Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2010年12月31日(金)  New Year's Eve
We were working hard today too. But we could have finished our work around 3 o'clock. So I could get home around 4:30. I wanted shoes for running. So I went to a sport shop in Toyohashi to buy them with my wife. After that my family went to my father's house for New Year's Eve party. We really enjoyed the delicious food that my father made.

■2010年12月30日(木)  unsatisfactory
This morning I went running for 10 kilometers. Because I guessed we would have finished our constructin smoothly. But the construction was unsatisfactory. So we work hard and we could finished until 7 o'clock. It was good.

■2010年12月29日(水)  I feel bad.
The factory Where I worked was so hot. But outside was to cold. So I feel very bad. I have a slight cold. But our group almost finished our construction. But we have to help another group.

■2010年12月28日(火)  construction
The end-of-year constructions were started. Our comany have to fix machines or set new machiones. So when people take long vacations we have to work. Today I was so busy.

■2010年12月27日(月)  It was cold.
It was very cold this morning. But I went running for 12 kilometers. I want to run over 300 kilometers in this month. I won't be able to go running if it is cold everyday what it is today. I'll be busy with work from tomorrow to the end of this year.

■2010年12月26日(日)  Flying
I felt sleepy and tired because of sonwboading. But I went paragliding to Asagiri planture. The condition was soso. The inversion height was around 1600m. It was low. I flew for 1 hour 37 minutes. We enjoyed it. Mt Fuzi wore a hat. After I got home, I went running for 20 kilometers. And then I made New Year's Greeting Cards for my friends and my relatives. The photo is Mt. Fuzi wearing a hat and my friend Katsu.

■2010年12月25日(土)  Christmas
We went snowboarding to Takasu snow park in Gifu Prefecture with my son and 2 friends. The way is about 220 kilometers from my house. It takes for about 3 hours without traffic jam. But the way has always traffic jams. We left at 3 o'clock yesterday morning and got a trafic jam and got there around 7:30. The hght way was closed because of an accident. But we could snow boarding before 8 o'clock. The condition was very good. We could snowboading on fresh powder. It was pleasantly nice. We enjoyed it. But it was very cold. We sonwboraded until 4:30. After that we took Onsen and left for home. There were no traffic jam. We could get home around 10 o'clock.

■2010年12月24日(金)  Christmas Eve
Today was Christmas Eve. I'm dayoff tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. My friend asked me to go skiing or snowboarding a one-day trip. So I decided it with my son. I prepared snowboarding in hurry after work. We have to leave for there at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning. It might snow hard tomorrow.

■2010年12月23日(木)  The winter vacation was started for children.
Today was a national holiday. But I was working. My daughter and son are in the winter vacation. But my daughter has to go to school everyday. Because of college entrance exam. My son is only happy. But he has a tennis tournament tomorrow. He diodn't practice tennis at all. So I played tennis with him while lunch break time. I think he won't win at all.

■2010年12月22日(水)  American left
Today 2 American left for their home Virginia in America. I didn't have much time to talk them. I wanted to take to somewhere with taking in English. But I don't have time to do that. And they were not my guests and came to Japan for work. Anyway I need to improve my English to talk to English speakers.

■2010年12月21日(火)  My daughter
My daughter absent today. My wife and I worry her sick. She has low fever for one month. Today she has headache. She couldn't go to school. She is going to take college entrance exam next month and February. I want her to enter any college.

■2010年12月20日(月)  sightseeing
There were still 2 American in our factory. I talked them. I heard they went sightseeing in Aichi. They went to Toyota museum and Nagoya Castle and shopping in Nagaya. I think foreigners like Toyota museum. But I never go there. And I forgot about Nagoya Castle. I want to go them.

■2010年12月19日(日)  I paraglide
I paraglided today in Shinshiro after long time. I flew with my new paraglider. I was very happy. The wing was very comfortable for me. I like it. After flew, I took my son to tennis school. And after the class. I played with him. He said that he wanted to return of service. So I served a lot. But I was poor at it. After that my right shoulder was very sore. The photo is my friend whose wing is also new.

■2010年12月18日(土)  to save fireflys
Our community made the community to save fireflys. They aske me to let one of our rice fields. So I let it for them. They said to me. First they try to raise killifishs. But I'm wondering if they can fill the field with water.
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■2010年12月17日(金)  American
2 American came to our factory to see a mchine. But we are making the machine now. So they don't have to do something. They looked like boring. So I stand talking to them in English for about 10 minutes. They were from Virginia. Of curse we are making it for Virginia. They'll stay by next Wednesday.

■2010年12月16日(木)  The last coversation class in this year.
It was very cold today. It's getting cold. I don't want to go out after work But today I had the conversation scholl. So I went there. It was the last class in this year. It was only 3 times in this month.

■2010年12月15日(水)  I practice running.
I need to practice running for 10 kilometers race in January. But I can't run hard and fast. Because my left knee is a little under the weather. But today I dashed up a hill 5 times 600 meters. So I ran 12 kilometers total this morning. I'll take a break tomorrow morning.

■2010年12月14日(火)  My new wing
My new wing was delivered to me today. I was very happy. I want to fly on the wing as soon as possible. My next dayoff is on Sunday. I can't wait. But if the weather is bad, I have to wait until next Saturday. Anyway I need to set the wing for flying.

■2010年12月13日(月)  My new wing is comming.
I got a good news. My new glider that I ordered two month ago arrived Japan. Maybe I'll got it in this week. If it is a good weather on this Sunday, I'll fly on it. I'm wondering if it's good size for me? Anyway I'm looking foreward to fly on it this Sunday.

■2010年12月12日(日)  Asagiri plateau
I went flying to Asagiri plateau with 5 friends. I got a good flight this time. We enjoyed it. I flew for 3 hours and got a 2100 altitude. The photo is Suruga Bay and Izu Peninsula and my friend. After I got home, I went running for 18.5 kilometers.
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■2010年12月11日(土)  The end of the year party for our neighborhood community.
Our neighborhood community had the end of the year party. That community has 12 famliys. This time 21 neighbors joined it. It was almost couples. We enjoyed it. Our song is snow country's spring. At the end we sang it and held hands and form a circle.
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■2010年12月10日(金)  Our company has been busy.
We have been busy. We have to fibished a machine for Yokohama in America by mid-December. A few american is coming to our company mid-December to cheak the machine. I'm looking forward to talk with them.

■2010年12月09日(木)  The conversation school
It was very cold today. After work, I went to the conversation school. I don't want to go there in winter, because of cold.

■2010年12月08日(水)  My son
My son's test result was too bad and the worst he have ever taken. We were disappointed it. But we could predict that result. He didn't study hard. He can't back up his words. Today he played games for long time, after he got home. we were disappointed it again.

■2010年12月07日(火)  I slept well
昨日は8時半に寝ました。朝は4時ぐらいに起きて、走りに行く予定でしたが、5時15分まで寝た。9時間近い睡眠・・・・・。その後、慌てて、走りに出かけました。Last night I went to bed around 8:30. This morning I planned to go running and wake up around 4. But I couldn't weke up around 4 and I woke up around 5:15. I spend close 9 hours in the bed. After I woke up, I rushed out to go running.

■2010年12月06日(月)  I went to bed early.
Last night I had diarrhea and I didn't get to sleep well. But I didn't get a stomach upset today and I was very fine. But I was very sleepy. After I got home, I had dinner and took bathroom. And then I went to bed around 8:30.

■2010年12月05日(日)  Paraglide
I went paragliding to Asagiri plateau. The weather was beautiful. But we couldn't get high altitude than we expected. I flew for one hour and enjoyed it. This season is too bad. We can get to fly over 2000 altitude from December to February, but today and last Sunday we only fly around 1400 altitude. We were disappointed it. The photo is my friend.

■2010年12月04日(土)  A rush job
When I got the factory, my coworker gave me a rush job. I didn't want do it. But I had to do it. I wanted to go to Asagiri and fly tomorrow. so I worked hard and overtime. And then I finished it. But the coworker have to work tomorrow Sunday. I was sorry. I asked the client for an extension of the deadline. But his answer was NO. So it means that he have to work tomorrow.

■2010年12月03日(金)  instructor license
I have a Paragliding instructor license. This year I need to renew it. I need to take courses on rules and practical skills to renew it. So today I went to Siga to take it. But the weather was rain. So we couldn't take practical skills and we didn't need to take it this time. We took courses on rules all day. So I was very sleepy.

■2010年12月02日(木)  Masaki come back
I went to the coversation school.There was Masaki in our class. He was a student in our class last year. He came back. But Mieko was absent this time. I guess Mieko doesn't want to study with him. Last year after Masaki joined she left. I'm wondering she leave from our class again. But I think it's heavy to have 5 students in our class.

■2010年12月01日(水)  My son's tests.
My son took tests from Monday to today. But he always surfed the Web. When my daughter was junior high school students, she studied hard while tests time. He is no't like my daughter. My daughter is a hard worker, but my son is not. I think if he studied harder, he'll get better result than my daughter.

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