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(翻訳ソフト 比較 日本国憲法)
IBM 翻訳の王様バイリンガル V5 テキスト翻訳 バージョン 5,0,0,70 | |||||
例文 | 日英翻訳ソフト | YAHOO翻訳 | Google翻訳 | 英日翻訳ソフト | |
A | 人の批判力は、その人の創造力を上回る。 | People's critical powers exceed the man's creativity. | The critical power of the person exceeds the creativity of the person. | Criticism of the power of people, their creativity above. | 人々の力の批判、上記の彼らの創造性。 |
B | 毎日が虫歯を無くすチャンスだよ (次男) |
Every day is a chance to lose a cavity. | It is the chance when every day loses a cavity (The second son) |
無くすevery chance it is a cavity (second son) | |
C | 人が刃渡り10センチのナイフを持ち歩いたら、殺意を感じるが、多くの人が車と言う完璧な殺人兵器を手にしている。 | If people walk with the knife of 10cm of length of a blade, although murderous intention will be felt, many people have gained the perfect homicide arms called car. | If a person carries a knife of length of a blade 10 centimeters, I feel the urge to kill, but have the perfect murder weapon which many people call a car in my hand. | Raise the people to carry 10-centimeter knife, feel murder, but many people say the car is perfect murder weapons in hand | 10センチメートルのナイフ、感触殺人、を運ぶために人々を育てて下さい、しかし多くの人々は、車が手もとにある完全な殺人武器だと言います。 |
D | 受験戦争を過激にしているのは塾と母親たちであり、父親はただ傍観しているだけである。 教師はただ危機感を扇動しているだけです。 |
Private schools and mothers make taking-an-examination
war excessive, and the father is only
looking on. The teacher is merely instigating the sense of impending crisis. |
It is a private supplementary school and mother that make an exam war radical, and father merely looks on. The teacher merely agitates for a sense of impending crisis. |
Aggressive war and examination of the cram school and mothers and fathers are
only just on the sidelines. But teachers will have a sense of crisis instigator. |
攻撃的な戦争と塾の試験、と母と父は、ちょうどはずれてのみいます。 しかし、教師は、危機扇動者の感覚を持つでしょう。 |
E | 現在の人間社会は競争社会である。 勝ち組になれば、幸せが得られるのでしょうか? |
The present human society is competition society. Is happiness acquired if it becomes a winner? |
The current human being society is the rat race. Will happiness be provided if I become the winners? |
Human society is the current competitive society. If a winning team, which gives happiness? |
人間社会は、現在の競争社会です。 勝利が、協力すれば、どちらが幸福を与えますか? |
F |
共存をはかることが人間の理想である。 |
It is man's ideal to aim at coexistence. | It is a human ideal to plan coexistence. | It is human coexistence own ideals. | 共存が、理想を所有することが人です。 |
G | 悩みの最大の解決策は、悩むことをやめることである。 | The greatest solution to is stopping worrying. | The greatest solution of the trouble is to stop being troubled. | The biggest problem solution will cease to suffer from it. | 最も大きい問題解決策は、それに苦しむのをやめるでしょう。 |
H |
2 前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。
国の交戦権は、これを認めない。 |
Constitution of Japan Chapter 2 Renunciation of War the 9th article The Japanese do sincerely desire of the international peace which makes justice and order the keynote, and motion slack war of national rights and use of the intimidation by military power or military power abandon this eternally as a means to solve international disputes. 2 Since the purpose of the preceding clause is attained, the military power of land, sea and air forces and others does not hold this. The right of belligerency of a country does not accept this. |
The Constitution of Japan Chapter 2 renunciation of war Article 9 The Japanese citizen desires international peace to be based on justice and order faithfully, and the use of war as the motion of the national power and saber rattling or the military power abandons this for means to solve an international dispute forever. The war potential of armed forces others does not maintain this to achieve the purpose of two foregoing paragraphs. The right of belligerency of the country does not accept this. |
2 for the purpose of the preceding paragraph, the armed forces
and other forces, which do not hold.
The right of belligerency of the country, which reject. |
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Yahoo!翻訳 VS Google 翻訳 "What Am I To You?" The Nose |
旧 英日翻訳ソフト比較 E to J Internet Plus VS 翻訳の王様 |