Sub Web表示() ダイアログ表示 With UserForm1 .Caption = "HTMLファイルへテーブル挿入" & va End With urla = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(zf, 1) UserForm1.web1.Navigate urla enchk = 0 Call 読込終了確認 ' UserForm1.Show 0 End Sub ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sub 読込終了確認() timck = Timer + 4 Do If enchk = 1 Then: Exit Do If Timer > timck Then: Exit Do DoEvents Loop If enchk = 0 Then MsgBox "Webページの取り込みに失敗しました。" End If End Sub |
ユーザーフォーム コードウインドウ |
Private Sub web1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) urlb = URL enchk = 1 End Sub |
Sub ソース取り込み() 貼り付けシート作成 For Each sheet_name In Worksheets If sheet_name.Name = "HTMLソース" Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False Worksheets("HTMLソース").Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Exit For End If Next Sheets.Add.Name = "HTMLソース" Worksheets("HTMLソース").Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ソース取込 Set oHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") oHttp.Open "GET", urlb, False oHttp.Send dathaml = StrConv(oHttp.responseBody, 64) '文字化けの場合下記に変える dathaml = oHttp.responsetext Worksheets("HTMLソース").Select tmp = Split(dathaml, Chr(10)) For i = 0 To UBound(tmp) Cells(i + 1, 1) = tmp(i) Next Set oHttp = Nothing 'UserForm1.Hide 復帰削除 Cells.Replace What:=Chr(13), Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder _ :=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False Range("A1").Select End Sub |
Sub テーブル挿入() If Val(Application.Version) > 11 Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("操作ページ").Select For Each zu In ActiveSheet.Shapes shname = zu.Name If InStr(1, shname, "Text", 1) > 0 Then shname1 = zu.Name End If Next Set ObjText1 = ActiveSheet.Shapes(shname1) ddd = ObjText1.TextFrame.Characters().Text Else ’Execl2003以前は変数へ代入値255以下の制限があり細工が必要(記述省略) End If Sheets("HTMLソース").Select endr = Cells(10000, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To endr stsu = InStr(Cells(i, 1), "リンクテーブル注入") If stsu > 0 Then If InStr(Cells(i + 1, 1), "リンクテーブルEND") = 0 Then MsgBox "テーブル挿入済み" sumi = 1 Exit Sub End If cnt = cnt + 1 sts = 1 ia = i + 1 Do ens = InStr(sts, ddd, Chr(10)) If ens = 0 Then Exit Do End If d1 = Mid(ddd, sts, ens - sts) '挿入行を空ける Rows(ia).Insert Shift:=xlDown Cells(ia, 1) = "'" & d1 ia = ia + 1 sts = ens + 1 Loop Exit For End If Next Call テーブル色付け ファイル名の指定 n1 = InStrRev(urlb, "\") n2 = InStrRev(urlb, ".") dai = Mid(urlb, n1 + 1, n2 - n1 - 1) End Sub |
Sub ファイル保存() If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(3, 12) = "" Then phn = Replace(urlb, dai & ".html", "") '上書き保存 Else phn = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(3, 12) '指定フォルダ End If Worksheets("HTMLソース").Activate endr = Cells(10000, 1).End(xlUp).Row With ActiveSheet endr = Cells(10000, 1).End(xlUp).Row Open phn & dai & ".html" For Output As #1 For i = 1 To endr gyou = .Cells(i, 1) Print #1, gyou Next Close #1 End With End Sub |
Sub 番号取得実行() ダイアログ表示 UserForm1.Caption = "力士番号取得" & va urla = "" 前データ削除 Sheets("関取番号").Select Cells.ClearContents IEへ表示 UserForm1.web1.Navigate urla enchk = 0 Call 読込終了確認 ’(7)[1]と同じ ia = 1 Call ソース取り込み Call 番号貼付け Sheets("関取番号").Select End Sub |
Sub ソース取り込み() -----下記のみ(7)[1]と異なります---- dathaml = StrConv(oHttp.responseBody, 64) dathaml = oHttp.responsetext '文字化けの場合上記に変える End Sub |
Sub 番号貼付け() Sheets("HTMLソース").Select endr = Cells(10000, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To endr kensaku = InStr(Cells(i, 1), "profile") If kensaku > 0 Then datr = Cells(i, 1) stss = InStr(1, datr, "id=") '力士No rikno = Mid(datr, stss + 3, 4) ecds1 = InStr(stss, datr, ">") ecds2 = InStr(ecds1, datr, "") namae = Mid(datr, ecds1 + 1, ecds2 - 1 - ecds1) Worksheets("関取番号").Cells(ia, 1) = namae Worksheets("関取番号").Cells(ia, 2) = Val(rikno) '顔写真No datr1 = Cells(i - 4, 1) stss = InStr(1, datr1, "60/") kaono = Mid(datr1, stss + 3, 8) Worksheets("関取番号").Cells(ia, 3) = kaono ia = ia + 1 End If Next End Sub |
【修正前例】<STYLE>A{text-decoration:none;color:#000000};A:ACTIVE{color:#000000};A・・・・ 【修正後例】<STYLE>A{text-decoration:none;color:#000000;}A:ACTIVE{color:#000000;}A・・・・ |
Sub Web表示() ダイアログ表示 With UserForm1 .Caption = "HTMLタグ修正" & va End With urla = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(zf, 1) UserForm1.web1.Navigate urla urlb = "" Call 読込終了確認 bbase = ActiveWindow.Caption End Sub |
ユーザーフォーム コードウインドウ |
Private Sub web1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) urlb = URL End Sub |
Sub ソース取り込み() Application.ScreenUpdating = False 貼り付けシート作成 ソース取込 Set oHttp = Nothing ------------ 以上は[1]と同じです ------- '復帰削除 Cells.Replace What:=Chr(13), Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder _ :=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False Range("A1").Select '改行削除 Cells.Replace What:=Chr(10), Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder _ :=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False Range("A1").Select End Sub |
Sub タグ修正() Dim mae As String '訂正キーワード文字 Dim ato As String '訂正キーワード文字 Dim sts As Integer ' Dim ia As Integer '注入END行 Dim stsu As Integer 'スタート文字数 sumi = 0 mae = Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(11, 4) ato = Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(15, 4) Sheets("HTMLソース").Select endr = Cells(10000, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To endr stsu = InStr(Cells(i, 1), mae) If stsu > 0 Then Cells(i, 1) = ato sumi = 1 cnt = cnt + 1 End If Next ファイル名の指定 n1 = InStrRev(urlb, "\") n2 = InStrRev(urlb, ".") dai = Mid(urlb, n1 + 1, n2 - n1 - 1) End Sub |
Sub ファイル保存() Application.ScreenUpdating = True If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(3, 7) = "" Then uwa = "上書き" phn = Replace(urlb, dai & ".html", "") '上書き保存 Else phn = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作ページ").Cells(3, 7) '指定フォルダ End If ------- HTMLタグ保存用ブック --------------------- Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.CopyObjectsWithCells = True Windows(bbase).Activate Sheets("HTMLソース").Select Cells.Select Selection.Copy HTMLを貼るブック作成 Workbooks.Add Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A2").Select bname = ActiveWindow.Caption Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("A3").Select ------ HTMLファイル保存 ------------------------ Windows(bname).Activate Sheets("Sheet1").Select 保存 Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=phn & dai & ".prn", FileFormat _ :=xlTextPrinter, CreateBackup:=False Application.DisplayAlerts = True ダミ−のブックを閉じる Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.Windows(dai & ".prn").Activate ActiveWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True ファイル名変更 fff = Dir(phn & dai & ".html") If fff = "" Then Name phn & dai & ".prn" As phn & "\" & dai & ".html" Else Kill phn & dai & ".html" Name phn & dai & ".prn" As phn & "\" & dai & ".html" End If 元ブックを表示 Windows(bbase).Activate Range("A1").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized End Sub |