Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2007年08月31日(金)  Korea
My daughter came back from Korea yesterday. She was exciting when she got home. She brought a lot of cakes of Korea and returned our home. I heard her host family was very good. Its mother could speak Japanese a little. Its daughter could speak English a little. She was given a warm reception. I think it was a good experience for her.

■2007年08月30日(木)  I noticed.
I noticed that there were not children yesterday. My daughter left for Korea last Sunday. My son left for my sister's house. I was able to spend it calmly. But they returned our house. I wanted to spend the days when there were not them a little more. Because I was tired yet.

■2007年08月29日(水)  Tidy
I tidied up the remains of the competiton of the paraglider. I went to the city office, the police office, the electricity office and the seinen house. I payed a courtesy call on them about the paraglider. I was really tired. I didn't get over my fatigue. I wanted to be sleep.

■2007年08月28日(火)  School
This day was the first time I have been to the English conversation school in ages. Because it wasn't held. There were two young women. I was happy. One woman was able to speak English. Another woman was not able to speak English. I was able to forget about the paraglider. I enjoyed spending time with them.

■2007年08月27日(月)  I was really tired.
I was really tired and really sleepy. But I had to work. I had a lot of ground to cover. But I couldn't it. I worked with difficulty.

■2007年08月26日(日)  I was really happy.
I was really happy. The competiton turned out to be a successc. The flight was about 40 kilometers. About 80 pilot flew over Mt.Ganbo. The first pilot's time was about one hour and a half. The worst pilot's was about three hour and a half. I thanked for cooperation of everybody. I was really happy.

■2007年08月25日(土)  It was sunny but・・・・
I watched the weather forecast at the morning. It was good than yesterday's weather forecast. But I worried wind. But the wind was good when we got the take off. The wind dummy was very good. I thought we could start the competition. But we couldn't it. The wind was bad soon. I was disappointed it. According to the weather forecast, the forecast for tomorrow was good wind. But I couldn't believe it. I couldn't sleep that night.

■2007年08月24日(金)  We prepared the competition.
I thought I prepare the competition with three people. But about ten people helped me. We could finish to prepare for the competition. I deeply appreciated their cooperation. Tomorrow's weather forecast was very bad.

■2007年08月23日(木)  Work and Prepare
I was working. And then I prepared the competition this day. I was afraid with the forecast of this weekends.

■2007年08月22日(水)  The weather forecast
I'm afraid of this weekends of weather. There will be the competition of the paraglider. I prepared it this day too. I wish the wind would be good.

■2007年08月21日(火)  My sister's brothers
My sister's borthers came to my house. They will stay for three days. They will play with my son and my daughter. They will play TV games. But my daughter is very busy with studying and she have to prepare the trip. She may not play with them. I like them. I think I want to play with them.

■2007年08月20日(月)  My cell phone
I changed my cell phone because my cell phone was broken. The old cell phone was broken when the summer construction. But its battery was already not good at that time. I wanted a smart phone. But I need a lot of time to buy a smart phone. I bought the N904i because I didn't have times. But the N904i was very good. It has Bluetooth and GPS. But it's difficult for me to use the cell phone.

■2007年08月19日(日)  I was tired with the work.
I was tired with the work. But I went flying. But I couldn't flying because of the bud wind. I packed various things of the compatition into a cardboard box. And then I went to the barber's. I had a hair cut. My son went to Gamagouri city with his mother for the competition of Karate. It competition was shadow. It's not beating. He won the first match. But he lost the second match. He was bad manner when his friends. My wife was angly. She put her son at the Gamagouri station. He returned to our home alone.

■2007年08月18日(土)  An Italian
I met an Italian at the landing. He was with a Japanese woman. She could speak Italian. I heard he can speak Italian and French. He couldn't speak English. I wanted to speak English. But I could talk a cute woman. He flew in a paraglider when he was in Italy. I got a web site of a paraglider in Italy from him. He works in an Italian village. His name is Palloni.

■2007年08月17日(金)13:47  Hot
We were sleepy. But we had to finish a work until evening. We were helped. We finally finished the work. We were really tired. This week was very hot.

■2007年08月16日(木)  Oil
We were covered with oil. We made a machine. We realized a co-worker's error at 18 o'clock. We worked until the early hours of the morning. We were really tired and really sleepy. My daughter returned our home. I heard she studied for 20 hours a day.

■2007年08月15日(水)  Oil and Dust
I was covered with oil and dust. The summer construction is very hard. We were really tired. The weather was very hot.

■2007年08月14日(火)  Bon festival
I held the bon festival. My sister's family came my home. We went to a temple. We prayed for my mother-in-law. After that. The monk came my home and recited. The 49 day was finished.

■2007年08月13日(月)  Study
My daughter went to Siga plateau for study. Her fever went down. But my wife and I were afraid. I was really busy with work. There was a fireworks. I couldn't go to there because I had to make a map fo the compatition.

■2007年08月12日(日)  prepare
I prepare a work and the competition. Everyone flew. I will be busy from tomorrow. My daughter has a fiver. She have to go to Siga for studying. I'm not sure she go to Siga. I'm worry about it.

■2007年08月11日(土)  Holiday
This day was a holiday. Everyone has a summer vacation. But I don't. I flew all day. I was enjoyed it. And then. In night. We had a meeting of the paraglider. It was good meeting. I was happy. Because there were about twenty members.

■2007年08月10日(金)  Hot!!!!!
Too hot! Really hot! I'm busy. I have to mow weeds. I bought gas for mowing. I'm not sure I mow weeds tomorrow. I want to be rain tomorrow. I won't be able to fly in August. I'm sad. I want to fly.

■2007年08月09日(木)  Hot!
This day is too hot. I give up this hot. This weather is going to continue for a while. I have to work. I'm not sure I'm able to work every day. I have to prepare the competition. I want someone help me.

■2007年08月08日(水)  Hot! Hot!
It was really hot day. I prepared the competition. I prepare it every day these days. I'm really busy now. I have to have the first bon festival. My neighborhoods are visited my home for praying these days. And then. They pray. I wish it was cool.

■2007年08月07日(火)  My English teacher
There was the English coversation school day. My English teacher is Mike. His name is Micheal Andeson. He is from Sweden. His wife is Japanese. He is going to go to Sweden in August. Sweden is cool now. If I had summer vacation I would go to Sweden.The English conversation is going to be absent two times.

■2007年08月06日(月)  It was hot day.
It was really hot day. I was busy with the competition. All of my coworkers are busy at the present time. Because we have to work during summer vacation. But I have to hold the obon festival. I can't work all of during summer vacation. But I think preparing the competition is working during summer vacation.

■2007年08月05日(日)  I went to Touhou Gas.
I went to Touhou Gas with my family for my son's home work.I won't be able to go somewhere with my family during the summer vacation because of the competition and my work and the First bon. And then I got my house. I prepared the competition again.

■2007年08月04日(土)  Many things
I mowed a landing space for two hours. And then. We flew. After that. We repaired a road for one hour. I was tired. I have many things to have to do until the competition. I cannot progress my work, because I can't contact to a Chairperson competition.

■2007年08月03日(金)  A honey bee
My uncle gave my son a honey bee which is a little helicopter and a toy last Sunday. But it has been broken soon. Unbelievable! It's very interesting. I want it. I'll buy it soon.
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■2007年08月02日(木)  Gifts
My aunt who live in Gamagouri gave my family oranges. My aunt who live in Touei gave my family corns. I like corns. I'm looking toward to coming corns. I ate it soon. It was very derisions. Oranges entered in the refrigerator. I colded it. And then I ate it. It was derisious. I was happy.

■2007年08月01日(水)  I noticed
I noticed I don't have time so much. I have to have the first Bon ceremony and the Bon work. Maybe I won't have time and day preparing the competition. I'm in trouble. What should I do? I shouldn't study English.

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