Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2014年06月27日(金)  sleeping
i haven't sleep well.

■2014年06月26日(木)  My thumb
My thumb can't move. I felt bad yseterday, but I'm fine today.
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■2014年06月25日(水)14:02  surgery
I had a surgery.
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■2014年06月24日(火)  My left arm killing me.
I,m going to have surgery tomorrow evening.

■2014年06月23日(月)  in the hospital
I fell down the stairs and broke my left arm in my campany.
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■2014年06月22日(日)  onsen
i went to Onsen in Hamamatsu with my family in the afternoon. after that we went to a restaurant with mt sister's family.

■2014年06月21日(土)  centipede
There was a centipede on a wall in second floor last night. My daughter found it and asked me to remove it. So I was very sleepy but I went running 20 kms. After that I was working all day.

■2014年06月20日(金)  changing schools
My son went to school with I and my wife. He son applied for changing schools today. My son dropped out of the school. I didn't expect he could go to school this time. He cleaned up his desk.

■2014年06月19日(木)  broken rose
I went running 20 kms in this morning. After that I cut my roses. Because a rose was broken by yesterday rain. It'll rain hardly in this weekend.

■2014年06月18日(水)  repeated
My son can't finish Jisyukan hight school. He repeated today, due to skipping classes lost days attended. I didn't go running today, because of overslept. I gave the lawn fertilizer instead .

■2014年06月17日(火)  My daughter's birthday
My daughter reached 22 years of age. We had her birthday party in the evening. My wife got a big birtday cake.
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■2014年06月16日(月)  transfer
I went running 10 kms in the early morning. In the afternoon, my wife and I visited a correspondence course high school for my son. He'll transfer to the school.

■2014年06月15日(日)  shopping
My daughter asked me to go shopping. Her birthday is 17th. She wanted a birthday present. So I went shopping at Toki out let for the first time with my family. My son went out after over a month.
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■2014年06月14日(土)  tired
In the early morning I hiked up Mt Hongu. After that I mowed the takeoff place for 4 hours 30 minutes. I was too tired. But I went kayaking in Toyogawa river.
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■2014年06月13日(金)  espresso maker
Finally, I bought an espresso maker. My daughter went to Toyohashi and get coffee beans at Starbucks yesterday. I made one cup of coffee for my wife last night. It was difficult to adjust it.
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■2014年06月12日(木)  grass
My grass has gotten moldy. It was too humid last night. I sprinkled fungicide in the noon. I'm not sure if the grass survive.
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■2014年06月11日(水)  informal job offer
I didn't running today. I relaxed in this morning. My daughter is in the job hunt. She finally received an informal job offer.

■2014年06月10日(火)  mowing
I went running 15 kms in this morning. In the evening I mowed my own lawn. I was not busy with my work.

■2014年06月09日(月)  rare
In the morning I went running 20 kms. My son didn't wake up but, My daughter woke up. It was rare. Sh couldn't sleep well. She watered roses. And then she cooked for breakfasrt for me. It was rare.

■2014年06月08日(日)  running
in the early morning I ran to Mt Hongu from home for 3 hours 48 minutes on the roads. And then I went paragliding in Shinshiro. After that I rent Gravity and watched it. It was soso.
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■2014年06月07日(土)  rainning
It was rainning today. I didn't go running in this morning, Because it was rainning hard. I was working all day today. In the evening my wife and daughter went out for dinner with their friends.

■2014年06月06日(金)  new cellphone
I got new cellphone. I used the warranty and paied 8000 yen. But if I have another few days, old cellphone would be completely-dry and I could use it.
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■2014年06月05日(木)  lawn mower
In the early morning, I could run 15 kms in the rain. In the aftrnoon I went to Toyokaw to get a used lawn mower. My old friend gave me it. We were junior hight school students.
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■2014年06月04日(水)  truant student meeting
I didn't go running today. After work I went to a barber shop. In the evening my wife attended truant student meeting in Toyohashi.

■2014年06月03日(火)  running
I went running 20 kms in the early morning. I could run over 400kms in the last month. I want to keep it in this month. But I still have a pain on the top of the light foot

■2014年06月02日(月)  repeat a school year
I went running 20 kms in the morning. After that I went to work. My son didn't go to school today. If he absent next Monday, he'll repeat a school year.

■2014年06月01日(日)  kayaking
朝早くは20キロのラン。そのあとはパラ。午後からはみんなでカヤックをやりました。一日楽しめました。I went running 20 kms in the early morning. After that I went paragliding in Shinshiro in the morning. In the afternoon I went kayaking with Katsu, Aki and harahara. I had a good time
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