Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2009年05月31日(日)  a memorial day
Today was the anniversary of the death of my mother-in-law the second year. So we had the the first year. I asked the monks to come and recite. He recite 30 minutes. After that I paied 50000 yen. It was too expensive and I didn't want to pay that to him. After that I played tennis with my son and doughter. And then I took my son to the tennis school today too. I have been tired today too.

■2009年05月30日(土)  30 kilometers
I ran 30 kilometers for 3 hours and 10 minutes in the morning. It was too hard. I thought I was tired, because I have run 50 kilometers this week. I couldn't run fast after 20 kilometers. After I ran, I went flying and mowing weeds the flight site. It was also tired for me. After that I got home and I took my son to the tennis school. After he finished tenns school, I played tennis with him. It was a too hard day for me.

■2009年05月29日(金)  I could run.
I thought it would be raining this morning, so I was thinking I couldn't run this morning. But it wasn't rainning. I could run. When I was running, a truk driver asked me how should he get a company where he wanted to go. I wanted him to aske someone who working or working with a dog. But I showed him the way. But I don't know he get there.

■2009年05月28日(木)  Closing a company
There's a company I worked before. The company had 2 or 3 workers. The president get cancer. So he decided to cloase it. Now noone works there. But there're many machine in the factory. So he asked our company to run the factory and to buy the machines. I thought it was good thing. But we are bad time now, so we don't have much works. I think it's good to buy them, but we don't know what we should do after that.

■2009年05月27日(水)  Sunny day
It was a beautiful day. Maybe it'll rain tomorrow to weekend. I'm day off on Sutarday again, But if it's rainning, I can't fly. Now I have a lot of work to do. So my machine is working hard. But I'm just watching the machine. So I'm not busy and boring.

■2009年05月26日(火)  kayak
Fixed Cash Handout will be paid our family. So I said to my family tomorrow night. I wanted a kayak and to kayak with my son. But my wife said No. But my son and I decided to buy a kayak by our Fixed Cash Handout. Today I said my father I'll buy a kayak. So he said to me to buy another kayak. We'll kayak this Summer. But I don't have money, so I'll buy a used kayak.

■2009年05月25日(月)  My son's test result
My son took tests social, science, Jpapanese, English and mathematics before. It was the first time in school. I promised him If he get in 3th of the total result, I buy him Ipod. But he couldn't get it. It was almost in 3th. He said to me to study next time. But I said to him, you'll have to get farst next time. So I'll buy you Ipod. But I thought his scores were good, so I was happy.

■2009年05月24日(日)  I couldn' get a good flight.
I got up and I went go running in the morning. And then I broke up my rice field I don't make rice. It came the first spots of rain. After that I went to fly and cleaned gullys we go to the takeoff. After that I cleaned, I flew very little time. And then we went to the take off again. I cut trees we don't need. And then it fair up. But I didn't have my glider. I couldn't fly. But my friends flew and got good flights. After that I played tennis with my daughter I promised it in the morning. But my friend flew well again. I was disappointed it. But I thought It was OK sometimes.

■2009年05月23日(土)  Holiday
I was a holiday. So I wanted to fly. But the weather was not good. I was very wondering I go flying or not thoguh, both my children wasn't at home. I didn't have anything to do. So I went to flying in Gifu. I thought I couldn' get good flight. But I could fly well. I was very happy.

■2009年05月22日(金)  Am I tired?
I was wondering I was tired? Because I have a pain on my left knee in the morning. So I couldn't run 10 kilometers. So I ran 5 kilometers slowly. I think I need to take a rest twice a week. Today I have very bad stiff shoulders.

■2009年05月21日(木)  Dino's English
I went to the conversation school. A woman of other class joined our class. She is a high level class student. Maybe She could speak a little bit better than I am. Her teacher is Dino our last teacher now. She said to me, His voice is soft and speaking is fast, So his Englishe is difficult. I thought, I thought so too.

■2009年05月20日(水)  a community meeting
There was a community meeting this evening. The meeting is held twice a month. Today is weekday. It's good for me, because I'm not busy now. When the meeting is held on weekend, I don't want to join it. Because I'll be able to go flying or I'll have to get home early.

■2009年05月19日(火)  the internet
I moved my computer to the room on the first floor, when I changed my room to my son's room. I didn't conect it on the internet today. Because it's difficult to conect it on a line. I wanted to conect it on radio transmission. Because I'm thinking line is better than radio. Although I have 2 computers, I have one display. I want a display.

■2009年05月18日(月)  examination time
My daughter is in examination time. She is stadying harder than usual. I expect her to get good scores. She continues to study hard until this thursday. My son took tests before. But the result wasn't announced though, his score was not bad. Although the score is not bad, he didn't study hard. I think I hope he studays everyday a little by little.

■2009年05月17日(日)  It was a boring day for me.
It was rainning all day. So I couldn't run just as I thought. I watched Mission impossible I rent yesterday. After I had lunch. I went to a Auto tennis with my son. And then We went to the roll cake shop again. I ate it this morning and it was delisious. So my wife asked to me. Buy it for my next door. So I went to buy it again. After I went back home, I ate it again.

■2009年05月16日(土)  It was rainning.
It this morning, I ran for 15 kilometers. I ran longer distance than usual. Maybe I won't ran tomorrow, due to rain. Today I went to the paraglider place. But when I arrived there, it started rainning. We couldn't fly. So I went to Zebio in Toyohashi. Adidas is here and they check our foot. I was checked my foot. But it was boring than I thought. And then I went back home, I had lunch and then I took a nap. After that I took my son to the tennis school. When I was waiting him, I went to buy Rool cakes. The shop is specialist shop for Rool cake. But I don't know if it is delisious or not. The picture is the foot scan system of Adidas.

■2009年05月15日(金)  My work
I got a work. But I wasn't busy. I could work for it slowly. My company is not busy now. So we can take day off tomorrow. We're very happy. But it'll rain tomorrow and the day after tomoorow. I'm wondering what I should do. I have a lot of to do.

■2009年05月14日(木)  private class
I was cleaning my machine today too. But I have finished it. Today I have the conversation school. Mieko emailed me to be absent. So the class become like my private class. It was the first time, the new teacher teaches only me. It was too hard for me. I wasn't used to it yet.

■2009年05月13日(水)  I was cleaning my machine.
Today. I didn't have work. So I was cleaning my machine. It was too dirty. I didn't clean it for 2 or 3 years. I couldn't have finshed it today. But it's OK beacuse I don't have work. Maybe my jobs are coming the day after tomorrow.

■2009年05月12日(火)  rice-planting season
I've got experience planting rice paddies once. I gave up it. After that, I never plant rice. It was too hard for me. So I don't make rice and I mow weeds in our fileds. Now our area is rice-planting season. My neighborhood started to plant rice. Our family has 4 rice fields. One of the fields will be planted by my neighbor form this time. I'm happy because I don't need to mow weeds in the filed.

■2009年05月11日(月)  All my family was in my house
I was tired and sleepy, and I had a slight cold. My work was not busy, so I could work slowly. Our company is not busy now. Maybe we won't busy this month. So today we could leave from our company 6 o'clock. I could get my house early. My daughter is in an examination time this week and next week. It was rare all my family is in my house in evening.

■2009年05月10日(日)  Mother's day
It was sunny. I went flying to Fukui prefacture for the first time. It was a very beautiful site. I flew for about 2 hours. This time we could get home early. I remmbered today is mother's day when I get home. My daughter gave her an award of merit. I thought it was a very interesting idea.

■2009年05月09日(土)  Flying
I went flying to Gifu prefacture. I wanted to fly. But I didn't feel well. It seems a cold. But I thought it was no problem to fly. But after I flew, I felt was very bad. I cought a cold.

■2009年05月08日(金)  I had free time.
I had a day off today. But it was rainning. I couldn't go flying. I went running this morning. I felt good. So I thought I run long distance. After I ran one hour, it started rainning. I was soaked to the skin. But I kept runing another one hour. After that. I mowed weeds in the landing. And then. I went to a steak restaurant with my wife for lunch. I had a big steak. I paid for it 4500 yen. it was really delicious. The restaurant is very famous. the name is Liyond lion. Despite weekday, it was crowded.

■2009年05月07日(木)  I had free time.
It was rain today too. I couldn't go running in this morning. I was working still. But I had free time. I don't have much works. I could get home early. And then I went to the conversation school after 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to take 3 day off from tomorrow. But it'll rain tomorrow.

■2009年05月06日(水)  I was not busy.
I was not busy. Because we have finished our constructions in the golden week. But we had to make tests run for the machines we repaired. We have finished it soon. We could get home around three o'clock. But it was rainning today. I don't have anything to do. So I went shopping with my wife. But I didn't buy anything. It was a vey boring day to me.

■2009年05月05日(火)  It was rain
It was rain, so every flyer won't fly. I was working. Today we were repairing a machine. We could go smoothly that job. Our company didn't have any big job this golden week. So we have finished all jobs. But we can't take any day off. Because we have to shake down what machines we repaired from tomorrow. We can take day off from this Friday.

■2009年05月04日(月)  A waterway for rice
Our neighbors is going to started to grow rice after the golden week. So they have to clean waterways for rice. So they are going to clean them while the golden week. Since Our family has rice fileds, I have to join that. Every year I didn't join that, because our company is very busy and my wife joins it. But this year, A waterway throught our rice fild was broken. A big hole was made under a U-shaped gutter. My wife wanted me to join it. So I joined it this year in the morning. after that, I was back to usual job.

■2009年05月03日(日)  The constructions in the golden week
I was very busy, because the constructions in the golden week were started. I was working around ceilings of a factory of Yokohama rubber. We were replaciong old rails with new rails. We could go smoothly that job.

■2009年05月02日(土)  A Docomo shop in Shinshiro
In the morning, When I was running. I passed a Docomo shop in Shinshiro. Some cars parked the parking lot. It were cop cars, security company's car. And I saw a window broken. Maybe someone broke into yhe shop. In the aftenoon, when I passed the shop, the winodws was changed a board.

■2009年05月01日(金)  It was a beautiful day.
It was sunny today. So it has been sunny for 2 or 3 days. Accoding to the internet, many flyers got a very good flights. I'm jealous! Now many people have been in goldenweek. But I work everyday. I wish I would take day off in goldenweek.

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