Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2010年06月30日(水)  Japan lost the game.
Japan lost the game. I wake up at 11.00 last night and watched the game. I was disappointed it. The score was draw. But they lost the PK game. I thought Paraguay was stronger than Japan. Paraguay team dominated. This morning I was very sleepy and tired. And it was very hot today. So I wanted to make a relax.

■2010年06月29日(火)  Hot
It was hot today too. Midnight there is a game Japan VS Paraguay. I hope Japan win. I hate to wake up midnight. I'll go to bed earlier and then I'll get up 11 o'clock.

■2010年06月28日(月)  It's too hot.
It was too hot and humid today. So I couldn't stand. In the afternoon, I switched on the air conditioner in our factory. But the temprature was around 30 dgrees selcius. I couldn't work hard.

■2010年06月27日(日)  I have terrible muscle pains.
I have terrible muscle pains. But I went running for 10 kilometer in the morning. After that, my friend asked me to go cutting weeds in the takeoff. So I went there and cut weeds for one hour 30 minutes. But we couldn't finished it. After I got home I went swimming with my son. And then. I wathced Avater blue ray. I'm tired today too.

■2010年06月26日(土)  climbing
In the morning I ran for 15 kilometers. And then I sewing 3 bags before I couldn't finished. Afternoon I went to climbing to Toyohashi with my son. I was asked to go there before by my friends for paragliding. It was very exciting. But I have terrible muscle pains on my arms and shoulders and my son too. So I couldn't do anything after that.
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■2010年06月25日(金)  Danmark VS Japan
I wake up around 2 in this morning. I couldn't sleep at that time. Japan won! The game was exciting. I didn't think Japan win.It was worth to get up. Now I'm very sleepy. I have to wake up next game.

■2010年06月24日(木)  Danmark VS Japan
Tomorrow earlry morning there is a game Danmark VS Japan in the world cup. So I'll watch it. So I have to wake up at 3:30. Of corse. I'll support Japan. But I don't expect them to win. I hope they win. If they win, they can go throught final tournament.

■2010年06月23日(水)  I ran in the rain.
It was rainning very hard in the morning. But I went running for 10 kilometer with a rain cape. I bought the rain cape last year and it was very expensive. But now it ran out waterproof. So I wet. I need a new one.

■2010年06月22日(火)  I was busy.
I was not busy in the morning, but I was working with a difficult job. In the after noon, my boss gave me a rush work. So I was very busy suddenly
. I have to finishe the job until tomorrow afternoon. It was hot and humid today. They rankled me.

■2010年06月21日(月)  hot and humid
It was hot and humid today. I was busy with my work. I wanted to work in an air-conditioner room. Now my son is in the test-prep time. He doesn't work hard. I want him to study more hard, Because I pay some money for Sanaru.

■2010年06月20日(日)  Sewing bags
In the morning I ran for 15 kilometers. After that I was sewing a few bags for paragliding on my sewing machine in the daytime. But I couldn't flinished them. Because I ran out of materials. In the evening I went swimming with my son to Yuu Yuu. I swam for 2 kilometers.

■2010年06月19日(土)  I was busy.
It was rainning in the morning, but I went running for 10 kilometers. Today was Saturday but I had work. So I went to work. But half of colleges were in day off. I was busy today. In the evening I joined a group party to next door. But we wanted to watch World cup soccer Japan VS Netherlands. The part finished before the game around 8:20. It was the first time to finished earlir. But Japan lost the game.

■2010年06月18日(金)  Nothing special
Nothing special today. I went running for 15 kilometers in this morning. I went to work. After tt, I watched a game of World cup Germany vs Serbia. I sappoted Germany. But they lost the game. I was disappointed it. After long time I wake up until 10:30.

■2010年06月17日(木)  Happy birthday
Today is my daughter's birthday. After I work, we celebrated her. After that I went to the conversation school. When I got home, I ate one piece of the birthday ice cream cake. One of her boy friend came and celebrated har from 9 o'clock. I went to bed around 9:30.

■2010年06月16日(水)  It was rainning.
It was rainning in this morning. But I went running. So I was soaked to the skin. When I started to go running, it was not rainning. Bur After 2 kilometers, it started to rain and windy hard. I thought I didn't go running. But after that it was sunny.

■2010年06月15日(火)  rainy season
We are in the rany season. So it was raining today. We won't be able to fly for a few weeks. In this morning it wasn't rainnig so I could go running. But I don't care to run in the rain. Today I could run 10 kilometers 48 minutes.

■2010年06月14日(月)  My daughter
My daughter missed school today. Maybe because of the sick. I don't know how many days she missed from school lately. Maybe she missed from school a few days last months. I want her to go to school. So I'm afraid of it every morning. But I'm happy when she can go to school.

■2010年06月13日(日)  I cut weeds.
I went flying, but we couldn't fly, because of the windy. After I got home, I cut weeds around my house. And then I took a nap. After that, My son, wife and I went to Toyohashi to buy a racket for my son. And then I went swimming with my son to Yuu Yuu. Maybe I'll get a sick tomorrow.

■2010年06月12日(土)  My son's tennis
Today I hve no work. So I went running and flying. We could fly, but the condition was bad. I flew for 30 minutes. after that we repair the road to the takeoff. In the evening I played tennis with my son. Maybe he is improving his tennis.

■2010年06月11日(金)  It was hot today.
It was very hot today. But in the morning, it was cool. So I could run comfortable. I ran for 10 kilometers. My left knee was soso. I thought it was good. But I don't understand my left knee when I run every day.

■2010年06月10日(木)  I can run.
In the morning I went running after 3 days. I didn't know my left knee hurts or not. So first I walked and then I started running slowly after 1 kilometer. I sew Mieko after 4 kilometer. She was walking. So I walked with her together and tolked with her. And then Kidochan was running to us. So I talked with hime for a few minutes. He was a day off. After that I walked with her again. I split with her with 2 kilometer to go. So I started running again to home. My left knee was fine. But I didn't run hard.

■2010年06月09日(水)  I got over my cold
I got over my cold. So I feel good. But I couldn't go running yet. But I'll go running slowly tomorrow. I think My left knee is getting better. Anyway I don't like not to go running for one month again like before.

■2010年06月08日(火)  I can't go running.
I can't go running, because I have a pain on my left knee. I don't know when I go running and how much it hurt. It was too bad I ran for over 300 kilometers in last month. It was too long for me.

■2010年06月07日(月)  Feeling bad
I feel bad today. I have a running nose and sneeze. Maybe I think due to swim tomorrow night. These days I always feel bad Monday. I'm wondering I shouldn't stop swiming every Sunday. But my son goes swimming with me every Sunday. So I try not to get cold.

■2010年06月06日(日)  Flying over a beach
In the morning, I went flying to Shinshiro. After that we went to Tkatuka in Atsumi peninsula. It tekes for 1 hour. So we got there around 2.30. I came there after 6 years maybe. The condition was very good. I flew for 1 hour and 45 minutes. We could fly to the Misaki for 16kilometers, but we landed with 5 kilometer to go. But we had very good time.
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■2010年06月05日(土)  A beef barbecue restaurant
After I woeked, My wife and daughter picked me at my company and went to my son's tennis school. My daughter wanted to go to a beef barbecue restaurant for dinner tonight and requested us to go there. So we found a beef barbecue restaurant where was like very good near the school. After that we went to there and eat. It was very delicious. But the bill was 19000 yen. It was too expensive. But It was good, because we went to beef barbecue restaurant, after long time.
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■2010年06月04日(金)  I have finshed the jigsaw puzzle.
I have finshed the jigsaw puzzle in the morning. This puzzle was so difficult. So I was very happy. But my daughter lost 3 pieces. I'm wondering I should set it in a frame? It looks bad.

■2010年06月03日(木)  a intern
My son is work for a car shop as a intern. It's a school lesson. About 1 month ago, my son was looking for a shop to work. But he couldn't find it. So my wife asked the car shop she know to take my son to work. The boss accepted my son. So he works there from yesterday to tomorrow. I thank the boss, so I gave him 2 cars safety inspection.

■2010年06月02日(水)  I can't run.
In the morning I left for running. After I ran 11kilometers, my left leg didn't move. Because my left knee hurts. I had to walk to home for 4kilometers. So I could't watch Charo. Now I have pain on left knee. So I don't know when I go running next time.

■2010年06月01日(火)  jigsaw puzzle
I found a jigsaw puzzle a few days ago in my son's room. The pazzle is my daughter's. She gave up it to have finished. So now I'm putthing together it. The pazzle has 1000 piece and it's sodifficult. I don't have time to finish it. But I can't stop it. So I try to put the puzzle together before I go to bed.

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