Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2008年01月31日(木)  Next Sunday
Next Sunday, There is a tournament of Karate. The tournament is for adult. My English teacher is going to join that. I think he'll be badly defeated. I heard from my wife, Naito will come there. Naito is a boxing champion. He fought Kameda brother. The mathc is very famous. If it's rain next Sunday, I want to go there and I support him.

■2008年01月30日(水)  The amp
I received the amp which I purchased. But it was delivered home when I was away. Since A postman took it back, I went to the postoffice to get it. I'm looking forward to setting up it on weekends.

■2008年01月29日(火)  An astrometric telescope
My father said that he wanted an astrometric telescope. I examined about it on the internet. I thought it was too expensive. I'm thinking, I'll just knock it down on Yahoo Auction again.

■2008年01月28日(月)  An amp
I offered 30,000yen for an amp and my bid was accepted. I had my sister made the bid for it again. And then, I wanted some speakers. But I dont have money to get some speakers. What should I do?

■2008年01月27日(日)  Fly 2
I flew in Asagiri planteau again. I went flying for 2 days in a row after a long interval. I enjoyed it. The photo is Mt. Fuzi. It was too beautiful.

■2008年01月26日(土)  Fly
I flew in Asagiri plateau. It was bad weather than I expected. But flight was not bad. It was too cold though. When I flew, it snowed? or hailed?, something came down. You'll able to find 4 gliders in the photo.

■2008年01月25日(金)  Postcards
Many postcards were arrived to my son. They were sent from restaurants. My son always answered questionnaires when we went to restaurants. Since he wrote his birthday to that, restaurants sent him postcards. He is going to be 11 years old soon. If we bring them, we'll get a discount.

■2008年01月24日(木)  A marathon race
My son took part in a marathon race which was held in his school. He took ninth place. He was neither good nor bad. He has many friends who are fast runners. Our family is good at marathon, but he was not good at it. But he may become a good runner from now. Actually, y daughter and I were always elected marathon teams.

■2008年01月23日(水)  Rain
The weather forecast said yesterday, it'll snow today. But it was rain today. I worried about roads. If roads are icy, I have to go to work early. But I didn't have to worry about it. It was cold today too though.

■2008年01月22日(火)  Cold
Mt. Ganbo has a light fall of snow. It snowed two days ago. Recently. I watched movies, when I couldn't fly. I'm getting tools of Home theater system. A movies speaking English is good for my English. But I rented a movie last weekend. The movie was french. I was wrong to rent the DVD. I always watch a movie with Speaking English and Japanese words. But when I wacthed the DVD, I watched it with speaking Japanese. But the movie was funney. I always watched movies weekends recently.

■2008年01月21日(月)  My muscles are sore.
It snowed last night. It was too cold today. I have felt muscle pain. My leg muscles are sore. I think the cause has the steep uphill road on the last half of the corse. I'm thinking it was too bad for my muscle. It was exhausted. But I ran three kilometers the morning.

■2008年01月20日(日)  The marathon races
The marathon races was held by shinshiro city. This was the fifth time for me to take part in the race. I always join the three kilometers jogging course. But I changed the six kilometers course last year. It took twenty nine minutes and forty seven seconds last race. This race it took twenty eight minutes and twenty seconds. I was faster about a minutes thirty seconds than last race. Though. I was not good feeling and got two kilograms over than last year. I was thinking I would be slower than last race. I thought it was good I got used to run the curse.

■2008年01月19日(土)  bad condition
I felt bad. I might catch a cold. I have to go the marathon meet tomorrow. I'm not sure if I can run or not. I have to run for 6 kilometers. My daughter will run for 6 kilometers too. My son will run for 3 kilometers. But if it is sunny tomorrow I'll go flying.

■2008年01月18日(金)  Book
I ordered books on the internet. They are to study English for me. It was the first time to pay at a convenience store. I alway paied money when what I ordered arrive. It was not good, because I need a fee. I'll change the way of payment from now.

■2008年01月17日(木)  an amplifier
I want a new amplifier, because my amplifier is too old. It has a Dolby surround systm which is an old system. I want a new amplifier with a 7.1ch system. But it is expensive. I think, I will be able to buy it if I pay more 30000 yen.

■2008年01月16日(水)  Wii fit
My wife got Wii fit. She started to try lose weight with Wii fit. I wonder if she lose weight or not. Recentry, I'm gatting a little weight. I have to be careful.

■2008年01月15日(火)  English conversation
I went to English conversation school. There was a tester who was a nursery teacher too. Now, there are three nursery teacher. One of the nursey teacher is recommending her fellow workers to enter the first stap class. Since they can't speak English very well, I'm thinking that I want to change to Thursday class.

■2008年01月14日(月)  Sleepy
I was too sleepy. But I went flying to Asagire plateau. I couldn't good flying. I was disappointed it. I expected a good flying. My holiday was finished. I have to work from tomorrow.

■2008年01月13日(日)  snowboarding
My son and I went snowboarding with my sister's family. We went to Takasu sky area. There is it in Gifu prefecture. It was the first time to go to Gifu prefecture skiing. We left from my house at 3:30 a.m. We joined ms sister's family at Toyokawa. We got there at 6:30 a.m. Takasu ski area is near a inter change. It was easy to access there. But area was too crowded. We enjoyed it until five o'clock. We took an Onsen. We left there at 6:30 o'clock. We got stuck in traffic for about two hours and 30 minutes. We got to our house at 0 o'clock. I was very tired. Since Gife area's area are near our house, it is easy to go there. But too crowded.

■2008年01月12日(土)  Speakers
I received both the center speaker and the woofer speaker which I purchased. I rent a video which was Spiderman 3. I watched it with a big sound at midnight. It might cause a nuisance to the neighbors. Spiderman 3 was not better than 1 and 2.

■2008年01月11日(金)  Winter tires
I replaced my car's tire to the winter tires. I'll able to go skiing and it'll be good if snow. But we don't have much snow in this season. Finally, I can take three days off in a raw from tomorrow. My son and I will go snowboarding. But almost ski areas will be crowded.

■2008年01月10日(木)  A center speaker
Next, I had my sister made a successful bid the center speaker. I can make 5.1ch system. The woofer which I made a succeeful bid don't arrive yet. I'm looking foreward to receiving it.

■2008年01月09日(水)  Wii fit
I had my hair cut. I always go to the same barber shop. My wife bough a wii which was a game machine of Nintendo. She wanted Wii fit, but she couldn't buy it. it got sold out. She will go on a diet with the wii fit. I'm not sure she will be able to lose her weight.

■2008年01月08日(火)  English conversation
I went to the English conversation school after a long time. It was after about one month. The school was closed because of new year's holidays. I enjoyed it. I'm not sure, my English improve.

■2008年01月07日(月)  The Woofer Speaker
I got the used woofer speaker. I made my sister make a successful bid of 8350 Yen for it. It was cheap and old. I can get holidays on this weekends. But weather forecast says that the weekends will be bad. If this weekend is bad, I'll watch movies in my theater room. I want to get it until that.

■2008年01月06日(日)  Asagiri plateau
I went flying to Asagiri planteau. Mt, Fuzi was very beautiful. But our flight was not good. There was the base of inversion. We couldn't get high Altitude. But I enjoyed it because I flew for an hour and twenty minutes. I have to work tomorrow.

■2008年01月05日(土)  New Year Kick Festival 2008
I heard from my wife. My son's teacher won. He knocked out the opponent. He was strong. I think he will get the champion. My son and wife got our house at two o'clock. But they enjoyed it.

■2008年01月04日(金)  Kickboxing
My son and wife left to spectate the Kickboxing match In Tokyo. My son's teacher of Karate join a match. The match hold by All Japan Kickboxing Federation. Its homepage addrss is http://www.aj-kick.com/ . My English teacher joined the cheering party. I wanted to go together, too. But I had to work. They'll return to our house late at tonight. My daughter and I are staying at home.

■2008年01月03日(木)  Work
I wanted to go to Asagiri plateau, but I couldn't. I worked. I finsihed my job. I thought I wanted holidays. Since I went to bed late last night, I went to bed early.

■2008年01月02日(水)  Fly
I went to Asagiri plateau to fly. It was very wonderful flight. And then. After I returned to my house, my family went to Hamamatu for shopping. After that. I got my house at 11 o'clock. Though I must work tomorrow, I was too sleepy.
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■2008年01月01日(火)  A happy new year
I eat zoni. Japanese people often eat zoni, or soup with rice cakes and vegetables, at this time of year. It was an old custom.I watched the movie in my theater. I watched it twice. I thought that the color of the wall had good black and I wanted a woofer.

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