Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2007年05月31日(木)  Retuned
My daughter returned our home from the school trip last evening. When she got our home she was excited. She very enjoyed the school trip.We worried about her condition. But her condition was good. Our family is crying about the funeral. But her smile is very good. She slept by afternoon today. She gave me a souvenir. I was happy. I'll have a conversation school tomorrow. That school will be held by Shinshiro city. I'm looking forward to this school and to seeing my English friends.

■2007年05月30日(水)  My running
I absented running last week. Because I had the funeral and I had a sick. I started running the day after yesterday again.I thought my body was very heavy. I thought I hated the idea that I run. I have to train my body.

■2007年05月29日(火)  School trip
My doaughter is in Tokyo for the school trip. She left for Tokyo Yesterday. She'll return our home tomorrow. We worry she was sick when she left. But she didn't get in touch with me. Probably I think she must be good.

■2007年05月28日(月)  The funeral
I attended the funeral to help for the family all day. I was a receptionist. I was tired. I need not a funeral.

■2007年05月27日(日)  It was sunny day too.
It was yellow sand day and strong wind. I sometimes helped for a family of the funeral. It was a wake day. Our funeral is getting simple. Our group had to attend two people in family for two or three days so far. Attendance of a funeral improved alone for one day. We may not change a way of a funeral suddenly. I attended today since I was free day.

■2007年05月26日(土)  It was sunny day.
It was sunny day. But strong wind. I couldn't fly. I cleaned my house a little. My conditions was bad. I was a rest day. In afternoon. A member of our group got in touch with me. He said. A member of our group died. I had to help for that family. I had to be absent my work Monday. I was good that I worked last Thursday and Friday.

■2007年05月25日(金)  It was rain day.
I do feel relaxed when it's rain. But I have had a bad condition yet. I caught a cold. I slept well. In spite of I sleepy. My daughter prepares to go to Tokyo for school trip. She is going to Tokyo from Monday to Wednesday. She is looking forward to go. I'm happy she go. My doaughter and son were dutiful to her grandmother.

■2007年05月24日(木)  Very tired
First of all, I went to my company to work. My family woke up late. In spite of I got my company on time. But I was really tired and slept. And then I was sick. I have to pay a courtesy call on the people who were taken care of the funeral. I have to clear my house. I'm busy.

■2007年05月23日(水)  The funeral
凄く良い天気でした。お葬式を開きました。喪主で気を使って疲れた。 多くの人が参列してくれました。たいへんありがとうございました。
It was really sunny day. We held the funeral of my wife's mother. I was careful because I was a host. We were really tired. Many peopul attended the funeral. Thank you very much indeed.

■2007年05月22日(火)  My wife's mother
The hospital called my family at zero o'clock. My fife and I went to a hospital hastily. My wife's mother were suffering. She died at three thirty-eight. My family are clying. I am an adopted child. But second name is no change. In Japan. When we are adopted We usually change our second name. How about your country.I had to be the host of the funeral. We held the wake for my wife's mother in the evening. She fell down by cerebral infarction 14 years ago. She suffered from paralysis of one side. She had been in the hospital for 14 years. I had never lived with her. In the end She died of cancer.

■2007年05月21日(月)  Club house
The club house of paraglider was moved by me. But a lot of Paragliders are left my house. I have to return a lot of paragliders to the club house. It's a pain.

■2007年05月20日(日)  Asagiri plateau
I went to Asagiri plateau to fly with my friends. I ran across a friend of English school. I happened to meet My friend in The Fugigawa service area. She went hiking to Izu. I flew for one hour. Asagiri plateau is a famous eria for flying. We often go there in winter. It was unusual for us to go there in this time. Suruga Bay have hot current. And then wind is warm. The wind flows through Asagiri plateau. Since we can fly well in winter. Do you know Asagiri. Asagiri is morning mist. In Japan they call the morning mist Asagiri. Asagiri often mists in morning. Asagiri have a good view point to see Mt. Fuji.
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■2007年05月19日(土)  Cleaning
I cleaned my house from the early morning. And then I cleaned the paraglider's house. Next I cleaned my room. But I couldn't completely clean my room. My sun went go to the Nagoya Dome to watch a baseball game with his grandfather and his cousin. He is a fan of Dragons. He couldn't sleep last night because he was excited. He took colored papers there. But he couldn't get autographs. But he got a Doara's autograph. I have never go to the Nagoya dome. I want to go there. I went shopping with my wif and my daughter. We bought a new dog's house. The photo is our dog. His name is rufey.

■2007年05月18日(金)  I gather mochi.
Do you know mochi? I cannot explain mochi well. I don't know there are in abroad. Mochi is white or pink and circle and food. When we build my house we throw some mochi. When it had a frame of house. My friend and his son threw many mochi. I gathered a lot of mochi. My daughter likes mochi. She was happy. My friend's house is very big. I was surprised at it. When its house is completed I will watch movie in his room. I'm looking forward it.

■2007年05月17日(木)  a school trip
My daughter have a school trip. The school trip is to go to Tokyo. It'll be the end of this month. But her grandmothr may die. Anyone don't know its day. Will she be able to go on her school trip?

■2007年05月16日(水)  Am I busy?
I must prepare the competition of paraglider. I must move the warehouse of the paraglider's club. I have to study English. The play is very busy. But my work is not busy. I want to fly this weekend. I want to get very good condition.

■2007年05月15日(火)  A new student
When I went to the English conversation school, there was a high school girl there. The girl was a new student. I was happy that a young girl increased. But she speaks English better than I. I assume it. When I returned home I said to my family about her. My wife said "She is my daughter's friend's sister". I have been to Nagoya with its friend. Shinshiro is small world.

■2007年05月14日(月)  A new employee
Our company got a new employee. He is twenty-one years old. He has a wife. His wife is going to have a baby. I think he should have started a career by now. I have married when I was twenty-one years old. But we didn't have a baby. I want to say to him "Get a life!" I think a new employee who will enter in our company is young. Their age are near my children. I'm getting old.

■2007年05月13日(日)  strawberry
I went to strawberry picking in Gamagoori with my son. Not strawberry season. It's late. But it was still open. Strawberries was very good. Strawberries of a souvenir was soon perishable. When I picked strawberries I had a headache. We returned home. I slept in the afternoon. I was sorry.

■2007年05月12日(土)09:26  I flew
The weather forecast was very good. Actually. The wind condition wasn't so good. But I enjoyed it. I took many photos. Its pictures are for the competition. I wonder if we made a good poster.We have the competition of paraglider at August 25.26.This photo is mine.

■2007年05月11日(金)  fix the area
I fixed the area of paraglider. I mowed weeds of a rice field and plowed a rice field. Next. I sprinkled seeds of turf on the Takeoff. About 14:00. I accompanied my wife to went shopping. And then. After I was back. I fixed the contents of my PC. I was very tired.

■2007年05月10日(木)  Work
I have worked for 11days. I will rest for three days from tomorrow. But tomorrow's weahter will be windy. I will mow weeds of a land. I wanted to go to Hakuba to fly. I hope it's sunny day after tomorrow. I want to fly for a lot of times.

■2007年05月09日(水)  English conversation school
The English conversation school was closed last week. When it began there was only me. Two members were late. I thought there was only me. I felt some relief. I think I am getting to take it easy these days.

■2007年05月08日(火)  Run
I began to run every morning again. When I ran my right leg wasn't sore. I was fine. But I had an easy life and ate lot last week. I was getting some weight. My weight is sixty-three kilogram.

■2007年05月07日(月)  Origami birds
My daughter made many origami birds for her grandmother. Her grandmother is in a hospital. She has been in hospital for about 15 years. She has two cancer. My wife is in a very bad mood. My wife is an office worker in my company. My company hasn't other good office worker. My family can't go to trips. I have three holidays this weekend. But I will not be able to take them somewhere. これくらいの文なら数点単語を調べるぐらいでかけるようになってきたなぁ。でも、話せっていうと無理なんだよなぁ・・・。

■2007年05月06日(日)  My wife's brother
My wife has an old brother. I have met him two times. When we held our wedding and when his mother came down with illness. This time is third.
My son said to him "I want to you to buy a game" My son would do just about whatever it took a game. He got some money. He will buy a game.

■2007年05月05日(土)  Children's day
Today is Japanese traditional. Families with boys display warrior dolls in their homes and fly carp streamers outdoors. We don't display it, because my son has grown up. I went to go to the international festival with my daughter. I have met Beth since her class. I wanted to speak English. But she was busy. I was sorry.

■2007年05月04日(金)  My daughter's education
I need more than 40,000 yen for my daughter's education. She go to Sanaru, Sanaru+, English and Piano. I have to earn some money. But I'm overworking. I need some holidays. I will not probably take holidays until next Friday. I will enjoy that holidays. I bear.

■2007年05月03日(木)  It was hot today.
The weather is changeable. I am easy to hold work if it's cold. My work is going well. The International Excange Meeting will be held at the Culturel Center on Saturday. I want to go there. Is my work going to finish on Saturday?

■2007年05月02日(水)  Run
I ran this morning. But I couldn't run along the way. I will cancel from tomorrow for a week. I was boring because there was not the conversation school yesterday. I watched the video which I got from my family at my birthday. I am tierd from work. Will I get a holiday?

■2007年05月01日(火)  It was cold today.
I was cold because it was rain. But it was hot yesterday. My right foot is sore. When I played catch with my son two days ago I sprained my ankle a little. I run for about 3 kilometers every morning. But I could only run for 2 kilometers this morning. I'm in troubl. When can I be cured?

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