Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2011年05月31日(火)  I'm fine.
I didn't go running today too. I took 3 days off running. So I'm not tired. I'm very fine. But I'm getting fat. I won't go running tomorrow too. Because I still have a pain on my left foot.

■2011年05月30日(月)  I can't go running.
I have pain on my left ankle last weekend. But I could go running last week. But I get sore on my left dorsum of foot too. So today I stopped going running. I disappointed it. But I guess the pain will subside soon.

■2011年05月29日(日)  The typhoon
The typhoon hit around here. So it was rainning hard today. In this evening I made 5 drawstring bags with my sewing machine and repaired my paragliding bag. Afternoon, I went to a Video rental shop and rented a Blue-rays Unstoppable.It was good for me. I took my son to tennis schhol in this evening. He praciced tennis inside with a machine.

■2011年05月28日(土)  It was rainning today.
The typhoon is comming. Today it was rainning allday. Maybe it'll be rainning tomorrow too. But I went running in the rain 12 kiloeters. Afternoon. I went to a Video rental shop and rented 2 Blue-rays Kick-Ass and RED. Both movies were good for me.

■2011年05月27日(金)  The rainy season
The rainy season set in today. And the typhoon is approaching now. It'll rain this weekend. My son is comming this evening from the school trip. I guess he doesn't need to use his umbrella while the trip.

■2011年05月26日(木)  My home is calm.
Today My home is calm. My wife doesn't need to be angry at my son today. He is still in school trip now. Maybe he is in Tokyo Disny Land and happy now.

■2011年05月25日(水)  My son left
My son left for Tokyo. Maybe he'll be in Tokyo now. Before he left, he asked me to give him 30,000 yen. It was his spending money for the school trip. I couldn't believe it. When I was a junior high school student, it was 5,000 yen. I gave him 30,000 yen. But I'm worry that he lose it. Now our house is very quiet.

■2011年05月24日(火)  the school trip
My son is going to Tokyo for the school trip from Wednesday to Friday. So he's preparing for it. I bought a bag before and I haven't used it yet. I let him use it. Almost junior high schools in Shinshiro changed their destination Tokyo because of the earthquake. But his school didn't change it and he can go to Tokyo. He's looking forward going there.

■2011年05月23日(月)  It was rainning today.
It was rainning allday today. I didn't go running because of the rain and now I have a pain on my left left ankle. But I'll go running tomorrow.

■2011年05月22日(日)  rian
In this morning I ran 10 kilometers. And then I went flying. There was 2 friends. The weather was cloudy. We guessed we wouldn't fly long time. So I hiked to the takeoff place with one of the friends and we carried our pragliders. It took for 1 hours 14 minutes. When we got there, it started to rain. Another friend picked up us at the takeoff place by car. In this evening we went to Nagoya to see my daughter. And we went to a restaurant for dinner.

■2011年05月21日(土)  weed
I was working allday, but my paragliding friends were flying. After work, I went the landing place and weeded for 2 hours. I don't want to weed.

■2011年05月20日(金)  Nothing special today too.
It was too hot today too. It was like summer. When I went running this morning, I changed my wear T-shirt. After that, I went working.

■2011年05月19日(木)  Nothing special
It was too hot today. In this morning I went running. And then I went working. After work, I went to the conversation school.

■2011年05月18日(水)  My daughter
Last night, my daughter calld my wife from a phone booth. She lost her cellphone again. I was sleeping at that time. My wife got on her through my computer Skype in my room. I couldn't sleep. My wife didn't know how to use Skype. My daughter left her cellphone in a bus. So my wife called the bus company and asked to look for it. After a while, the company called my wife that they found it. I got angry at my daughter. She also lost it and made a fuss overlast month.

■2011年05月17日(火)  a thundering downpour
There was a thundering downpour this early morning. So I couldn't sleep well. But when I started running at 5 oclock, the rain already stopped. So I could ran. The weather was mixed today.

■2011年05月16日(月)  Nothing special
In this morning I went running 15 kilometers. And then I went to work. Today I got a new pair of mountain-climbing boots that I ordered before. I'll climb Mt Hakuba whith the boots.

■2011年05月15日(日)  hard condition
I went paragliding with 2 friend to Asagiri plateau. It was very fine. But it was very windy. Even so I could fly. The air condition was very hard. My paraglider was collapsed a few times. I could land safe today and flew for 1 hours 23 minutes. After I got home I took my son to tennis school and played tennis with him for 30 minutes.

■2011年05月13日(金)  Japanese serow
In this morning I ran 30 kilometers. After that I kayaked alone. My wife took me the start point Ushibuti. The goal point was in front of my house. The course is about 4 kilometers long. I could see tortoises, cormorants and ducks. When I found them, they escaped. But the most shocking was I saw a Japanese serow. I never seen it around here. It didn't escape and I took the photo. I was very surprised it. Anyway I was releved because I didn't capsize. Water was very cold. I didn't want to capsize. After that I went hikeing to Mt Hongu. I hiked 2 hours 10 minutes. And then I took my son to tennis school and I played tennis with him for 30 minutes. It was hard for me today.

■2011年05月13日(金)  wide monitor
My computer's monitor for work broke down. So I went to buy a new one and I changed it. But old one was usual type. new one is wide type. So I couldn't trace a true circle. My computer is old. and doesn't support it. So I changed it my wife's old monitor.

■2011年05月12日(木)  checkup
I had a checkup today. I worry about my anemia. I take drug to treat anemia everyday. So I think I correct anemia. I can't get the result soon. In this evening I went to the conversation school.

■2011年05月11日(水)  rain
It was rainning allday. I bought a rain jacket for running before. So it was good today. But while I was running, it wasn't rainning. So I ran and wrapped it around my waist.

■2011年05月10日(火)  I feel bad.
I feel bad today. Maybe because of an allergy or something. I have sneezing and snivel allday.

■2011年05月09日(月)  tired
I'm tired today, because of the holiday. I didn't feel like working. But I worked hard. I'm happy, because I have 2 days off in this weekend. Maybe I can go flying.

■2011年05月08日(日)  Day off 3
We went to Asagiri plateau to paraglide. We got a good flight. I flew 2 hours. After I got home, I took my son to tennis school. After his tennis class, I payed tennis with him for 30 minutes. This photo is my friend.

■2011年05月07日(土)  Day off 2
In this morning I ran 20kilometers. And then, I went paragliding to Shinshiro. But it was windy, so we couldn't fly. We choosed to hike Mt. Hongu. When we got the top of the mountain. The wind died down. After that we went to the takeoff to paraglide again. But the wind was following wind and we couldn't fly. We gave up to fly today. After that I weeded in the paths of my ricefields for 2 hours.

■2011年05月06日(金)  Day off 1
I'm off. In this morning I ran 20kilometers. And then, I went paraglding to Shinshiro today. I flew 2 times. The first try was 1 hour. The second try was 1 hour 30 minutes. After that we hiked to the takeoff to get our cars. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes to get there. The picture is the constraction for New Tomei and Meishin Expressway.

■2011年05月05日(木)  Children's Day
Today is a national holiday Children's Day. But I was working all day. My daughter has school from tomorrow. So she left for Nagoya today. I have a three-day weekend this week. I have a lot of something to do.

■2011年05月04日(水)  finished
Our grop's work done today. So the day after tomorrow I'll take a day off. Tomorrow I have to work. Because another constraction didn't finish today.

■2011年05月03日(火)  Our work
Our group's work progressed well. I got tired. But the work will finish tomorrow.

■2011年05月02日(月)  The Golden Week's construction
It was sunny and windy today. But the veiw was not fine. Because of yellow sand dust. The Golden Week's construction started today. So we have been busy by Thursday.

■2011年05月01日(日)  rainning
It was rainning all day. So I went running in the rain. for 11 kilometers. In this evening I and our family went to My father's house and had dinner. It was very delisious hamburger.

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