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3DFX and UO
Jun 11 1999 9:25AM CST
6月11日 9:25AM
If you have a Voodoo 3 or card using the Banshee chipset and are having trouble running UO in fullscreen, try lowering the hardware acceleration: right-click "My Computer", select "Properties", "Performance" then "Graphics". Adjust the slider to the second notch from the left, "Basic Accelerator Functions", close and reboot. If you still have problems, there are further tips here

Next Major Update Coming Soon
Jun 10 1999 2:54PM CST
6月10日 2:54PM
The next update to Ultima Online will be a much larger affair than a typical 6-9 week cycle update. The UO Development team has been working towards this update for sometime now and is looking forward to presenting you with a whole palette of changes to UO. The target date for this update is July 24th, but you should treat this date as a target and not a hard-and-fast deadline. We are going to be testing this update extensively within our QA department and will not let it be published until it passes a white glove treatment by QA.
Ultima Onlineの次のアップデートは、6-9週間の典型的サイクルのアップデートよりも大きな物となります。UO開発チームは、いつか行われるこのアップデートに向かって働いており、UOの変更パレット全体を紹介するのを楽しみにしています。このアップデートの目標日付は7月24日です。しかしこの日付は、強行な締切期限としてではなく、目標として取り扱ってください。このアップデートは、QA部門が広範囲なテストを行い、QAによる評価をパスするまでは公開されません。

Curious as to what the next update will include? Veterans to UO will find that we've improved our interface functionality by including the ability to target via the keyboard with such key commands as Last Target, Target Self, and Target Next. We've also improved the target interface feedback by adding mini hit-point bars and outline highlighting. Furthermore, we've added Arm/Disarm macros for both hands, or for left hand or right hand, so that they may work independently.
次のアップデートに何を含まれるかを知りたいですか?UOのベテランの方は、我々がインターフェース機能を改良することに気付いているかもしれません。それは、キーボードを通じてターゲットが可能となる「Last Target(最後のターゲット)」「Target Self(自分自身をターゲット)」「Target Next(次のターゲット)」コマンドを含みます。我々は、ミニヒットポイントバーや輪郭ハイライトといったターゲットインターフェースフィードバックを改善します。さらに、我々致は両手用、右手用、左手用の装備/装備解除マクロを追加し、独立に働きます。

Graphically, we're making a few changes as well. We're adding colored spot lighting and colored ambient lighting. We've improved the day and night cycle, and added seasons! Last, but not least, we've added some client frame rate improvements just to keep things moving along at a good clip.

With all this for our current players, we thought it would be a good idea to help out our newer players while we were at it. Coming in this update, new users will find revised introductory screens that are more intuitive, easier to use, and more streamlined. We've created a much improved professions selection, with extensive help on professions and starting cities. The first iteration of the Quest Engine will debut as "Newbie Quests". New accounts will be given a quest that will train them in their starting skills and the basics of the game as soon as they enter the game the first time. Veterans can look forward to this Quest Engine being expanded in the future to offer cool, dynamic quests to all UO players.
これが現在のプレイヤーのためのすべてで、我々はこれに取り組んでいる間に、もっと新しいプレイヤーを助けることは良い考えであると思いました。まもなく行われるこのアップデートで、新規ユーザはいっそう直観的で、使い安く、より合理化された導入画面を見ることが出来ます。我々は、職業選択を改善し、職業と開始都市の広範囲なヘルプを作成しました。また、初のクエストエンジンが「新人クエスト」としてデビューします。新しいアカウントは、開始時に選択したスキルに関するクエストが与えられ、初めてゲームを行ってすぐにゲームの基本が練習できます。 ベテランの方は、すべてのUOプレイヤーにクールでダイナミックなクエストを作成するこのクエストエンジンが、将来拡大されるのを楽しみに待っていてください。

New users will find themselves under "newbie protection" for a short time when they first begin the game, which will keep them safe from attacks by other players until they are strong enough to begin defending themselves. There will be additional newbie helping features added to UO, like special assistance from NPCs such as wandering healers and arrows that help direct the newbie to certain locations which will make death less onerous, healing easier to obtain, and gameplay, in general, easier to become accustomed to.

This next update is a major step in the evolution of UO and we look forward to being able to give this to everyone soon. Because the patch includes so many new features, we are being extremely cautious about its release and giving our QA department plenty of time to make certain it is ready to go before we let it loose. Stay tuned for future developments on this update. We'll be keeping you informed as we draw closer to our patch date.

Field Spells Enabled Again
May 29 1999 1:08AM CST
5月29日 1:08AM
Field spells are now working again.

Placing boats
May 29 1999 4:06PM CST
5月29日 4:06PM
Currently boats cannot be placed in most locations near the water. We are currently testing a fix for this on Test Center. After we test the code further and feel comforatable with updating the shards with this fix, we will update this message to let you know. We thank you for your patience in this matter.

Field Spells Temporarily Disabled...
May 29 1999 1:08AM CST
5月29日 1:08AM
We have temporarily disabled all field spells in order to prevent an exploit in the game. These spells will be returned to normal function as soon as possible. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks!!

Energy Field Disabled Temporarily
Energy Fieldは一時的に使用不可
May 24 1999 10:01PM CST
5月24日 10:01PM
We have disabled the Energy Field spell temporarily. This was done to prevent any unneccesary trouble associated with the spell when combined with certain elements. Once we have figured out how to prevent the troubles caused by this spell, we will again allow for the spell to be used within the game. We are sorry for any inconveniences this may cause anyone.
我々は一時的にEnergy Field呪文を使用不可にしました。これにより、呪文とある特定の要素とが結びついた事による不要なトラブルが起こらないようになります。我々は、この呪文によって起こる問題を妨ぐ方法が解り次第、再びゲーム中で呪文を使えるようになります。この事による不便を謝罪いたします。

Billing and Technical Support Phone
May 11 1999 10:52AM CST
5月11日 10:52AM
We are experiencing some problems with our phone support system this morning. Our technical support phones will be closed until 2:00pm. Our account support phones will be open, but hold times will be longer than normal.

Questions about placing houses...
May 1 1999 4:10PM CST
5月1日 4:10PM
Many players have questions about placing houses, in fact that is often the most frequently asked question for our Counselors and our Game Masters.

Please reference the information posted in the GM Support section of our web site with regards to housing, placement restrictions, and the like. Here's a link to this section: Housing Document

In this document you will find listed the rules and restrictions for placing a house, common problems that many people encounter when trying to place a house, common issues that existing house owners may experience, and more.

As indicated in this document, a game master or counselor can NOT help you place a house, nor can they alter the landscape in any way to allow for house placement. All trees, shrubs, and grasses are "static" objects, and not even the gods themselves can move them. :-)
このドキュメントで示されているように、ゲームマスターあるいはカウンセラーは、皆さんの家の設置を手伝ったり、家を設置できるように地形を変更したりすることはできません。すべての木、潅木、草は「静的な」オブジェクトです。神々さえそれらを動かすことはできません :-)

Also, unfortunately, game masters and counselors have no specific knowledge or advice on the availability of potential real estate for your new house.... It is quite difficult to find space to place a house, and they are human just like you. Please understand that while they would like to be able to advise you in this, it's just not possible.

We do wish you luck if you are trying to place a house, but unfortunately, our support team can not offer you special assistance in doing so.

Thanks and good luck!!

More about house deeds...
Apr 17 1999 6:09PM CST
4月17日 6:09PM
There has still been a bit of confusion about house deeds and their "newbie" status. At this time, new deeds bought from a vendor will be "newbie" items as intended. However, "pre-patch" deeds will not turn into newbie items (therefore, they can still be stolen).

We are sorry about the confusion, and hope this helps to clarify this issue. Thanks!!

Evil vs Good Creatures Spawning
Apr 17 1999 5:05AM CST
4月17日 5:05AM
Several players have noticed the introduction of a new creatures: the silver steed, the silver wolf, the dark steed, and the dark wolf. These creatures were products of the evil vs. good system on hold and not intended for release without that particular game system. Many of these animals have been found, tamed, sold, or used as various mounts and/or weapons. This invariably would have caused a game inbalance problem. Subsequently Game Masters have been deleting these creatures across all shards.

These creatures are reportedly still spawning on the European servers. The Game Masters on those shards will continue to delete any more spawns of these types. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

House deeds are newbie items!
Apr 16 1999 2:53AM CST
4月16日 2:53AM
With the latest game update, house deeds are now treated as "newbie" items. Like any other "newbie" item, this means that they can not be stolen, and they will stay on your corpse if you die (unless you are a murderer). However, this also means that if you set them down (on the ground, on a table, etc.) they will decay almost instantly... just like any other newbie item.

Therefore, it is best to keep these items in a container such as a pack, chest, or your bank box. This new feature will give you much more protection, but you still must be very careful with these extremely valuable items. Unfortunately, we cannot replace any deeds that may decay in the manner described above.


Guild Warfare
Apr 15 1999 11:58AM CST
4月15日 11:58AM
If you are trying to declare war on another guild, and you notice that you receieve a message that no guilds exist, don't panic! All you need to do is try to declare war again and the full guild list will be there. We will try to get this fixed soon, but this is the best solution for now. Thanks.
他のギルドに対して戦争宣言をしようとした時に、ギルドが存在しないというメッセージを受け取ったとしても、パニックにならないでください!もう一度戦争宣言を行おうとすることで、フルのギルドリストが現れます。 我々はこれを間もなく修正しますが、しばらくの間はこれが最も良い解決方法です。お騒がせしいたしました。

Regarding your Murder Count......
Apr 14 1999 7:28PM CST
4月14日 7:28PM
There have been many questions, and some confusion expressed about the new feature which allows you to guage your murder count with regards to stat loss. This information is from from the Update Center:
多くの質問がありました。そしてステータスロスに関する殺人カウントを評価する新しい機能に若干の混乱がありました。この情報はUpdate Centerからです:

You will be able to determine whether you will receive stat loss on resurrection. If you say "I must consider my sins" you will receive a message about your murders.
復活の際にステータスロスを受けるかどうかを知ることが可能です。「I must consider my sins(私の罪を考慮しなければならない)」と言うと、殺人に関するメッセージを受け取ります。

- If you have never received a murder report, you will get "Fear not, thou hast not slain the innocent."
− もしあなたが一度も殺人報告受けたことがなければ「恐れることなかれ、汝罪無き者殺めず。」と表示されます。
- If you have been reported, but currently have no murder count, you will get "Fear not, thou hast turned from thy evil ways."
− もしあなたが殺人報告されているが、殺人犯ではないときは、「恐れることなかれ、汝悪の道より転向せり。」と表示されます。
- If you have murder count, but it is not enough to result in stat loss, you will get "Although thou hast slain the innocent, thy deeds shall not bring retribution upon thy death."
− もしあなたが殺人カウントを持っているが、ステータスロスをもたらすのに十分ではなければ、「汝罪無き者を殺めせしが、汝の死を罰するにはあたわず。」と表示されます。
- If you are liable for stat loss, you will get "Death shall bring the vengeance of the innocent upon thy soul."
− もしあなたにステータスロスの責任があるならば、「汝の魂に罪無き者の復讐を。」と表示されます。

Please make sure when using this command that you have typed it exactly as it is presented here (typos will keep it from working). Also please carefully review the possible messages listed here, and understand that you can indeed be red and recieve no stat loss. Remember that this is only measuring your "short term" murder count (which determines stat loss). When it reaches zero, you will be given the message "Thou hast not slain the innocent." If your "long term" murder count is still above 5, you will be red.
どうか、このコマンドを使うときは、ここにある文字を正確にタイプしてください(タイプミスするとうまく働きません)。また、ここにリストアップされたメッセージを可能な限り慎重に調べ、赤で本当にステータスロスを受けないかを理解してください。これはただ単に(ステータスロスが決定される)「短期」殺人カウントを計ることができるだけであることを覚えていてください。それがゼロに達すると、「Thou hast not slain the innocent(汝罪無き者殺めず)」というメッセージが与えられます。もし「長期」殺人カウントが5以上であるならば、赤です。


Having trouble viewing the text of other players?
Apr 13 1999 5:32PM CST
4月13日 5:32PM
If you are unable to view the text of other players, you will need to check that you have the line UnicodeSpeech=on in your uo.cfg file. If you do not have The Second Age, you will need to add this line, too.
もし他のプレイヤーのテキストを見ることができなければ、uo.cfgファイルにUnicodeSpeech=onという行が存在することをチェックする必要があります。The Second Ageを持っていない場合でも、この行を追加する必要があります。

Great Lakes
Great Lakesサーバ
Apr 6 1999 7:03PM CST
4月6日 7:03PM
We have many players that call into tech support daily requesting help with a character they have that cannot log in. We have been asking these players what they were doing and where they were going in order to find a cause to the problem. We found that the majority of these players were gating or recalling to the bank. The problem they were having was that there were too many players and objects in a small condensed area. This created an element that would lead to their not being able to log in, or crash when logging into the area. In order to test this theory and add a possible solution, we have marked off a few banks as no teleport regions on the Great Lakes server. Players trying to recall, gate or teleport too close to the banks, will receive a message that the area is blocked
ログインできないキャラクターを助けて欲しいという要求が我々のテクニカルサポートに多数寄せられました。我々は原因を追及するため、プレイヤーが何をしていたか、そしてどこに行こうとしていたかを尋ねました。我々は、これらのプレイヤーの大半がゲートかリコールで銀行に行こうとしていたことに気付きました。この問題は、小さなエリアにあまりに多くのプレイヤーとオブジェクトが集まってしまったということです。 これにより、ログインできなかったり、エリアに入るときにクラッシュしたりする原因となっていました。この理論をテストし、可能な限りの解決を行うため、我々は Great Lakesサーバ上の少数の銀行をテレポート不可地域としました。プレイヤーが銀行のそばにリコール、ゲート、テレポートなどをしようとすると、ブロックされていると言うメッセージを受け取ります。

We have taken Reactive Armor out of the game temporarily
我々は一時的にReactive Armorをゲームから取り外しました
Apr 4 1999 9:14PM CST
4月4日 9:14PM
The programmers have removed the reactive armor spell until they can find a solution to a bug that used this spell. We are sorry for removing the spell, but after banning many players who were killing players with this bug, we felt it was best to remove the spell for now.
Reactive Armor呪文を使った際のバグに対する解決策を見つけるまで、プログラマーはこの呪文を取り外しました。我々は呪文を取り外すことを申し訳なく思っています。しかし、このバグでプレイヤーを殺していた多くのプレイヤーのアカウントを停止した後で、我々はしばらくは呪文を取り外すことが最も良いであろうと感じました。

There was a post concering this bug on our FYI section Click Here
このバグに関しては、FYIセクションにポストされています。 ここをクリックしてください

Beware of Thieves in the Broker's Shop!
Mar 20 1999 5:09PM CST
3月20日 5:09PM
It has come to our attention that some thieves are frequenting the architect and broker's shop, and stealing deeds from players that wish to sell their deeds there.

We urge all players who wish to sell these valuable items to be very cautious when travelling to the shop, and while carrying out the transaction with the broker.


Client Update
Mar 18 1999 4:02PM
3月18日 4:02PM
We are updating the encryption in our client with this client patch. The servers will not go down for the update, but you will be 'kicked' from the game when the encryption changes. You will need to rejoin the game, and patch to the newer version. (You will need version 1-25-37 or later to play Ultima Online.)
このクライアントパッチでクライアントの暗号方式を更新します。アップデートによるサーバダウンはありません。しかしみなさんは、暗号方式が変化する時、ゲームから「蹴り出される」事になります。みなさんは再度ゲームに入り、新しいバージョンにパッチを当てる必要があります。(バージョン1-25-37あるいはそれ以降が Ultima Onlineをプレイするために必要です)

If you have trouble patching, please make sure that you have replaced any files from the Ultima Online install directory that you may have renamed or deleted. Alternatively you may re-install Ultima Online to restore any files that are missing. Be aware that the presence of viruses on your machine could prevent Ultima Online from patching properly.
パッチを当てる際にトラブルが発生するならば、Ultima Online インストールディレクトリで名前を変更したり削除したファイルを置き換える必要があります。 失ったファイルを復元する代わりに、Ultima Onlineを再インストールしても構いません。みなさんのマシン上のウイルスの存在は、Ultima Onlineのパッチ当てを妨げることを覚えていてください。

If you experience problems in the patching process, please consult our Technical Support page at: http://support.owo.com/tech_6.html for detailed information on patching Ultima Online.
もしパッチを当てるプロセスで問題を経験した場合は、Ultima Onlineにパッチを当てる際の詳細なインフォメーションのために、我々のテクニカル・サポートページ:「http://support.owo.com/tech_6.html」を調べてください。
Click Here

"Error applying patch...", "Account doesn't exist...", or "Password is Invalid...."
Mar 18 1999 11:56AM
3月18日 11:56AM
If you see any of these messages, it most likely means that the patch function is failing. Click here to read more about the patching process, specifically the section of the page entitled "The Win32 Spacefiller Virus".
これらのメッセージが出る場合、大抵はパッチ当て機能が失敗していることを意味します。ここをクリックし、パッチを当てる際についての詳細、特に「Win32 Spacefiller Virus」と題が付いたページのセクションを読んでください。

Chaos and Order
Mar 17 1999 2:12PM
3月17日 2:12PM
We are receiving some reports that Guards are killing people who are fighting in justice regions, even though they are in the Chaos or Order guilds. We are looking into this, but we must recommend that you refrain from all guild combat in justice regions at this time.

Abyss Warning - Shade Coloring
Mar 17 1999 12:15AM
3月17日 12:15AM
If you are trying to hue your character to the Shade coloring using Chameleon Skin from Alchemy, please do not. This is causing a problem with characters on Abyss. Abyss is not a "supported" shard, but we do not want anyone to be stuck. We will be working on a solution to correct this, but until we are able to correct the problem, stuck characters may remain stuck.
もしあなたが錬金術によるカメレオンの皮膚を使って、キャラクタの影への彩色を行っているのならば、どうかやめてください。これは Abyss上のキャラクターに問題を起こします。 Abyssは「サポートされた」シャードではありませんが、スタックする事を望んではいません。我々はこれを修正する方法に取り組んでいます。しかし我々が問題を修正するまでは、動かなくなったキャラクターは動かなくいままとなります。

Monster Spawns
Mar 11 1999 5:37PM
3月11日 5:37PM
Currently we have noticed a decrease in the rates at which monsters spawn in certain areas, such as in the T2A lands. We are aware of this issue and we are working on a solution.

Alternative clients
Mar 8 1999 9:28AM
3月8日 9:28AM
We have made some alternative clients available for download at ftp://leper.owo.com/pub/uo/win32/README. If you have recently had problems running UO or UO:T2A, we suggest trying one of these other clients.
我々は、ftp://leper.owo.com/pub/uo/win32/README において、ダウンロード可能な代替クライアントを作りました。もしあなたが最近 UOやUO:T2A を動かしている時に問題があれば、我々はこれらのクライアントの1つを試みることを提案します。
Click Here

Fatal uobscene.lst error
Mar 5 1999 3:32PM
3月5日 3:32PM
You should be able to fix this crash by copying the uobscene.lst file directly off of the UO:T2A CD into the UO directory. Once you do this, right-click the file, select Properties and change it from "Read-only" to "archive". This crash should be fixed in the next update.
UO:T2AのCDから、直接 uobscene.lst ファイルをコピーすることでこのクラッシュを直すことが可能です。その後、ファイルを右クリックしてプロパティを選び、「読みとり専用」を「アーカイブ」に変更してください。このクラッシュは次のアップデートで修正されます。

Boat Abuse
Feb 24 1999 3:06PM
2月24日 3:06PM
While the usage of boats in Ultima Online can be fun and even useful, we have noticed many players who are actually abusing the usage of boats. Players are blocking off coastlines and will sometimes even block off harbors. We consider boats to be blocking if:
Ultima Onlineでボートを使用するのは、面白く有用ですが、実際にボートの使用を乱用している多くのプレイヤーに我々は気が付きました。プレイヤーが海岸線をふさぎ、時々は港さえ塞いでいます。我々は以下のような場合にボートがブロックしていると考えます:

1. They prevent access or egress to another area in the game

2. There is more than one boat owned by the same account blocking off part of a coastline, or other area.

Boats found meeting the above criteria will be subject to immediate deletion at the discretion of the GM. Boats are being looked at by the development team for changes, but until such a time, we ask that players not use boats in such a fashion.

UOReport fatal memory error
UOReport 致命的なメモリエラー
Feb 24 1999 12:00AM
2月24日 12:00AM
If you get this error when logging in with a specific character, make a note of the slot that character occupies in the selection list, then open the UO directory and delete the desktop.UOX file (where X is the slot number).

These files store the specific desktop locations of the art gumps (spell icons, paperdoll, backpack, etc.) for that character.
If this does not resolve the problem, uninstall the game, scandisk and reinstall.

Using "Last Target" could be the "Last" time you play UO
Feb 23 1999 6:01PM
2月23日 6:01PM
There seems to be some confusion about using the "Last Target" feature available in some third party programs. This feature is not legal, as it is not something which can be done normally within the game. If you are caught using this, your account will be closed permanently.
若干のサードパーティープログラムで利用可能な「Last Target」機能を使うことに関して、若干の混乱があるようです。この機能は、ゲーム中で通常行うことができる事ではないため、合法的ではありません。これを使っているのを見つかった場合、アカウントは削除されます。

Using skill Macros
Feb 23 1999 3:25PM
2月23日 3:25PM
Currently there is an issue with using skills with macros that have already been set. In order to be able to use a skill through a macro, you will have to reset your macro everytime your client is closed and is started back up. We have contacted the programmers and they are working as quickly as possible to solve this.

Player Vendors
Feb 2 1999 7:52PM
2月2日 7:52PM
There is currently an issue with communicating with vendors that are clumped together in a house. Certain vendors in a clump may have difficulty responding to owners and other players. We are looking into the situation and thank you for your patience.

Network Latency Issues, East and West Coasts
Jan 27 1999 6:26PM
1月27日 6:26PM
As you may be aware, we have been experiencing network latency issues with our East and West Coast shards. We are aware of these issues and are working closely with our hosting partner, Fontier GlobalCenter, to address the issues as quickly as possible. We are currently implementing solutions to alleviate the latency. We recognize the importance of providing you the best possible access to Ultima Online, and are doing everything within our power to resolve the situation. We will keep you posted as solutions come online. Thank you for your patience.
お気付きかもしれませんが、我々の東と西海岸のシャードでネットワーク反応問題がありました。我々はこれらの問題に気付いており、可能な限り速く問題を解決するために、ホストパートナーのFontier GlobalCenterと密接に働いています。我々は現在、反応時間を軽減するための解決方法を実行しています。我々は Ultima Onlineには可能な限り最も良いアクセスを用意することの重要性を認識しており、この状態を解決するために努力しています。解決した際にはポストします。みなさんの辛抱強さに感謝します。

Treasure Chests
Jan 25 1999 8:55PM
1月25日 8:55PM
There appears to be some confusion about unlocking treasure chests. In order to unlock the chests that are found with the treasure maps, sufficient skill in both detect hidden and lockpicking is required. If a player has a low skill in detect hidden or lockpicking, it would greatly reduce the chances of opening the pirate chest, regardless of the other skill's level.
宝箱の錠を開けることについて、若干の混乱があるようです。宝の地図から見つけた宝箱の錠を開けるには、Detect HiddenとLockpickingの両方に十分なスキルが必要です。プレイヤーのDetect HiddenとLockpickingのどちらかのスキルがく、他方のレベルに注意していなければ、海賊の宝箱を開くことが出来る可能性はかなり小さくなります。

Detect hidden is automatically checked for these type of chests to look for traps and whether or not they detected it.
Detect Hiddenは、このタイプの宝箱の罠を見つけたか否かに関わらず、自動的にチェックされます。

Client crash
Jan 22 1999 10:52AM
1月22日 10:52AM
If your client is crashing immediately after patching, you will need to unistall the game, run scandisk, then reinstall. If this does not work, send us an e-mail at support@owo.com.

Error applying patch? Account doesn't exist?
Jan 21 1999 4:15PM
1月21日 4:15PM
You may be infected with the Win32 CIH Spacefiller virus.
Win32 CIH Spacefillerウィルスに感染しているかもしれません。
To learn more about the virus, go to:

To check your system for the virus, go to:

訳注:PC-98シリーズの場合、以下の記述とはドライブ名が異なります。A:はフロッピーディスクのドライブ、C:はWindowsの起動ドライブと置き換えて考えてください。 www.nai.com/vinfo/cih/cih_sfscan.asp
download sfscan.zip
create a bootdisk
insert 3.5 disk in A:\
Open 'Conrol Panel', 'Add/Remove Programs', 'Startup Disk', then 'Create Disk'
Extract sfscan.exe to A:\
Reboot the PC with the disk in A:\
At the A:\ prompt type: sfscan -s -a -c C:\
A:\のプロンプトで、sfscan -s -a -c C:\とタイプしてください

If you have more that one hard drive, scan them all. Once the function has completed, remove the disk from A:\ and reboot the PC. If the virus was detected, you will need to update your anti-virus .DAT files. There a certain files Sfscan cannot read and the virus will remain on your system. You must check with your anti-virus software vendor to ensure you have the correct .DAT files that will detect and remove this specific virus. Once you have successfully removed the virus, uninstall UO, Scandisk the hard drive and reinstall.
2つ以上のHDDを持っているならば、すべてのドライブを検査してください。作業が完了したらディスクをA:\から取り出し、PCを再起動してください。もしウイルスが検出されたならば、(UOを)アップデートするためにはウイルス除去用の .DATファイルが必要となります。Sfscanは特定のファイルを読むことができず、ウイルスはシステム上に残ります。この特定のウイルスの検出と除去ができる、正しい .DATファイルであることを保証するためには、アンチウイルスソフトウェアのベンダーに問い合わせなくてはなりません。ウイルスの除去に成功したならば、UOをアンインストールし、HDDをスキャンディスクしてから再インストールしてください。

Possible Patching Issue
Jan 21 1999 3:42PM
1月21日 3:42PM
T2A users: The current patch will fail if you have deleted or renamed TRANSERV.EXE.

If you have deleted the file, we recommend that you reinstall. Copying this file from the CD and attempting to patch will not work as this file has been patched since The Second Age shipped and the autopatcher will be looking for the newer version of the file.
もしファイルを削除していたならば、再インストールをお勧めします。The Second Ageの出荷後にこのファイルへのパッチが当たっているため、CDからこのファイルをコピーしてパッチを当てようとしてもうまくいきません。オートパッチプログラムは新しいバージョンのファイルを探そうとしてしまいます。

If you have renamed the file, simply name it back to TRANSERV.EXE and you should be able to patch normally.

Secure/Locked Chests with the Latest Patch
Jan 19 1999 7:06PM
1月19日 7:06PM
In this latest patch, keyrings now behave like regular keys for lockdown and securing items. Because of this recent change, players are having trouble locking/unlocking (not securing/unsecuring) their chests from their keyrings. In order to lock/unlock a chest, you must find the key to that particular chest to lock/unlock it.

Strength in the Latest Patch
Jan 19 1999 5:39PM
1月19日 5:39PM
The latest update has modified how total weight is calculated for a player. This does not affect the total weight a player is allowed to carry. This is the current misconception.

The reason for this being is because strength used to affect naked body weight. When this was the case, the average body weight for players ranged from 25-35 stones. This was reflected on the total body weight on the character status window. Now, regardless of a player's strength, a character only weighs 10 stones. Many players may think they carry less stones (because the body weight has changed) when looking at their status window, but that is not the case, since all body weight now defaults to 10 stones.
この理由は、Strengthによって体重が変化していたからです。過去のケースでは、プレイヤーの平均体重は25-35Stonesでした。これがキャラクターステータスウィンドウの総重量に反映されていました。 現在、プレイヤーのStrengthにかかわらず、キャラクターの体重は10Stonesです。多くのプレイヤーがステータスウィンドウを見たとき、運べる量が減っている(体重が変化したため)と思うかも知れません。しかしそれは体重の値がが10Stonesになったためです。


    過去の総重量 = Strength * 4 + 30
    現在の総重量 = Strength * 3.5 + 40
    STR 過去 現在
    100 100*4+30=430 100*3.5+40=390
    50 50*4+30=230 50*3.5+40=215
    過去の運搬可能総重量 = Strength * 4 + 30 - Strength / 2(体重)
    現在の運搬可能総重量 = Strength * 3.5 + 40 - 10(体重)
    STR 過去 現在
    100 100*4+30-100/2=380 100*3.5+40-10=380
    50 50*4+30-50/2=205 50*3.5+40-10=205

Recall Spell After The Patch
Jan 19 1999 2:07PM
1月19日 2:07PM
There is currently an issue with recall after today's publish. Some players may experience recall failures when trying to recall near a player made building. We are aware of the situation and are looking into it.

There's a box around my cursor!!
Jan 8 1999 12:52AM
1月8日 12:52AM
If you have this problem, you need to use the 565 color mode. Open the in-game options menu and select the 'eye' tab. Click the appropriate box, then 'Apply' and 'Okay'.

The Big Window and the Banshee
Jan 7 1999 8:37PM
1月7日 8:37PM
Video cards that use the Banshee chipset can have some trouble with the Big Window. To fix this, you will need to lower the hardware acceleration by: Right-clicking "My Computer" and selecting "Properties" "Performance" then "Graphics". Adjust the slider to the "Basic" setting (second notch), close and reboot.

警告! 詐欺の UO 電子メール! どうか読んでください!
Jan 5 1999 11:10AM
1月5日 11:10AM
An email is floating around the net right now, made to look like it is coming from support@origin.ea.com. This email includes a file called secure.exe and claims to be a security patch for Ultima Online. DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM. We have been informed that it contains the Back Orifice program, which is a Trojan, and can be used by third parties to harm your computer and your UO account. To help further identify the email, check the header, which indicates that it originated at chicagonet.net.
support@origin.ea.com から来たように見せかけた電子メールがネット上に出回っています。この電子メールは、Ultima Onlineのセキュリティパッチと称するsecure.exeファイルを含んでいます。このプログラムを起動しないでください。我々はそれがBack Orifice(実行したコンピュータを外部からリモート操作可能となってしまうプログラム、詳細は「こちら」)プログラムを含んでいるという知らせを受けました。これはトロイの木馬であり、第三者によって使われ、あなたのコンピュータとUOアカウントに被害をもたらします。電子メールの判別の手助けとして、ヘッダーをチェックし、chicagonet.netから発信されたかどうか確認してください。

Origin does not send game updates for Ultima Online through email. We patch your game via our own patching service. In this way, you can make sure you are getting the most up to date data possible and that it is coming from us officially. Email can be easily manipulated, and running any program attached to email is potentially dangerous. As a matter of safe practice, we suggest that you use a virus scanning program to scan for viruii and other potentially damanging programs, such as Trojans, before running or installing anything that is sent to you, or that you download, even if it appears to be from a trusted source.
オリジンはUltima Onlineのゲームアップデートを電子メールで送ることはありません。我々は我々のパッチサービスを通してのみみなさんのゲームへパッチを当てています。この方法で、可能な限り最も最新のデータを得られ、公式に我々から送られていることを確信出来ます。電子メールは容易に改変することが出来、電子メールに添付されたプログラムを走らせることは、潜在的な危険をはらんでいます。安全性を高める習慣を付け、出所が信頼できるようであっても、送られてきたりダウンロードしたものは、インストールや実行をする前に、トロイの木馬や類似のダメージを受けるおそれのあるプログラムをウィルスチェックプログラムでスキャンすることを強くお勧めします。

It is very important to keep your virus scanning software current. Only the most up to date virus scanners will reveal Back Orifice, and a similar program called NetBus. Information about viruii can be found in the alt.comp.virus FAQ at http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/~janda/acv_faq.html. Information about Back Orifice specifically can be found at http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/warn/backorifice.html, or http://support.nai.com/FAQs/faq_item.cfm?FAQ_Number=1535. Also, for more information about account security, please read our Account Security FAQ at http://support.owo.com/faq_sec.html.
ウィルススキャンソフトを最新に維持することはもっとも大切です。最も最新のウィルススキャンソフトだけがBack Orificeや同種のNetBusと呼ばれるプログラムを発見できます。ウィルスについての情報は、alt.comp.virus、http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/~janda/acv_faq.htmlのFAQなどで得られます。Back Orificeについてのイ情報は、特にhttp://www.symantec.com/avcenter/warn/backorifice.html、あるいはhttp://support.nai.com/FAQs/faq_item.cfm?FAQ_Number=1535で得られます。(日本語の情報については、http://www.symantec.com/region/jp/sarcj/sarcnews/sarc980814.htmlまた、アカウントのセキュリティに関するさらなる情報について、どうか http://support.owo.com/faq_sec.html のアカウントセキュリティFAQを読んでください。

Thank you.

Redeeding Specialty Houses
Dec 22 1998 6:37PM
12月22日 6:37PM
In the phase 3 housing patch, specialty houses were removed from the game. No NPC vendors will sell these nor are large forges currently available.

If you redeed your specialty house (be it a large forge, pickpockets den, etc.), it will become a regular house without the add-ons. Any house redeeds since the phase 2 housing patch will remove the specialty item. This was done because all house add-ons can be crafted now.

Please do not page a GM about a small forge being redeeded into a small stone and plaster house (or something similar in nature). The game was designed to perform this action. Specialty houses no longer exists. Any current homes that still have the forges or training dummies will remain so until they are redeeded.

Additional Translator Information
Dec 22 1998 10:24AM
12月22日 10:24AM
If you are receiving Systran load errors, you should download all of the language libraries from
Systran load errorsが出るようならば、すべての言語ライブラリを以下からダウンロードする必要があります
Systran will crash if someone types in a language that you do not have loaded into your system.
Systran は、あなたがシステム上にロードされていない言語タイプがあると、クラッシュします。

After installing, check that the libraries went into the correct folder, they are:
(UO dir)transerv\systran\(language dir)

If you have a non-English version of Windows, you need to check that you have UserLanguageCodeString= (Microsoft abbreviation for your dialect) in the uo.cfg. You can check the abbreviations at
非英語版のWindowsの場合、uo.cfgにUserLanguageCodeString=(各言語のマイクロソフトによる略語)があるかどうか調べる必要があります。 略語は以下の場所でチェックすることができます

Placing Houses After Phase 3 Patch
Dec 21 1998 6:33PM
12月21日 6:33PM

With this new patch, there appears to be some confusion about new house placement. As with all past house placements, houses can only be laid on flat terrain, with no objects to obstruct the new building. This includes rocks, trees, bushes, flowers, chests, etc.

In addition, there is now a "no build" radius around houses. A 5 tile "no build" space exists to the north and south of the home and a 1 tile "no build" is to the east and west. Please completely investigate your surroundings before attempting to place a new house.

Finally, when attempting to place a home, have the cursor positioned away from your character. If your cursor is near or on top of your character, it would black out your screen.

Please do not page a GM about assisting in placing your house. GMs do not assist with house placement nor can we alter the terrain. If you absolutely cannot place a house in a particular location, we suggest you try elsewhere on the shard.

Redeeding Your House With This Latest Patch
Dec 8 1998 4:39PM
12月8日 4:39PM
If you are the placer of a building (not another character on the same account) AND have the master key to the building, you have the option of turning that building back into a deed. When this occurs, the house deed is placed in the owner's bank box. It is not placed in your backpack, or at your feet. This is a warning to murderers, as they will be unable to obtain their deed in town, unless they become blue again. Please do NOT page a GM asking them to get your house deed. They will not be able to assist you.

Keep in mind that if you are a murderer with a deed in your bank box, any additional bounties a murderer obtains will wipe the bank box. These house deeds are not any exceptions to the Reputation System.

Finally, houses with guildstones on them will not be able to be redeeded. They are the only exceptions. Again, please do not page a GM about relocating a guildstone so that you may redeed your house.

Unable to patch?
Dec 3 1998 10:28AM
12月3日 10:28PM
You may be infected with the Win32 CIH Spacefiller virus. To detect it go to:
Win32 CIH Spacefiller ウイルスに感染しているかもしれません。検出するためには:

download sfscan.zip
create a bootdisk
insert 3.5 disk in A:\
Open 'Conrol Panel', 'Add/Remove Programs', 'Startup Disk', then 'Create Disk'
Extract sfscan.exe to A:\
Reboot the PC with the disk in A:\
At the A:\ prompt type: sfscan -s -a -c C:\
A:\のプロンプトで、sfscan -s -a -c C:\とタイプしてください

If you have more that one hard drive, scan them all. Once the function has completed, remove the disk from A:\ and reboot the PC. If the virus was detected, you will need to update your anti-virus .DAT files. There a certain files Sfscan cannot read and the virus will remain on your system. You must check with your anti-virus software vendor to ensure you have the correct .DAT files that will detect and remove this specific virus. Once you have successfully removed the virus, uninstall UO, Scandisk the hard drive and reinstall.
2つ以上のHDDを持っているならば、すべてのドライブを検査してください。作業が完了したらディスクをA:\から取り出し、PCを再起動してください。もしウイルスが検出されたならば、(UOを)アップデートするためにはウイルス除去用の .DATファイルが必要となります。Sfscanは特定のファイルを読むことができず、ウイルスはシステム上に残ります。この特定のウイルスの検出と除去ができる、正しい .DATファイルであることを保証するためには、アンチウイルスソフトウェアのベンダーに問い合わせなくてはなりません。ウイルスの除去に成功したならば、UOをアンインストールし、HDDをスキャンディスクしてから再インストールしてください。

My account doesn't exist!!
Dec 3 1998 10:24AM
12月3日 10:24AM
You are probably running client.exe, which will not connect you to the patch server. If you don't have the latest patch, your client will not be recognized. To ensure that you connect to the patch server for updates,run the game from the Windows Start menu, or run uo.exe.
恐らくclient.exeで起動していませんか?この場合、パッチサーバーと接続されません。最近のパッチを当てていないと、あなたのクライアントは識別されません。アップデート用パッチサーバへの接続を保証するために、Windows スタートメニューから起動するか、uo.exeで起動してください

Vendors and Houses With New Patch
Nov 23 1998 2:18PM
11月23日 2:18PM
There appears to be some confusion concerning this latest patch. As part of the plan for the new housing code, this patch puts UO in a temporary "no build" period; which lasts until we finish the housing revision.

In this "no build" period, players will not be able to place any more houses or vendors. Do NOT page a GM about placing a house or vendor, they will not be able to help you.

Existing Vendors: If your home has an attached vendor to it, the owner of the home will still be able to withdraw items from the vendor. However, when the owner speaks to the vendor, the vendor will turn back into a deed with all its belongings in the deed. The owner will once again be able to place their vendor inside their home when this "no build" period is over (end of housing revision). In relation, we ask all players to remove necessary items from their vendor (ie. house keys) before returning the vendor back into deed form.

We would also like to remind players that the redeeded vendor deeds are flagged as valueless (starting items are valueless). This means that the deeds cannot be stolen, and they stay on a player's body if they die. However, like starting items, the deeds will also decay at an extremely fast rate if you place them outside your inventory or bank box. It is extremely important that you leave the vendor deed on the player body or bank box.

UO.CFG translator options
Nov 18 1998 11:57AM
11月18日 11:57AM
Here are the lines that are required to run the translator:


Lockups when starting the game
Nov 12 1998 10:51AM
11月12日 10:51AM
We have noticed that customers with UO: THe Second Age have been experiencing some lock-ups since the most recent patch. This is the result of having the Auto Translator enabled. If you can not start the game without a lock-up, we recommend adding TranslationServer=no to the uo.cfg. Once you have sucessfully started the game, you will need to disable this feature in your options. This option is found under the 'A' tab in your main options screen. Make sure the "ENABLE TRANSLATION SERVER" is not checked. We will provide more information on a permanent solution when we know more. Thanks.

The Second Age CD's without registration codes
The Second Age CDに登録コードがない
Oct 27 1998 6:07PM
10月27日 6:07PM
We are aware of some problems with several Upgrades being shipped with a missing Registration Code. We apologize for this inconvenience, but here are steps to follow in order to remedy the situation. You will need to call our Billing Department with the following information:

1) Your account name
2) Your real name
3) The e-mail you entered into our account system
4) The last 8 numbers of the credit card that your account is billed to.
5) The Pick Ticket Number AND customer number that is on the Invoice (top right-hand corner) you received from Electronic Arts. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Without these numbers we cannot verify any information and we will not be able to provide you with a registration code.

Our Phone support is available from Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm CST at (512) 434-4357. Although we try to keep our hold times down to a minimum, sometimes there is a bit of a wait. We are aware that there may be some long hold times and are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Follow this path in the phone menu:
我々の電話サポートは (512) 434-4357 で、月曜日から金曜日までの9:00amから5:00pm CST(日本時間0:00から8:00)の間で利用可能です。 保留時間を最小にするように努めていますが、少し待たなければならない時もあります。我々は若干長い保留時間があるかもしれませんが、これによる不都合を謝ります。 以下は電話のメニューです:

・ Press 1 for Ultima Online
   Ultima Onlineは1を押してください
・ Press 1 for Billing
・ Press 1 for a Live Person

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
Thanks for your patience and patronage.

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