Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
朝は10キロのラン。今日は天気がいいけど風が強かった。昼に豊川市の佐奈川に寄ってみました。I went running 10 kms in this morning. It was windy but it was sunny today. I stopped by Sanagawa river to see the cherry blossoms in the afternnon in Toyokawa city.
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■2014年03月30日(日)  Yakiniku
I was in home today. Because of the rain. It was rainning all day. I wathed Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters. It was so so. In the evening we went to Yakiniku restaurant for dinner in Toyokawa. I drunk and I was full. It was very delicious.
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■2014年03月29日(土)  party
We had a party of paragliding club in Toyota. After I worked I joined it. But I couldn't drink because I was a driver. I wanted to go back home. But I had a good time.
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■2014年03月28日(金)  hair cut
It was sunny today. It has gotten warm. In the morning I went running 10 kms. I have my hair cut today.

■2014年03月27日(木)  an aprtment
I went running 10 kms in this morning. I'm looking for an apartment for my son now. I went to see 2 apartments in Toyohashi near his school. But I don't know if he wants to live alone.

■2014年03月26日(水)  It was rainning all day.
I went running 10 kms in this morning in the rain. It was rainning all day.

■2014年03月24日(月)  Fuji Mountain Race
9時にネットで富士山登山競走にエントリーしましたが競争率が激しい。30分で終了しました。大会は7月25日です。けどゴールできるかは分かりません。I could enter Fuji Mountain Race at 9 pm on the internet. There was a lot of competition for it. It expired 30 minutes. The date of the race is Friday, July 25th 2014. But I'm not sure if I can make a goal.

■2014年03月23日(日)  Dairabo day2
I went paragliding in Dairabo again. But we couldn't fly again. We disappointed it.
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■2014年03月22日(土)  Dairabo day1
朝は10キロのラン。その後ダイラボウに飛びに行きましたが、飛べずにガッカリ。I went running 10 kms in this morning. After that I went paragliding in Dairabo today. But I couldn't fly because of the windy. We disappointed it.
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■2014年03月21日(金)  national holiday
It was a national holiday today. But I was working all day. In the morning I went running 10 kms. My son went to school for tennis club by train. We don't know if he passes the test.

■2014年03月20日(木)  closing exercises
There was the closing exercises today. After that he took the last tests. I don't know when the results is released. It was rainning all day but I wen't running 10 kms in this morning.

■2014年03月19日(水)  last tests
I went running 10 kms in this morning. After that my wife took my son to school. He has last tests tomorrow. If he cant pass the tests he won't go to next grade.

■2014年03月18日(火)  rain
I went running 10 kms in this morning. After that my son woke up and my wife took him to school. He didn't do home works. I'm not sure he is ok or not. It was rainning today.

■2014年03月17日(月)  my son
小僧の学校から、呼び出しがあったので、行ってきましたが、1が3個に、授業日数が足らないのが、3教科。20日にテストと課題提出。今月いっぱいオロオロしそうです。My son's teacher called me and went to school. My son got 3 failing grades and he has 3 skipping subjects. I don't know if he can go on to 3 grade. He has additional tests on 20th and he has to have 3 papers to hand in by 20 th. We were worry about it.

■2014年03月16日(日)  running and shopping
I went running in this morning. I could run 42 kms in 5 hours 20 minutes. In the afternoon I went shopping to Iwata lalaport with my wife. I got a shirt and a face mask for paragliding.

■2014年03月15日(土)  working
I went running 15 kms in this morning. After that I went to work and I could work all day today.

■2014年03月14日(金)  tulips
I over slept today. I only ran 5 kms in this morning. But I could sleep well. After that my son didn't wake up and he wagged school today. A bank clerk gave my wife tulips. Where shuld I plant them?
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■2014年03月13日(木)  usual day
I went running 15 kms in this morning in the rain. After that my son didn't wake up and I left for work. But after that he woke up and my wife took him to school. It was rainning hard all day today.

■2014年03月12日(水)  working
I was sleepy with snowboarding and I couldn't go running. But I had to go working and worked all day. But my son was still day off because of entrance exam for high school. I wish I was him.

■2014年03月11日(火)  snowboarding day 2
We snowboarded all day It was a fine day today. They were fine and snowboarding. But I was not young and I took break time from noon. We left for home around 6 o'clock. We got home nidnight.
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■2014年03月10日(月)  snowboarding day 1
I took day offs and went to snowboard in Tsugaike ski area with my son and his friends. It was hard snowing and cold today. But they were too fine and young. My son was fine and snowbarding with them. We stayed there.
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■2014年03月09日(日)  Nagoya marathon
I joined Nagoya half marathon. I could finish in 1 hour 33 minutes 30 seconds. My friends gave me a charge around 18 kms point. After that I went back home and prepared for snowboarding trip. I went to bed earlier than usual.
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■2014年03月08日(土)  fly and party
In the morning I went paragliding at Asagiri with a friend. I got a good flight. After that I went to Nagoya to join Nagoya marathon party. I had a good time.
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■2014年03月07日(金)  reservation
My son went to school today. I took my son to school. But he looked like bad. I made a hotel reservation for snowboad in Tsugaike. I'll go there my son and his friends. In the noon I went through the Nagoya city marathon front desk and got my number today. I have a pain on my left hip. I'll make a goal in Nagoya city half marathon on Sunday.

■2014年03月06日(木)  Snowboading
I went running 10 kms in this morning. After that my son didn't wake up and didn't go to school again. I'll go to snowboading next Monday to Tuseday with him and his friends. But we can't talk about it with his friends. What should I do?

■2014年03月05日(水)  rainning
It was rainning all day. I didn't go running today. My son didn't go to school today too. I'm wondering if ha can go to the next grade?

■2014年03月04日(火)  running
I went running in this morning. I could run 10 kms. After that I went to work. My son didn't wake up and didn't go to school. We were disappointed it.

■2014年03月03日(月)  Girls' Day
My son was a day off today. I have pains on my legs because of the marathon. So I didn't go running in this morning. I was working all day. My daughter went to Nagoya and stayed there.
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■2014年03月02日(日)  Shizuoka marathon
In the early morning my wife took me to Toyohashi station. And then I took a train to Hamamatsu statuon and I changed an bullet train to Shizuoka. I joined Shizuoka marathon. It was rainning and windy today. I could finish it in 4 hours 15 minutes. I have low stamina now and my running ability is getting worse. I need to regain my strength. Before that I have to run Nagoya half marathon on Sunday. After I finsh I went get a drink with a running friend.
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■2014年03月01日(土)  commencement ceremony
I didn't go running today. Because I'll join Shizuoka marathon tomorrow. It was a rest day today. But I was working all day. My son went to school by train today. There was a commencement ceremony.

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