Establishment and characterization of human ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma cell line (SMOV-2), and its cytotoxity by anticancer agents

(Running Title)
Establishment of SMOV-2

Kyoko Yonamine, Kazuhiko Hayashi and Tomohiro Iida
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of St. Marianna University Yokohama City Seibu Hospital.
1197-1 Yasashi, Asahi-ku Yokohama 241, Japan.
TEL (045)366-1111 FAX (045)366-1190

A novel cell line derived from a surgically resected ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma of 46 year-old japanese woman was established and designated SMOV-2. Cells of this lineage were continuously propagated in vitro over 44 months and were grown in a mono-layered sheet with a doubling time of 48.2 hours.
The histpathology of the transplanted tumor in nude mice showed two distinctive cell types, hobnail cells and clear cells, which demonstrated recognizable characteristics of clear cell adenocarcinoma, as compaired to resected original tumors. At the morecular level, SMOV-2 cells had the wild type p53 genes that were free from missence mutations. Anticancer agents (cisplatin and paclitaxel) were examined for cytotoxty against these SMOV-2 cells in vitro. These examinations revealed that the chemotherapy - treated cells had decreased proliferation, cell cycle arrests, and induction of apoptosis by anti cancer agents. As can br gleaned from this research, SMOV-2 is a valuable model to study the mechanism of apoptotic responses of solid tumors to future anticancer agents.

(Key Words) :ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma, cell lline, cisplatin, paclitaxel, apoptosis

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