable, but they are also committed to servicing the players by maintaining a set schedule within the program.

It is largely due to the success of these dedicated Counselors that we have decided to lower the age restriction to 21! This is an incredibly exciting thing for us as we are well aware that there are so many great players within this age group. So, with all this said and done we encourage anyone, 21 and over, with a desire to take on a different role within the game, to head to the web page and apply for the Counselor program. We can't wait to hear from you and get you on board!

Click here for the Counselor Application and Terms of Service.

Commemorative Plates Arrive
Sep 24 1999 2:32PM CST
9月24日 2:32PM
The 300th year anniversary plates have arrived! The commemorative plates are being given out at the Counselor Halls in Britain and Vesper. To get a plate, simply double-click on one of the kiosks located at the hall. Plates are limited to one per customer. Enjoy!
300周年記念日のお皿が到着しました!記念のお皿は Britain と Vesper のカウンセラーホールで配られています。お皿を手に入れるためには、ホール近くにあるキオスクをダブルクリックしてください。お皿は一人一つに制限されています。楽しんでください!

Update on Commemorative Plates
Sep 24 1999 10:37AM CST
9月24日 10:37AM
We regret to inform you that the delivery of the 300th year anniversary commemorative plates has been delayed. Lord British's guards are currently scouring the countryside looking for the delivery boy.
300周年記念日用の記念のお皿の配達が遅れているという残念なお知らせを致します。Lord British のガードが配達少年を探して現在各地を回っています。

At this time, you will not be able to receive a commemorative plate. We will update you further when they become available.

300th Year Anniversary Celebration
Sep 23 1999 6:42PM CST
9月23日 6:42PM
Hear ye! Hear ye!

To celebrate the 300th year anniversary of the defeat of Mondain and to commemorate the creation of the Shards, Lord British has decreed that each citizen of Britannia shall receive gifts from the coffers of his castle.
Mondain 敗北の300周年記念日のお祝いと、シャード作成を記念するために、 Lord British は各 Britannia 市民に、城の財源から贈り物をするように命じました。

After the shards come back from their next maintenance, upon logging into the world you will receive a specially colored bag. These items will be available for a limited time, so after October 4th you will not be able to get them any longer. Once a character receives a bag, you will not be able to get another on when logging in that character.

Inside the bag will be the following items:
  • A magic crystal ball that can answer questions! Ask a question and then double click the crystal ball. The magical orb can respond with a multitude of answers such as "aye", "nay", "very doubtful", or "'Tis most certain". In all, there are over 20 different responses! The crystal ball is "blessed" and therefore, cannot be looted or stolen.
    質問に答える魔法の水晶球!質問をして、水晶球をダブルクリックしてください。魔法の球は「aye(yes)」、「nay(no)」「very doubtful(どちらでもない)」「'Tis most certain(確かだ)」といった複数の回答を行います。全部で20以上の回答があります!水晶球は「神聖」です。従って、略奪されたり、盗まれることはありません。
  • A commemorative coin. This special silver coin can be flipped by double clicking on it. It will return either Ankhs (Heads) or Serpents (Tails). The coin is "blessed".
    記念コイン。この特別な銀コインはそれをダブルクリックすることによってひっくり返すことができます。それは Ankhs(表)あるいはサーペント(裏)を返します。コインは「神聖」です。
  • A bottle of Jaana's Hangover Cure. For those of you who party late into the night, this elixir can lessen the effects of alcohol. The bottle is "blessed".
  • A fireworks wand. Double clicking this wand will shoot off a colorful firework. Using your wand in combination with a few friends can produce quite the fireworks show! The wand is "blessed".
Players may also get a Commemorative Plate by visiting a Counselor Guildhall. These plates are also "blessed".

It is important to note that the bag containing these items is not "blessed". The bag, and anything in the bag, can be stolen and looted, even if "blessed" items are inside. Therefore, we recommend that you remove these items from the bag as soon as possible to avoid losing them.

We encourage everyone to join us in celebrating this monumental anniversary. We're glad to have you with us!

Coming Soon for Ultima Online: The Next 6 Months
今後のUltima Online:これからの半年
Sep 22 1999 4:44PM CST
9月22日 4:44PM
Origin is incredibly excited to be able to announce to you the latest plans for Ultima Online. Over the next 6 months, we will be expanding and improving UO. As features become ready, they will be rolled out to the existing playerbase in regularly scheduled updates.
オリジンは、Ultima Onlineの今後の計画を皆さんに発表することで、信じられないほどの興奮に包まれています。半年以内に、UOの拡張と改善を行います。機能の準備は整っており、現存のプレイヤーベースによる通常スケジュールのアップデートで導入されます。

Wev've detailed an assortment of our plans below, and will be providing extensive information on each as they are implemented over the next six months.

Land Expansion
While the specific details of these lands are still being formalized, they will undoubtedly bring new opportunities for housing and adventuring.

Options for PvP
The addition of this land will allow us to geographically separate play styles within UO, meaning we can create areas for engaging, adventuring experiences without the element of player versus player combat. There will, of course, still be plenty of room for player versus player combat. In fact, PvP will be expanded and improved in the future.

Party System
A party system is being designed to allow group adventuring. We plan to allow you to easily share profits and resources with your party while hunting.

Improved Monster AI
We will be upgrading monsters with an improved AI to enable them to react to players in new ways, in addition to making them more challenging to defeat overall.

Increased Veteran Player Volunteer Programs
We expect to have over 3,000 trained Counselors, Companions and Seers in place by February 2000 to support and enhance the world of UO. Interesting in joining us? Visit our Counselor Application area for details.

In addition to these upgrades, we've planned a variety of other smaller improvements and systems for UO and will release details on these as they are finalized.

For your information, the following is the official corporate press release:

ORIGIN Announces Plans for Exciting New Features in Ultima Online
オリジンは Ultima Onlineへの刺激的な新しい機能の計画を発表します
The richest, most compelling virtual world on the Internet is about to get even better

AUSTIN, Texas, September, 22, 1999-ORIGIN Systems(TM) the creator of online worlds, is taking its successful Ultima(TM)Online (UO) franchise to new heights. New features currently under development will dramatically improve gameplay and increase service quality for the thousands of people worldwide who live and play in UO's fantasy world. The ambitious development schedule over the next six months will deliver constant feature upgrades to current UO players and provide easier access for those just getting started.
1999年9月22日テキサス州オースティン発。オンライン世界の創造者オリジンシステムズは、その成功した Ultima Online (UO) の人気をさらに高めようとしています。現在開発中の新しい機能は、UOファンタジー世界で生活しプレイしている世界的な数千人の人々に対し、ゲームプレイを劇的に改善し、サービスの質を高めます。これから半年間の意欲的な開発スケジュールは、現在のUOプレイヤーに絶え間ない機能アップグレードを届け、始めたばかりの人には、より容易なアクセスを提供します。

The feature upgrades under development will make Ultima Online a better place to live. Additional land mass will provide more opportunity for players to become home owners in UO. The additional land will also allow for the geographical separation of play styles in UO-areas for improved player versus player (PvP) combat and areas for compelling adventures without the element of PvP. This will allow dedicated role-players, beginners and peace-loving players an environment separate from the sometime hostile world of the old Ultima Online.
開発中の機能アップグレードにより、Ultima Onlineがより住みやすくなります。土地の追加はプレイヤーがUOで家を所有するためのより多くの機会を供給します。土地の追加はまた、UOのエリアを改善されたプレイヤー対プレイヤー(PvP)戦闘とPvP要素のない冒険エリアとに地理的に分割します。これは献身的なロールプレイヤー、初心者、平和主義のプレイヤーを旧Ultima Onlineのいつも敵対的な世界から独立した環境となります。

The future upgrades will make UO more fun to explore. A new party system will provide players with a vehicle that facilitates group adventuring, including group communication, movement, combat, resource sharing and profit sharing. Improved monster AI will dramatically increase the excitement of player vs. monster encounters.
将来的アップグレードでは、UOを探検するのがいっそう楽しくなります。 新しいパーティーシステムがグループでの冒険 、グループコミュニケーション、移動、戦闘、財産の共有と利益の分配を容易にする手段を提供します。改善されたモンスターAIが劇的にプレイヤーとモンスターの遭遇による興奮が増加します。

Finally, the new additions will make it easier to get started in UO. New training areas are being created in Ultima Online where thousands of experienced UO players will help new players get their feet on the ground and have fun. More than 3,400 trained volunteers are expected to be on board by spring 2000, helping people enjoy the world of Ultima Online.
最後に、新しい付加機能はUOでのスタートをより容易にします。新しい訓練エリアが Ultima Online に作られ、数千人の経験豊かなUOプレイヤーが新しいプレイヤーがその地に降り立ったときに手助けしてくれます。3,400人を越えるトレーニング済みボランティアが、Ultima Online の世界を楽しむ人々を手助けするために、2000年の春に誕生する予定です。

The new features announcement comes as UO, celebrating its second anniversary this month, enjoys unprecedented growth and popularity. Currently UO has more than 134,000 active players, each one paying $9.95 a month to participate. The global network infrastructure now exists on 17 server sets located on three different continents. UO still attracts thousands of new users each month. People are playing in every one of the world's time zones and represent more than 50 countries. In recent months Ultima Online has been featured in Fortune magazine, The New York Times Magazine, the Boston Globe and on CNBC. And the UO web site, http://www.uo.com, gets two million unique user sessions each month.
UOの新しい機能の発表は、今月が2周年記念であり、前例のない成長と人気を教授するためです。現在 UO は134,000人以上の活発なプレイヤーがおり、それぞれ参加するために1カ月に9.95ドルを支払っています。グローバルネットワークインフラストラクチャ(基礎構造)は、3つの異なる大陸上に位置する17のサーバーセットとして存在しています。UOはまだ毎月何千という新参入ユーザがあります。人々は世界的時間帯のそれぞれでプレーしており、50以上の国々からプレイされています。今までに Ultima Online は、「フォーチュン」誌、「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」誌、「ボストン・グローブ」紙、CNBC上で優れた特色があるとされました。そして UO ウェブサイト、http://www.uo.com、は毎月200万のユニークなユーザーセッションを得ています。

ORIGIN Systems develops and publishes state-of-the-art entertainment software. To date, the company has released more than 60 titles, including the award-winning Ultima, Wing Commander(TM) Privateer(TM) and Crusader series of games. ORIGIN(TM) is based in Austin, Texas and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS). More information on ORIGIN products can be found on the Internet at http://www.origin.ea.com.
オリジンシステムズは最新技術の娯楽ソフトウェアを開発し、そして販売しています。当社は今日まで、Ultimaシリーズ、Wing Commander、Privateer、Crusaderシリーズといったゲームを60以上リリースしています。オリジンはテキサス州オースティンに本拠地を置き、エレクトロニック・アーツ(Nasdaq: ERTS)の子会社です。オリジンプロダクトについてのさらに多くの情報は、インターネット上のhttp://www.origin.ea.comで見ることができます。

# # #

Electronic Arts, ORIGIN Systems, ORIGIN, Ultima, Britannia, Wing Commander and Privateer, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
エレクトロニック・アーツ、オリジンシステムズ、オリジン、 Ultima、Britannia、Wing Commander、Privateerは、合衆国や他の国々での商標やエレクトロニック・アーツの登録商標です。すべての他のトレードマークはそれぞれの所有者の所有です。


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