ローマでの宿泊ホテルは、Jolly Villa Carpegnaでした。
いよいよ、イタリアとお別れの日になってしまいました! 夜のJAL直行便で帰国のため、夕方までは自由行動でした!
We came back from Rome to Japan.
At night, with 8:45PM JAL's - Alitalia Airlines's cooperation convenience, it is nonstop to Japan It is free time to meet until night.
でも、感激! 外国で、おミサに出ることができたんですよ!!
In the morning,iIn the church in Rome near Vatican.
The mass bigins at 8:30. I participaed for the first time. Befor I knew it ended.
いつものごとく、ピエタ像をはじめ、教会のなかを見学しました。 ローマ法王様のいらっしゃる所と思うと、感激で鳥肌がたって、涙が止めどなく出てきました! 母に「感激しているんだ!!!」とからかわれながらも...
We received body check and we entered the San Pietro in the Vatican City State.
We visited the inside of the church including the pieta image. I was thinking that it was the place where the Pope lives, the gooseflesh stood in being affected. I god got goose bumps. As for me, I was impressed that tears would not stop.
I will be very happy when its possible for me to visit again.
クリスマスの飾りなどをうっている露店がいっぱい! 日本の夜店のようでした。私は特に何を買うわけでもないのに、わくわくした気分になりました。
We went to the Piazza Navona.
There are many streets stalls which are striking the ornaments of Christmas and so on!
The stalls were like night stalls in Japan. although at first I did not want to buy someting. I became excited!!
「ローマの休日」で有名な、トレビの泉へ...。 少し肌寒かったので、ジェラートではなく、ケーキとコーヒーで、ほっと一息!
In Romans Holiday,Trevi foutain is very famous. It was a little chilly, so I didn't eat gelato.
We ordered coffee and cakes and we took a break. I said "I will come again ?" My mother said "I mean come here aging, because I can not walk already". We had a break and talked with my mother outside the cafe.
もう、これで後は日本に帰るだけと思うと、なんだかあまりにも短くて、もっといたい! もう少しこのローマにいたい!という思いがつよくて... ( それでも、旅行は終わり!! )
We searched for a taxi. It took a taxi and we went f to the Hotel! I was thinking only that I will returns to Japan soon, it is very very short. I want to stay in Italy longer. And I am thinking very strongly that I want to stay in Rome a little more. However, my travl has ended! Then we were on the Hotel's bus and we went to the Leonardo Da Vinci Airport in Rome.
そう、「ローマの休日」で有名な、 ○○○の泉です! おわかりですか?
日本へ 帰えらなくては....
帰りの飛行機は、来る時間よりも、とっても早く感じました!(それは、あんたが寝てばかりだからだよ!!) 追い風の影響もあって、来るときより30分ほど早く日本に到着しました。
機内では、ひたすら寝るばかり! いままでの緊張が一気にとれて、疲れがでてきたような...。 食事で起こされれる以外は、ひたすら、おやすみなさ〜い!!でした。
The return hour time of flight was shorter than comming flight time. Becouse ther was wind pushing us from behind of the wind, we returned back to Japan 30minutes earlier.
As for me, I only slept deeply on the airplane. My tension so far was relieved and was tired.
I got up when it was meal time. I slept the whole way except only meal time. I wanted t stay at Italy a litle more.