Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2009年04月30日(木)  Running
I ran 10 kilometers today. The total of this mounth, I ran 236 kilometers. I think I want to keep that distance. And I hope, I want to cure a pain on my left knee. I'm wondering if I cure my left lag, I'll work spped training.

■2009年04月29日(水)  My birthday
It's my birthday today. I didn't have overtime. So I could get home early. But I didn' have my birthday party. I trained my son to play tennis to Ichinomiya. I thought it was more important than my birthday. Mabey my wife have my birthday tomorrow, because she want to have my birthday cake. But today. My daughter cooked hamburger for me. It was very delicious and I was happy.

■2009年04月28日(火)  It was sunny.
It was sunny today but it was windy. I was working. I have had to prepare for a goldenweek constructions. But I have not been busy yet. Because I don't have much works. Although I can't take any day off. I want to take some day off and fly.

■2009年04月27日(月)  pain
I have continuing pain on my left knee for 2 or 3 weeks. But If I'm not tired, I can run fast. I realy want to repaire the leg. Today I was very tired. So I wasn't going to run 10 kilometers. But I did. I had no idea why I ran. But the pain wasn't getting worse. Now I'm thinking I should take a running off tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

■2009年04月26日(日)  A busy day
It was not rainning. So I went running in the morning. After I had breakfast. I went to the landning place for paragliding to mow weeds. I did that for 2 hours with my mowing machine. After I went back home,I mowed weeds around my house. When I do that my wife helped me and she said "mow some other place". It was unscheduled and too hard. I was very tired. After that I had lunch and then I had a nap for 20 minutes. After that I went playing tennis with my son to Sougou park. I did that for 2 hours. And then I had to join a naighbor party. It like a community meeting. But we can drink beer. So I drink it after long time and I got drunk. I have been very tired today.

■2009年04月25日(土)  It was rainning hard.
It was rainning hard today. So I couldn't go running. First I watched a blue ray that Ironman I bought before. I thought it was so so. After that. I went to playing tennis with my family to Yamabiko hill that has 2 tennis courts with a covered roof. But the feilds are very bad. Becuase balls became covered with mud while we play. Actually we don't want to play there. In the evening the rain stopped. But I won't fly tomorrow.

■2009年04月24日(金)  It was sunny
It was sunny, so I felt good. Yestarday my daughter and wife went to a consert which was Aqua Timez. I don't know about them. They got home late, so I was sleeping. In the morning they showed me towels and wristbands and something. They were pleased. Anyway I will go to bed early this night.

■2009年04月23日(木)  A concert
My daughter and wife left for a concert. But I don't know what concert is. Anyway. I have to take my son to a cram school. And I have to go to the conversation school this evening. After I finish the school, I'm going to pick him up at 10 o'clock. These days I go to bed at 9. I have to try wakeup until 10:30.

■2009年04月22日(水)  I broke up my rice fields.
After I worked, I broke up our rice feilds on my farm tractor, not to grew up weeds. When I did that, my neighbor approached me and said "I want you to borrow one of your rice feilds". I was glad so I said soon "OK". Because I won't mow weeds and breck up the field.

■2009年04月21日(火)  raining
I was very tired. Because I took part in the waterfall cleanup and played tennis on Sunday. Yesterday I mowed weeds. The weather forcast said, it'll rain this morning. So I expected rainning. I wasn't supposed to go running. But It wasn't rainning. When I got up, I had time to go running. So I did that for 5 kilometers. But when I was running, it started rainning and I got wet.

■2009年04月20日(月)  The mowing season
The mowing season was started. I don't want to mow. But after I worked, I mowed weeds around our rice feilds. It was very hard. After that. I had dinner. And then. I attended the community meeting. It is twice a manth.

■2009年04月19日(日)  Hard day
There a waterfall in our area and we have the waterfall festival in this May. Now I'm the leader in my neighborhood. So in this morning I had to clean up around there with community members. It was very hard and tired. We cleaned up there unitil 11 o'clock. After that I went flying ntill 4 p.m. When I was driving home, I got a phon call from my wife and she said play tennis with children. So I played tennis with them. And After I ate dinner. I went to usual barber and I had a haircut. The photo is Shinshiro city. I took it when I was flying today.

■2009年04月18日(土)  My foot
I had my foot measured In Zebio. Mizuno came to Zabio for the event of measuring people foot. I was looking forwards to the event. But it was boring. Because it wasn't for runner. My person in charge was too bad. She was Zebio's stuff. I was disappointed it. But I bought shoes for beginner. Now my left leg hurt. Maybe these shoes are good for me. After I bought shoes, I went playing tennis with my daughter after 2 weeks.

■2009年04月17日(金)  Running
I got an another pain in my left leg. Maybe I covered my left leg when I got last pain. I guess I ran strange style. In this morning I ran faster. Because I didn't know why I got the pain. But I didn't develop severe symptoms. But Now I have the lingering pain in my left leg.

■2009年04月16日(木)  About my teacher
英会話へ行った。新しい先生は石巻に住んでいて、生徒から古い家を無料でゲットした。ときどき家をなおしているらしい。まるで大工。土壁を作る事ができる。知っているのにビックリだけど、作れるとは。けど、森の中にあってムカデに良く会うし、お化けが怖いらしい。I went to the conversation school. The new teacher lives in Ishimaki. He got a house from a student free. But the house is very old. He said to us. He sometimes repires the house. I thought he looked like a carpenter. He can make tutikabe. I was surprized he knew it and made it. But his house is in woods. The house has many problems. He sometimes meets a centipede and he is afraid of a ghost.

■2009年04月15日(水)  My son
My son was revved up for junior high school last week. But this morning we looked like sleepy and he wasn't revved up at all. My wife and I were disappointed that. But he goes to a cram school twice a week. Last nigh he got home around 10. It's no wonder that he was sleepy.

■2009年04月14日(火)  Rainning
I went running in the morning for 10 kilometers. When I ran around the end of the first 2 kms, it started rainning hard. I was soaked to the skin. But I kept running, because I was already wet. These days I ache in the my left knee a little. I don't know why my left knee hurt. I only stretch it to relieve the injure.

■2009年04月13日(月)  It was sunny.
It was sunny. But I felt very tired and sleepy. But I went running for 5 kilometers int the morning. It was good for me that I was not busy with my work. I'm thinking I want to fly in Shinshiro this weekend. But I don't know the wether is good or not.

■2009年04月12日(日)  To fly over Ibaragi day 2
We didn't fly for distance flight. We thought we wouldn't get a distance flight, because of it was cloudy. And we were very tired because of yesterday's flight. So we left Ibaragi afternoon. But the afternoon it started to be sunny. And many flyers got a distance flight. But we were no problem, we got that tomorrow and we could get home early. I got home around 9 and I went to bed soon.

■2009年04月11日(土)  To fly over Ibaragi day 1
I flew 67 kilometers and near Nikko. It was a very good distance flight. I didn't think to get a long flight. We were very happy. But my friend who didn't fly distance flght pick us for a long time. She drove for more 400 kilometers. Because one of my friend flew over 100 kilometers. After we got a hotel, we treated her to dinner. We had a very good time. The picture is Nikko.

■2009年04月10日(金)  Sunny
It was a beautiful day today too. Maybe it'll be sunny tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. We will go to Ibaragi to fly this weekend. We're going to leave early morning. I want to fly a great distance. But I'm not sure if the windy is good or not to fly.

■2009年04月09日(木)  Our new teacher
I went to the conversation school. There was a new teacher in the room. He was a man who come from New Zealand and thirty years old. He spoke slowly for us to understand English. I'm looking forward to learning him English.

■2009年04月08日(水)  The first day
It was the first day when my son go to school. He was revved up in the morning. I thought it was good. But I don't know how long he can keep it. My nephew came to me. He became a senior high school student today. But I didn't have a present for him. I have to give him it sometimes soon.

■2009年04月07日(火)  an entrance ceremony
There was an entrance ceremony for my son's junior high school today. I didn't go there. He became a junior student from now and he was wearing school uniform today. I couldn't help laughing what he wearing that. I have no idea what he is going to happen. I'm looking forward to it.

■2009年04月06日(月)  I was sleepy.
I was very sleepy. But I got up around five o'clock. I was late to run for 10 kilometers. So I ran 7 kilometers slowly. I though there was an entrance ceremony for my son's junior high school today. But it was a wrong and it is hold tomorrow. Fainally the sprinter vacation was finished.

■2009年04月05日(日)  To fly in Ibaragi day 2
I flew for a long time. I didn't think we flew like that. It was a very good weather for us. But a few of my friends couldn't flew for a long time. But that's paragliding. We enjoyed it. We got home in today. So I was very tired. I went to bed soon, after I got home. The picture is Mt. Tukuba.

■2009年04月04日(土)  To fly in Ibaragi day 1
We could fly, but it was cloudy. So we couldn't fly for a long distance. But we were enjoyed it. We didn't know the tomorrow's weather if it was sunny or not. I hope we fly tomorrow. We stayed a busness hotel which was very nice hotel. But it was a little far way.

■2009年04月03日(金)  paragliding trip
We'll leave for Ibaragi to paraglide at tomorrow early morning. But I don't know the flight condition is good or not. Last year I have flown for 92 kilometers. So this time I want to fly over 100 kilometers. But I don't think I can do it.

■2009年04月02日(木)  The conversation school
I went to the conversation school. Today the teacher was supposed to be a new teacher. I was looking forward to seeing him. I heard the teacher was supposed to be a man. But the teacher was a woman. I was happy. But only this time, I didn't know why the teacher changed. She was from Australia. It was easy for me to understand her English. Maybe She has lived in Japan more 5 years, so She is used to speacking Japanese.

■2009年04月01日(水)  weight
Around new year's day, my weight was 65 kilograms and was getting weights. Because of delicious foods. But now 61 kilograms, because of running. I want to lose another 3 kilograms. Because it's good for my legs and run faster. but I'm not sure if I lose the weights.

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