ご挨拶 Greeting
◆私は庭師です 自ら庭師と言うのもおこがましいが 昨今庭師が金儲けに走る傾向が見られます
庭は伝統芸術です 庭師の家に育った私は親父の背中を見て日本庭園の素晴らしさを知り母親の信仰から人の心の尊さを学び今や僧籍までいただきました
このホームページからその意が伝われば非常に幸せであります 最後にこのホームページご覧になった感想をお寄せください
Although it is also ridiculous to call it a gardener himself The tendency which a gardener runs to money-making these days is seen.
I am those who are himself self-confident as a gardener just because Providence is also thought at the same time it is proud of daring be engaged in gardening.
The yard is tradition art. I who grew up into a gardener's house a father's back It sees, the wonderfulness of a Japanese garden is known and the value of people's mind is learned from faith of a mother. now, to priesthood It had the sense of mission which must make the yard (creation garden) which I do not stop [ yard ] at Japan but has people in the world look at the wonderfulness of this obtained Japanese garden. In order to tie to and next generation it arranges, if the yard of this time is not built now -- and-- strong -- an idea -- it is tackling very enthusiastically It points " carries out. future generations -- if "the yard of the Heisei time" is this at a historical page -- "-- The yard to give it is in engraving in the earth firmly only now being such -- it became old -- thinking (however-- it being important) -- if I will become only me, the life which dared be left behind to me will be imposed and making the yard of the Japanese garden which is tradition art "will be tried" Very fortunate, if the mind is transmitted from this homepage The comment which finally had this homepage look please bring near -- and a "sekisui classroom" and "atelier" are indispensable to coil round a garden and to polish sensitivity found in this HP