Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2010年03月31日(水)  To make bags.
I bought some fabrics. I'll try to make some drawstring bags with my sewing machine. But now I don't have time to make it, because of flying. So I'll make it, when it rain. But before that I'll have to fix my bag for paragliding I made it before.

■2010年03月30日(火)  to make a game
My son have nothing to do, while this supring vacation. So I bought a book for him. It is about to make game. Today he tryed to make a game. But it was so difficult for him. I don't know if he can make a game. But he seemed to be fun.

■2010年03月29日(月)  I was tired.
I was very sleepy in this morning. But I went running for 10 kilometers.
My son is in the spring vacation, but he is always in bed or plays tv game. So in the evening I took him to go swimming. My son and I swimed for 1 kilomters. This time I wear a new swim wear. It was very good. Before I wear buggy pants, it was bad to swim.

■2010年03月28日(日)  Canceled
The game was canceled, because of the cloudy. I was nineth and I got a healmet. We left after awarding ceremony. But the road were very crowded. But I got home around 6 o'clock. I was very sleepy, so I got bed around 9 o'clock. Today there was a marathon competition in Toyohashi. But I chosed the paragliding competition. So I couldn't go join the marathon. I'll join it next year.

■2010年03月27日(土)  Ibaragi
I came here in Ibaragi. We left around 2 o'clock lastnight. Today we joined a paragliding competition. This game competes for distance. So today I flew for 45 kilometers and I was nineth. We are going to fly tomorrow, this game has 2 days. But the weatherforecast said it would be cloudy. Maybe we wouldn't fly far.
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■2010年03月26日(金)  Kyoto
In this morning, my wife and daughter were very busy. Because they were going to go to Kyoto and preparing for it. They left home around 7 o'clock. They take a day trip to Kyoto by train and Shinkansen. So my son and I have to eat dinner ourself. But I have to go to Ibaragi toninght for a paragliding competition. Now I'm wondering if my son does everything himself.

■2010年03月25日(木)  The last class with Chris
In this morning, I was very sleepy. Because I worked yesterday untill 12 o'clock. I was very busy yesterday. So I couldn't go running in this morning. In this evening, there was the last class with Chris. We went to a past and pizza restauran in Toyokawa Cannary row. We had a good time.

■2010年03月24日(水)  speech day
There was a speech day for my son's school. He brought me his result. I thought it was so so. But I thought he need to take more effort. Now he is in spring vacation, so he is already playing Video game.

■2010年03月23日(火)  announce test results
Senior schools around here announced test results today. My nephew and my niece passed schools both they wanted to enter. I have to give them presents.

■2010年03月22日(月)  swimming
After work, I went to YuuYuu with my son to swim and take Onsen. I swimed after long time. I swimed with my son for 1 kilometers. I think it is very good for my health. While my son is in spring vacation, I'll go swimming with my son a few times. I think I need a competition swimsuit.

■2010年03月21日(日)  It's a thunder shower
It's a thunder shower in the early morning. But I sew a bag for flying and completed it. After that, I attended the last meeting as a leader. I finished as a leader. After that, I visit three graves Kato family and Harada family and our dog. Then I went running for 20kilometers slowly. It was a hard day for me.

■2010年03月20日(土)  I was working.
In the morning I ran for 10 kilometers. After that I went to work. After I work, I prepared for making a bag tomorrow. Because I won't fly tomorrow, because it would rain.

■2010年03月19日(金)  A speech day
It was a speech day for my daughter's school. So she is in spring Spring vacation. We are able to breathe again. Maybe she can relax. I hope she fix up the sick, while spring vacation.

■2010年03月18日(木)  The last class
I went to the conversation school. At that time I heard from Chris next class is the last class with Chris. So we decided to go to a restaurant next class. He was a good teacher. I miss him. But I'm wondering what is next teacher like. I hope it's good if it's a woman teacher.

■2010年03月17日(水)  My daughter came back home.
My daughter came back home in this early morning. My wife picked her up to Toyohashi. I thought my wife must be sleepy. My daughte would have been enjoyed it. Afternoon my daughter join her tennis club to her school in Toyohashi. Is she OK? We're afraid of herself. She still have a little fever. She was in five days off untill today, because of the high school entrance for the third of junior high-school students now.

■2010年03月16日(火)  My daughter left for Disney.
My daughter went to Tokyo disneyland. We are worrying about her all day. But we have heard nothing from her all day. But I think she would be good and enjoy herself.

■2010年03月15日(月)  My daughter is in home.
My daughter was in home in this morning. Why?? she was supposed to be in Tokyo disneyland. I thoguht she had a sick. But it was not. I heard from my wife, she had the wrong day and it is today midnight. Is she OK? My wife is taking her to Toyohashi again.

■2010年03月14日(日)  Paragliding
I few in Shinshiro and after about one month. It was a very clear day. This midnight my daughter is leaving for Tokyo disneyland by bus. I'm wondering she is OK. Anyway she's looking forward to it.

■2010年03月13日(土)  20 kilometers
I ran for 20 kilometers slowly in this morning after long time. I was pleased to it. But I have a little pain on my left knee. After that I sew a trial model bag for paragliding with my sewing machine. I made it with what is on hand. So I need right fabrics.

■2010年03月12日(金)  A fine day
I went running in this morning for 10 kilometers. Thesedays I have been able to run for 10 kilometers. But I have a little pain on my left knee. Anyway I'm happy with running. Today it was a very beautiful day. So I wanted to go flying. But today was a weekday, so I was working. But My friends were flying. I envy them.

■2010年03月11日(木)  My daughter
She went to school today too. But In the evening my wife picked her up at Toyohashi station. She joined her tennis club today. But I don't know if she was fine or not. In the evening I went to the conversation school. But thesedays I don't feel study English hard at home. If I go overseas in this year, I'll study English Hard.

■2010年03月10日(水)  My daughter
She could go to school today. But my wife took her to school. Anyway we were pleased it. But she soon joined her tennis club. Is she OK? In the evening I was sewing a bag on my sewing machine. I was poor at sewing. Maybe soon I will be able to get used it. I need clothing fabrics I want. But I cant find it. What should I do?

■2010年03月09日(火)  My daughter
She couldn't go to school, because of a headache and she had a low fever again. But in the evening she seemed to be fine. We hope she gets better. And we are wondering when she can get better.

■2010年03月08日(月)  My daughter
She didn't go to school today neither, because of the headache. But last week she could go to school. This is a fine time, her teacher called us today. We thoguh it was too late. He worried her test result. Her grades so dropped. But I think he should worry about her health. I'm wondering he's OK.

■2010年03月07日(日)  "job well done" party
I went to our shrine as a leader for preparing and joining for praying. After that, there was a "job well done" party for our area boards. So I joined it as a leader of our group. So I drunk too much beer for lunch. After I got home, I wnet to Yuu yuu with my son. We worked out in the gym. But I couldn't work out long time, because I drunk. So we did for 40
or 45 minutes. And then we took Onsen. and went back home. But it was a customer appreciation day today, the admission was just 150 yen.

■2010年03月06日(土)  a industrial sewing machine
I got a industrial sewing machine that arrived today. I made the successful bid on the internet auction Yahoo 2 days ago. I used it soon But I didn' know how to use it. Anyway I used it and made something on it. The sewing machine can sew thick clothing fabric or leather.

■2010年03月05日(金)  The leader meeting
I joined the leader meeting in our area. There is only one more meeting left. But I have to join a ceremony on Sunday. And there is another ceremony in this month. I just stand for them in this month.

■2010年03月04日(木)  I felt bad.
I felt very bad. I had like a hay fever. So I had a runny nose and sneezing. But I wbet ot othe conversatons chool in the evening. Of course I couldn't concentrate on English.

■2010年03月03日(水)  hina doll
Today it's Doll's Festival. My wife and daughter have displayed them about 10 days ago in my room. Now I can't wathc movies. I want my wife to store them in the closet tomorrow. It is believed hina dolls protect girls from bad luck. Now my daughter goes to school though, she hsa a sick. I hope she gets better. She has tests until tomorrow and her tennis of training will start. I'm wondering she does that.

■2010年03月02日(火)  a industrial sewing machine
I want a industrial sewing machine. So I'm looking for it through Yahoo Auction of the internet. I tryed to get it twice and missed them. I hope I can get a cheap industrial sewing machine. The machines which I want won't go on the website. I hope someone gives it to me.

■2010年03月01日(月)  a muscle ache
I have a muscle ache and my left knee pain. But in the morning I went running for 5 kilometers slowly. I won't go running tomorrow.

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