
Here is a picture journal of my travels to Spain.  I tried to cover to the most popular sight seeing spots and have organized the pictures accordingly. (All pictures are my own) I will also try to update the comments explaining each photo regularly.  And if you contact me I will be glad to send copies of the originals.  Hope you enjoy!

バルセロナを中心とするカタルーニャ地方は長い間、 独立国家として独自の言語、文化を保持してきた。伝統を大切にする一方、 斬新で独創的なものを取り入れる自由な精神も持ち、個性豊かなアーティストを生み出す土壌となった。 1992年バルセロナ・オリンピックで世界的に有名になった都市。(参考文献「るるぶ」JTBさん、すんません(^^;))

Barcelona is centered in the middle of the Catalan district.   The Catalan district, which has continued for many years to declare it's independence from Spain, has taken great care to  preserve it's unique language and culture.  Yet,  even with it's strong emphasis on tradition, the district is also known for it's ability to adopt radical ideals.  This free spiritedness of the district has given birth to many artists famous for their rich personalities.  Though Barcelona reached true international fame with the opening of the 1992 Olympic Games.  It was then that it joined the ranks of world renowned cities. (references: Rurubu and JTB.... sorry :-) 

イスラム教徒にとってイベリア半島における最後の拠点だったグラナダ王国。 250年余り続いた王朝の国王たちによって造られたイスラム建築の傑作は現代まで生き延び、訪れるものを圧倒する。

The last Islam dynasty of Spain, Granada reined from 1238 to 1492 AD with a population of over 2000 mostly Moors.  Granada was also the last Islam stronghold on the Iberian Peninsula.  The Islam Kings of Granada built great architectural masterpieces over their 250 year rein.  Still surviving today, these structures overwhelm visitors with their beauty.

天然の良港を持つセビリアの歴史はローマ以前にさかのぼり、トレドに都が移るまで、 西ゴート王国の首都として栄え、大航海時代にはマゼランがこの港から航海に出発した。 江戸時代遣欧使節の支倉常長が初めてヨーロッパに上陸したのもこの港だった。

Sevilla with it's natural port, has a history that surpasses the Roman Empire.  Until the capital was moved to Toledo, Savilla was the capital of the Visigoth Empire.  In the 15 century Magellan set sail from Sevilla.  And during the Edo period the Japanese diplomat to Europe, Tunenaga Hasekura, also made his first landing there.


One thousand years ago Cordoba had a population over a million.  Islam students had gathered from all over Europe to study in this great city.  In the 13 century Cordoba was taken over by the Christians.  But the influence the Islamic and Jewish populations still lives on today, though the population has dwindled to 310 thousand..
イスラム文化と西洋文化が交差する古都。 エル・グレコが数々の名作を生んだ地としても知られ、旧市街地には、中世の建築美を見せる建物や貴重な美術品が楽しめる美術館が多い。 世界遺産

Toledo is an ancient capital were Islam and European cultures mix. And is famous for inspiring the many works by the painter El Greco. Many artifacts and building of Medieval Europe can be found in the museums that are located in older parts of the city.

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