Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2007年04月30日(月)  It was very hot today.
My company works this week. Most of people are holiday. I want to get some holidays. I want to go flying. My arm is still sore because I got one years old. I am very tired.

■2007年04月29日(日)  Birthday
This day was my birthday. I became thirty-nine years old. I flew for 37 minutes for one hour. I played catch with my son after I got home.My right arm hurts. I have the muscle pain.

■2007年04月28日(土)  I was busy.
朝早い時間に家の田圃の草刈をしました。 次に飛びに行きましたが、飛べませんでした。そして、仕事へ行きました。半日で終わるとは思わなかったのでラッキー!最後に、組の寄り合いへ行きました。忙しい日でしたが、次の日がフリーになりました。
I mowed my rice field for 3 hours early in the morning. Next. I went to fly. But I couldn't fly because of strong wind. And then. I went to work in the afternoon. I didn't think the work finished. I was very lucky. Last. I went to the meeting of a village. I was very busy day. But next day will be free.

■2007年04月27日(金)  A cold
I have had a cold since yesterday. I feel lousy. Maybe. I think I will cure tomorrow. I'm going to fly tomorrow. But I will have to work too. I hope that I mow of my rice field. I will be busy tomorrow. If rainy I only work.

■2007年04月26日(木)  A meeting
There was a meeting. We call the meeting DOS. DOS is abbreviation of Do Out Door Sport. I had to explain about paraglider. I was nervous because there were many representatives of Shinshiro. I wore a suit after a long time. My wife said "Clothes to a grandchild". We call it "Mago nimo Isyou" in Japanese. The meaning. When dirty people wears cool clothes, they becomes cool. Is this explanation right? Probably my explanation was pretty good.

姪の中学入学記念に自転車を買いました。4月に欲しかったのですが、売り切れ。自転車メーカーを選んだので、買えませんでした。やっとゲットしました。姪は大きい。大きいのに、小さな字電車に乗っていたので変だった・・・。でも、これからは大丈夫。I bought a bicycle which is a memento of niece's junior high school entrance. I wanted to get it in April. But It was sold out. I couldn't get her bicycle because she chose a bicycle maker. Finally I got it yet. She is a big. She is strange when she is cycling. Her bicycle is very small. OK from now.

■2007年04月24日(火)  The conversatino school day
残念です。高校生の娘が辞めました。自分を入れて4名です。先生と話すのに少し慣れてきました。しかし、喋れません。娘に負けない。努力します。I was sorry because the school girl quit. All members are four, including me. I get used to talk to the teacher a little. But I can't speak English.I am not defeated by my daughter. I try my best.

■2007年04月23日(月)  My wife's mother
My wife's mother has serious sicks. My wife is afraid. I'm in troble.

■2007年04月22日(日)  Weather was bad.
I plowed four fallow field in the morning. And I went to practice tennis with my family at the rest house. My daughter has improved since the last time. The rest house was broke. I was surprised it. Night game is canceled from this year. I'm sorry.

■2007年04月21日(土)  A tennis match 3
I went to saw My daughter's matchs. Match is doubles. My daughter is the front player. Her friend is the back player. A role of the back player is big. My daughter did her best. My daughter's team reached the second-round match. But her team lost the third-round match. I was sorry. My daughter was more sorry. She was crying. They need to more practice.

■2007年04月20日(金)  A tennis match 2
I said to my daughter "I want to see you games and take your photo." And she said "No". I was sorry. But I will secretly see her match. There are her games tomorrow. I hope she foray on Tosan Games.

■2007年04月19日(木)  A tennis match
A tennis match of Junior high school is held Saturday. My daughter is going to join it. My daughter is the captain. But her team is weak. I hope her team win a lot of games. I want to go to see her games.

■2007年04月18日(水)  PTA
My wife became a vice-chairman of the junior high school's PTA. When she is in the school some teachers talk to her. She is great. It's irrelevant to me.

■2007年04月17日(火)  A new Sports Section
I was summoned to a new sports section of Shinshiro city. All members of the sports section were changed. I had to explain about the paraglider competition again. I was asked them to give a speech at a meeting. Thought I don't like a speech, I'll talk. I hope the city help us.

■2007年04月16日(月)  I was sleepy.
I couldn't sleep in a hotel the day before yesterday. Because I talked English I had a clear head. I thought I sleep well in my house. But I needed more some time to sleep.

■2007年04月15日(日)  Cross-country flight
We stayed in Ibaraki. This area has the longest distance in Japan. I want to fly to the distance. But I couldn't it today. Because wind was strong. I only flew. The photo is Eva. She is the most famous pilot in the world. She has the highest altitude in the world. It's about 10000m.

■2007年04月14日(土)  Paraglider Warld Cup
私は茨城へPWCを見に行ってきました。今日は最終日でしたが風が強く競技は出来ませんでした。 そこには多くの外人゜イロットが居ました。私の目的は英語を話す事と機体の情報を得ることです。競技がキャンセルされた後、私は数人の外人と話して、機体の情報をゲットしました。ペトラ、トーマス、パリッチ兄弟、ピーターと話しました。彼らと話せれてうれしかった。バリッチ兄弟は距離の世界記録保持者。ペトラし2006年女子2位。ピーターは機体デザイナー。もっと英語が上手く話せるようになりたい。写真はピーターと。
I went to see Paraglider Warld Cup in Ibaragi. It was the final day of the competition today. But it was strong wind today. the competition was not able to be held. There were many foreign pilots there. My purposes were to speak English and to get my glider's information. After The competition was canceled I talked to a few foreigners. I heard about my glider. I got my glider's informations. I talked to Petra, Tomas, Peter and Valic brothers. I was very happy to talk to them. Valic brothers have the longest individual open distance in the world. Petra have the women 2nd in 2006. Peter is a glider designer. I want to become to speak English very well. The photo is Peter.

■2007年04月13日(金)  A review
I was not able to explain it when I studied at English conversation. My teacher said "Which do you sleep in a bed or on tatami?" I said "I sleep in bed these days." My teacher said "Why did you change in bed?" I said "We invited two poles. From that time." There was a reason which is long. I explain it now. First. We slept in the room where there was a bed of the second floor. But the second floor is hot in summer and cold in winter. We slept in the first floor. When poles came to my house they slept in the first floor. Because there were various things in the second floor. We have slept in the second floor since that time. A room of the first floor is vacated. It is convenience.

■2007年04月12日(木)  Birthday present
I got birthday present from my wife. The presents are videos. The name of video is "new feeling, English conversation in keyword" Thoes videos are six volumes long. It amounts to about 15000 yen. Benny appears to the video. I'm her fan and support. Actually. My birthday is April 29th. The presents are early.

■2007年04月11日(水)  My car lisence
I went to Toyokawa to renew my car lisence. I heard a violation class for the first time in 20 years. I always watched a video for thirty minutes only. I did not think that I heard the violation class from a person for 1 hour 30 minutes. Don't use a cellphone when we are driving a car.

■2007年04月10日(火)  English conversation school day
Recently. Chat time is a lot. My teacher says "What did you do on the weekend." In such a case. I remember this diary. But I couldn't
speak well. This diary is useful.

■2007年04月09日(月)  It was busy day.
I was busy. A time limit of my work was today. I finished the work by the evening. I will be able to carry those products tomorrow. But I will be slightly free from tomorrow. Before it's too late, I may go to renew my car license. I will be revocation of my gold driver's license. I'm sorry.

■2007年04月08日(日)  Shoes
I went to Hamamatu to buy TV for my nephew yesterday. My sister's family lives in Hamamatsu. My nephew became a junior high school student. That television is the memory. Broadcast of television turns into digital from analog. Television of now won't be able to watch about four years later. The televisions which are sold now is very expensive and thin. Fat TV with digital not sale. Incidentally. I bought my new shoes. But I bought a different size by mistake. When I returned to my house, I noticed. I went to Hamamatsu again. I was sorry.

■2007年04月07日(土)  Paragliding world cup
Paragliding world cup in Ibaragi will start tomorrow. It is an exercise day today. Some members from Aichi went to Ibaragi. Everybody is fired up. I want to go to Ibaragi, too. Since today is an exercise day today, I may be able to speak to some players slowly. My holidays are next Saturday and Sunday. I want to go to Ibaragi next weekends. But I don't
know I have times to speak with players. My favorite players are Thomas, Petra Blondeau and Valic brothers. なかなか初歩的な英語で、これくらいの文が辞書なしで書けるといいのだが・・・・。翻訳機にかけて修正しました。単語も何点か引いてるし。

■2007年04月06日(金)  A new school term
A new Junior school term of my son started. He is fifth grader. My wife went to her mother's hospital yesterday. My wife heard about her disease. She is cancer. She has cerebral infarction. She is about eighty years old. Because she is an old person, aggravation of cancer is slow. She has been in bed for more than 15 years.

■2007年04月05日(木)  High school baseball
The other day. Kikukawa of Shizuoka won the championship in Koshien. That pitcher is from Yamayoshida. Boys of recent Higashimikawa choose a senior high school of Shizuoka. When they go to school of Aichi, they do not have a supervisor use it. They cannot play an active part. There seems to be a person from four or five Aichi in Kikukawa. For these past several years, a two-pole banner written as Koshien participation is set up by a boy baseball team of somewhere around here, but mostly it is from a senior high school of Shizuoka. 途中で面倒になって翻訳機を使いました。

■2007年04月04日(水)  A new school term
A new school term of my daughter started. She is a third grader. I want she to study hard and get a good high school. 私の娘の学校の新学期が始まりました。3年生です。しっかり勉強して良い高校に入って欲しい。

■2007年04月03日(火)  English conversation school
This time. There were only E and me. We have a lot of chat times when there are two students only. But conversation was easy I couldn't understand. My speaking was bad because I say a word only. My work is busy because I played last weekend. I am desperate to get the appointed date of delivery ready. Morning I get to the office before five. It is completely defended by an anti-thief measure. When I open the door the telephone ring from SECOM. Trouble! I enter smoothly. Are you in time? ? ? ?

■2007年04月02日(月)  Sleepy
I was sleepy. But I'm busy with work. Every day my children went playing to our relatives. And they got up into the night. They were more sleepy. A spring vacation wants you to be over early. I'm in trouble. 短い文なら、なんとか英文になるかな????

■2007年04月01日(日)  Is it that?
I didn't return home. because the weather changed. I forgot my work. I flew at first. I flew for 17 kilometers.天気が変わったので、私は帰りませんでした。私は、私の仕事を忘れました。私は、最初に飛び立ちました。私は、17キロメートル飛行できました。

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