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いみずルネッサンス 菊 たみお

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to Tamio Profile Page 菊 民夫
新湊市立堀岡小学校、新湊市立射北中 学校、富山県立新湊高等学校を経て、昭和47年、日本大学理工学部建築学科卒業、専攻は建築史・造園学
卒業後は設計事務所勤務を経て興亜建設 入社。平成7年より同社代表取締役社長。平成13年1月代表取締役社長退く。平成16年3月 当社解散。
現在、式内社 草岡神社奉賛会長。

 Tamio Kiku
 April 16, 1949. Old Shinminato City birth. Horioka elementary school, a Shimminato municipal Syahoku Junior high school, and a Toyama  Tamio Kiku April 16, 1949 prefectural Shimminato high school, Showa 47,Nihon University department of science and engineering. Department graduation of architecture. Speciality is a history of construction, and gardening study.
 After graduation should pass design office service. Koua construction incorporated company entrance into a company. Heisei 7 old person company representative director president. It will retreat representative director company length in January, Heisei 13. The dismissal of March, Heisei 16 our company.
Present and shikinaisya Kusaoka shrine ministration chairperson.
 Than a 4th stage of Shinminato member of an assembly and November, 2013, Imizu member of an assembly.

現在,式内公司草岡神社贊助會長。  新湊市議會議員4次,比2013年11月射水市議會議員

Imizu City Assemble
Web pages Created by kiku tamio 2017

 菊たみお OFFICE