flower *** Denmark Travels *** flower

( Photo by OLYMPUS OM-1)

June 27
Silkeborg   -  Arths
8:48           9:32

Arhus station Arhus Cathedral from Arhus to Kalungorg ferry

I could stay only 3 hours, because I must wait for the flight at London. At first, I took a bus ride to the Old Town. Before getting on the bus, I was at a loss how to buy the bus ticket, then people around me helped me to buy it, and I could arrive at the Old Town.
I might say that it was something like MEIJI MURA VILLAGE in Japan. There were some lovely villas and souvenir shops in the village, and I thought it was worth visiting.
After leaving Arhus, I went accross Botanical Gardens and looking aside the Cathedral, Arhus Art Museum, and City Hall, I went back to the station. I went in the Cathedral, but I didn't went in the restof the buildings, just looking aside. In front of the City Hall, there was a fountain with a strange statueof a pig.

Arths       -  Kobenhavn
12:45          17:45

I board on a ferry. Unlike the last time, I had to get off train before boarding on the ferry. I had some croissants and coffee as a lunch.
I was glad as I found Jesper when I arrived at Copenhagen.I put my baggages at her house, and I planned for that evening.
At first we visit the Andersen's grave. In the graveyard, I was told that there are many other graves of famous Danish peaple. We went near the City Hall and had a Danish beef as our dinner. We also helped ourselves with salad.

Tivoli Tivoli Then I went to the Tivoli. I went with Nina, and, although it was raining heavily there, we got on a lot of attractions. We even enjoyed a firework at closing time.
Jesper told me that, as a friend of hers was in London, I could stay there. She also told me that she had already told the friend about that. Hey, wait a minute! What language does the friend speak? When I felt uneasy about that, Jesper told me that the friend was Japanese woman working for the travel agency.

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