Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2010年10月31日(日)  Running, Swiming and Tennis
In the morning, I went running. When I left, it wasn't rainning, But after 7 kilometers, it started rainning. So after that I ran in the rain. I ran for 25 kilomters. After that I watched Ironman 2. I liked it. After that I went to Yuu Yuu with my son to swim. We swam for 1 hours. When I got home, it stopped rainning. So we went to Sakurabuti to play tennis. We did that for 1 hour. I was tired today.

■2010年10月30日(土)  Bouldering
I went bouldering after work with my son after a long interval. I have completed all 7 class's task.
The dinner was sukiyaki after so long. I love sukiyaki.

■2010年10月29日(金)  wedding anniversary
It was the wedding anniversary today. 21th. I bought a floral arrangement for my wife. After work, I bought it and got home. But she wasn't home. So I left it on the TV rack. I thought she would be able to find it soon. But she came back and caouldn't find it. So I was laughing and she jumpped all over me. I shouldn't have bought it for her.
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■2010年10月28日(木)  Hotel
I'm looking for a hotel where my daughter stay when she take a entrance examination in February. There are many hotel in Nagoya. So I can't chose it. But hotels near the university are already full. Anyway I have to make the resavation.

■2010年10月27日(水)  It was cold.
It was very cold today. But in this morning I went running. When I run, I wear shirt pants now. So today I thought I needed to wear long pants. But after 2 kilometers, I was fine. I don't want to take off bed when it's cold.

■2010年10月26日(火)  I have been busy.
Yesterday I felt bad. But today I'm getting better. In this morning I went running slowly for 10 kilometers. It's getting cooler. Now I'm busy with my work. But our company cannot make any profits. Anyway it's good to have works.

■2010年10月25日(月)  I felt bad.
I felt bad today. I had a running nose and sneezing. I wanted to go to bed while working. But I was very busy. When I got home, I soon had dinner and then I took bath and then I went to bed.

■2010年10月24日(日)  Tennis
I went flying today to. But the weather was cloudy. I couldn't get any good flights. After that I played tennis with my son at Sakurabuti. I thoguht it would be rainnning, but it wouldn't. So we could do that for 2 hours. After that. I went to a group party.

■2010年10月23日(土)  Flying
In the morning I went running for 14 kilometers. After that, I went flying. The weather was cloudy. I thought I couldn't fly a lot today too. But the flight was soso. I could fly one hour and 45 minutes. In the evening I supposed to go a party. But it was canceled. So I took my so to his tennis school. And after that, I played tennis with him for 45 minutes.

■2010年10月22日(金)  I wake up early.
I wake up early morning and went running. I tryed to run over 30 kilometers. I made it. I ran 32 kilometers for 2 hours and 52 minutes. Tomorrow I'll go flying. But I don't get new wing yet. Anyway I want to fly, because I couldn't fly so much in this month.

■2010年10月21日(木)  engagement
I went to the conversation school after work. The teacher Sarah told us, she accepted a marriage proposal from his boyfriend. She got engaged. Maybe they will go back to Newzland next year. One of our student Miho also has engaged. Her fiance who from Chinese lives in England. She will also go to England Next year. Both Miho and Sarah look like happy.

■2010年10月20日(水)  I can run faster.
Thesedays I can run faster than usual and my left knee is fine. Ibigawa marathon is in less than 1 month. Maybe I'll practice running a lot. But I have to avoid getting injury. I wasnt to run the full marathon.

■2010年10月19日(火)  my new wing
I save money for paraglider every month. Today I ordered my new wing. But I don't know when it come to me. Anyway I'm looking foward it.

■2010年10月18日(月)  New sunglasses
I ordered new sunglasses over the internet to England. I wanted those, but they didn't have any those in stock. But today, I could ordered them. by the rise in the value of the yen now, I could get them cheaper than when I buy them in Japan. But I don't know when I get them.

■2010年10月17日(日)  sports festival
There was a sports festival in our area. Maybe participants were anout 300. It was very small festival. Games were all for old poeple. We didn't run fast. This time our grup won, after over 10 years. It was very lucky.
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■2010年10月16日(土)  a bad fall
In this morning, I went running for 30 kilometers. I left from home before 4 o'clock. After 10 kilomters, I fell over a edge stone. It was too dark to see anything. I have a bad fall. I suffered abrasions to my left knee and left shoulder and both my hands and righ thigh. My blood was draining from my left knee. But I kept running. I finished running for 30 kilometers.

■2010年10月15日(金)  Long distance running
I thought I would go running for long dustance, in this morning. But in the middle of the night, the rain woke me up. I gave up to go running this morning at that time. I decided to do that tomorrow. So I went running for 10 kilometers this morning. Just one month to go to the Ibigawa marathon.

■2010年10月14日(木)  Nothing special
I went to the conversation school, after work. We talked about crimes. I couldn't explain about it in English. I need to study English more. But I don't have any good idea to improve my English.

■2010年10月13日(水)  Tokyo Marathon
I applied Tokyo Marathon a few month ago. Today, I got a E-mail from Tokyo Marathon organizer. I was rejected and dosappointed it. I don't have much luck with lotteries. The rate was very high, about 9.

■2010年10月12日(火)  Japn VS Korea.
In the morning I went running. When I was running, my sock was torn and I got a blister. So I ordered 2 socks over the internet. After work, I watched a soccer game Japn VS Korea. The game was draw. But I thought Japan team was getting better.

■2010年10月11日(月)  glasses
It was a national holday, although I was working. It was sunny today. Some paragliding friends were flying. I wanted to fly. But I was busy. My son's eyes are too bad. So he looked like not to see a ball when he plays tenns. Today my wife took my son to a glasses shop and he had a new glasses made. But I'm wondering he can improve to play tennis.

■2010年10月10日(日)  basic lifesaving certification
Today there was athe festival in my village. But I had to go to the fire department and take a basic lifesaving certification course. Students were only me. So it finished for one hour. After that I went swimming to Yuu Yuu. And then. I went to a restaurant with my son for lunch. My wife wasn't home, because she went to our festival to help. After that we went bouldring after long time. And then I took a nap. After that I took my son to his tennis lesson. And then I played tennis with him for 40 minutes. It was busy today.

■2010年10月09日(土)  rain
In the morning I went running in the rain for 13 kilometers. After that I stayed home. But in afternoon, I went swimming to Yuu Yuu with my son. And then, I went to a rental shop to rent Percy Jackson & the Olympians for blue ray. It was so so. I had a relaxed time today.

■2010年10月08日(金)  I ran for 31 kilometers.
I wanted to run for about 30 kilometers this weekend. But weather forecast said, it'll be rain. So I wake up early morning and went running. I did run for 31 kilomters for 2 hours 34 minutes. I made it! But now I have some muscle pains.

■2010年10月07日(木)  The conversation school
After work, I went to the conversation school. Miho joined us after one month. She said, she went to China last month. Her boyfriend is chinese. So I asked her what Chinese said about Senkaku Island. Now China TV News haven't abroaded about it. So Chinese didn't know about it at all now. She went to Shanghai World Exposition. About 400000 people visit there each day.

■2010年10月06日(水)  Swiming
I wanted to go swimming after work to Yuu Yuu. But I couldn't finish my work early. So I didn't have time to go there and I didn't feel like swimming. So I stayed home and went to bed early.

■2010年10月05日(火)  I was busy.
Now our business is dull. But we are busy. We have many work. But those works give little benefit. I hope economy recover early.

■2010年10月04日(月)  I was tired.
I was tired. But after I work I wanted crimbing with my son. But my son has tests from this Thursday. So he had to study. I didn't feel like climbing alone. I stayed home and went to bed early.

■2010年10月03日(日)  Running, tennis & swimming
In the morning, I went running. After I ran for 15 kilometers, I got a pain on my left knee. So I walked home for 3 kilometers. After that I went flying. But we couldn't fly, because of the strong wind. Then we went playing tennis include my son. After that I took my son to tennis school in toyokawa. And then. we went to Yuu Yuu to swim. I was too tired today.

■2010年10月02日(土)  tennis
After I work I went to tennis school in Toyokawa to pick up my son. After my son's lesson, I played tennis with my son until next lesson. Maybe he is improving his tennis. But I'm still better it than him.

■2010年10月01日(金)  a ballcock
We realized that the toilet on the fist floor was leaking in the tank yesterday. I checked it. The ballcock was broken. My wife went to Kama ot buy a new one. So I replaced it. So it stopped and workd well.

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