Establishment of a New Human Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma Cell Line (IM), and Influence on Cell proliferations by Cisplatin with or without Hyperthermia

(Running Title)
Establishment of IM

Tomohiro IIDA1),Hiroyuki KURAMOTO2),Takao SHIMODA2),Mieko HAMANO2),Hiroki HATA2),Kyoko YONAMINE1) and Kazuhiko HAYASHI1)

1)Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Yokohama city Seibu Hospital
2)Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Kitasato University School of Medicine

A new cell line, designated IM has been established from operation material derived from a woman with ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma. The population doubling time of the 35th passage IM cell was 28.8 hours. And it was successively subcultured 165 times in over 7 years, moreover still kept CA125 production. The nuclear DNA and cell surface CA125 antigen were double stained by propidium iodide and anti CA125 monoclonal antibody-FITC. Then the two color cytogram obtained by flow cytometry was drawn up. For the most part of CA125 positive cell retained G0+G1 of cell cycle, the lesser part was in G2+M phese. The IC50 of IM cell incubated with cisplatin at 37Ž or 41Ž for 1 hour were 6.9 ƒĘg/ml and 4.6 ƒĘg/ml. Then the S phase rate was estimated by BrdU-propidium iodide double stain method of flow cytometry. It was concluded that the inhibition of DNA synthesis by cisplatin was increased with 41Ž low hyperthermia.

(Key Words) :Ovarian cancer cell line, CA125,Cisplatin, Flow cytometry, Hyperthermia

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