McAfee VirusScan DAT updater install manual [en]

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The VirusScan is virus scan engin provided by Network Associates.
We will meet a new virus daily. So we should be keep newest version of scan data.
You know, the Network Associates refresh dat files for new virus.
Also, the VirusScan have function of updating DAT files automatically.

But, I do not feel like automatic updating. I can not believe that DAT files.
Maybe done check when automatic updating.... but

If you update DAT files manually, you will operate following.

  1. Get newest DAT files that archived ZIP from Network Associates site.
  2. Extract DAT files.
  3. Verify validate code of contents files by validate.exe.
  4. If there is no problem, copy contents files to VirsuScan directory.

This scripts will execute from step 2 or 3 to 4.
If you made shortcut icon on your desktop, your just only drop file to that icon.

You need another modules/files

debuglog.plIt's will made error log file. Perl script index You need this script, if you specify debug option.
If you delete from script between "#>>>DEBUG_CODE", you no longer need this script.

Argument of script

perl [options] <PKGDESC.INI|Zipped DAT file>

options These options are -d and -D for diagnoses script setup.
If you specify either option, will be do not update DAT files.
PKGDESC.INI Information of DAT files and validates code.
It's included in downloaded DAT files.
Zipped DAT file Down loaded newest DAT ZIP files
If you specify ZIP file, you must setup about the UNZIP command.


perl -d logfile.txt PKGDESC.INI

perl -d logfile.txt Zipped DAT file


perl -D Zipped DAT file


perl Zipped DAT file

Setup manual

  1. Adjust to your environment

    Variable NameExplanation
    Path of perlPath to your perl.
    But, under MS-Windows this is meaning less. ; P
    require '' Path of debug module
    If you put same directory to "", you can keep default.
    $unzip_command Specify UNZIP command
    In the format string of %ZIP_FILE% is replaced by "Zipped DAT file".
    And so, %EXTRACT_DIR% is replaced by destination of extracted "Zipped DAT file".
    If you have the WinZip Ver.7.0, just only adjust path to your environment.


    Variable NameExplanation
    path of Path to this script your require
    If you put BAT file same directory to "", you will not need path.
    Delete debug option "-D" after verification this script.

  2. Make shortcut on desktop

    1. Drop "dat_update.bat" to desktop from the File Exploer keep push SHIFT+CTRL key

    2. Open properties dialogue of shortcut from right click popup menu. And Select program tag of made shortcut.

    3. Append "%1" to command line.

    4. Select normal window size for verify result.

    5. Clear check box of close window at terminate process for verify result.

    6. Close properties dialogue by OK button.
      At that time, if you get a warning about memory configration, you set to automatic all of about memory.

  3. Test

    1. Drop file to setuped shortcut icon.

    2. Confirm last message in opened MS-DOS window.

      	"Complete update DAT files of ...."

      If you can get above message, script will be done until end.
      Verify copy destination of DAT files.
      If there is any problem, you will get information.

  4. Delete debug option

    1. If you have no problem, delete "-D" option in "dat_update.bat".
      After that, your setup is complete.

    2. But DAT files are not copyed under debug mode.
      You should re-do, if you need.

About security

So sorry my poor english

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