Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2009年07月31日(金)  My daughter came back home.
My daughter came back home from her school tennis camp. She got hoarse. She lost her voice. Maybe beause she yell when she practiced tennis. I thought she couldn't practice tennis long time because of the rain, but she caould do that longer than I thought. But I'm wondering if she improve her tennis. Anyway I'm looking forword to playing tennis with her next time.

■2009年07月30日(木)  not running
I didn't run at all in theis morning. Because of my left knee. Now I'm not busy with my work. So after work, I cut weeds around my house and sweated a lot. Then I went to the conversation school.

■2009年07月29日(水)  Raining
It was raining today too. I think my daughter wouldn't be able to practice tennis. And My son couldn't practice soft tennis in school for his tennis club too. He plays TV games with his friends everyday. In the morning I ran for 10 kilometers, but my left leg hurt. I think I should take a rest.

■2009年07月28日(火)  Rain
My daughter went to her tennis club camp in Atsumi Peninsula. But the weather forecast said. It'll be almost rain in this week. So it's rain today. I'm not sure if they can practice tennis. And I'm wondering when the rain season end around here.

■2009年07月27日(月)  I felt bad.
I feel bad, maybe I cought a cold. Yesterday it was cold around the take off and the water was cold when we kayaked. In this morning I ran in the rain. Today I have running nose and sneez. But I think I'll get well until tomorrow. I'll go to bed early tonight.

■2009年07月26日(日)  Not rain
It wasn't rainning today. Yesterday the weather forecast said it'll be rainning tomorrow. I could go running and i ran for 15 kilometers slowly. After that I went flying. I just flew for 25 minutes. Then, my son wanted to go kayaking today. So we went kayaking down the river. But I sank twice. The first time I couldn't try to roll. But the second time I tryed that, but the skirt was removed. I sank twice. I was disappointed it. But my son was very good. So he was waiting for me while I sank.

■2009年07月25日(土)  rain
It was raining hard in the morning. So I didn't feel like to go running with a cloak for the rain. And I had a pain on my left knee. Today I didn't go running. But afternoon I went playing tennis with my son when the rain stopped. After that I took my son to his tennis school. He'll participate a tennis tournament. But he is poor at tennis. So he'll lose his first game in the summer. But participation is what counts.

■2009年07月24日(金)  My left knee
I have a pain on my left knee again. What should I do? But maybe I will be able to run slowly. Tonight I was supposed to practice to play tennis with my son. But it was rain before that. It was good for my knee. I hope I run for 20 kelometers tomorrow.

■2009年07月23日(木)  corns
I got corns from my relative. My aunt send me corns every year in this season. I love corns and my daughter and my son too. We ate them soon. This season conrs are thin. I don't know why it thin. But it not problem for me. Anyway I try to eat them so much.

■2009年07月22日(水)  eclipse of the sun
Today, there's an eclipse of the sun around 10 to 11. But it was cloud today. So we couldn't watch the sun. I was disappointed it. I don't know when there's it next time.

■2009年07月21日(火)  She lost the gams.
My daughter played some games for tennis today in her school with her club mates. She lost all games and she was crying. I thought she would lose games, because she was really out of shape yesterday. But I think she will improve her tennis. But her friends are very bad. It seems not to get along with each other. I'm behind my daughter all the way.

■2009年07月20日(月)  Tennis
Today was a national holiday. But Our company was open. So I was working. But I could leave from the company at five o'cloack. My daughter wanted to practice tennis. Because she had games tomorrow. So I went playing tennis with her to Ichinomiya. I have been tired recently. I got more tired.

■2009年07月19日(日)  I got tired more.
Today was clean up day. So In the morning, I cleaned our roads with my neighborhood as the leader. But Yestarday I cut weeds around the road. So we have finished it early. I could go flying early. But the wind was too strong and we couldn't fly. We cut wees around the landing. It was too hot. So I got tired. After that. I went to shooping with my daughter and my wife. I bought new short pants for running.

■2009年07月18日(土)  I was still working.
Today I was still working. But we were working slowly. We need to improve the machine a lot. However by next time, we have a lot of time. In the evening, my wife and my daughter went watching fireworks in Toyohashi. I was in my house and went to bed early.

■2009年07月17日(金)  Finish
We could have finished the job and we relieved. The customer said if you couldn't have finished the job, we lost 30,000,000 yen. But I thought he was lying. Anyway we relieved. Today my children satrted in summer vacation.

■2009年07月16日(木)  The deadline
Our customar made us wipe his browwas. But we realized he was lying about the deadline day and the day was weekend. So we were relieved. And the mchine was working good. But we were still busy. In the evening I could go to the conversation school. The man joined last time joined us. But I don't like him, because he speaks English betteer than us. He speack almost time, so we couldn' have time to talk with teaher. I hope he move to the advance class.

■2009年07月15日(水)  I have been very busy.
I worked unitll 12 o'clock. The rain season end in out of nowhere. So today was too hot. We were very tired. I think I won't run tomorrow. The machine wasn't working right. We won't have finished the job by tomorrow.

■2009年07月14日(火)  I'm busy now.
I worked very hard today too. I got home late night yestarday. But I run 10 kilometers. I hope I want to keep running everyday. Because I want to run over 300 kilometers this month. Today, I got home late night. I'm not sure if I keep running this month.

■2009年07月13日(月)  Work
I were work very hard today. My father worked weekend and he adjusted a machine we asembled. But he couldn't adjust. So he asked me to help and made it. But we had to products with the machine and we started the products. But we didn't have time so much to the deadline. We worked late night. The dead line is Thuseday. I'm not sure if we can make the products.

■2009年07月12日(日)  I flew
In the morning I ran 10 kilometers. After that I cut weeds for one hour. And then I went flying to Shinshiro and I flew to Ushibuchi. I got a good flight after long time. After I fly, I took my daughter to her tennis school. I enjoyed today. The picture is Ushibuchi from sky.

■2009年07月11日(土)  I was busy.
In the morning, I ran 20 kilometers. After that I broke my rice fields. But I stoped it before the last fields, because the tractor was act up. After that, I played tennis with my son for 2 hours. And then I kayaked with my son from Ushibuti to my house. It was the first time for my son. After that, we tryed to roll. My son and I could do that. I was very tired today.

■2009年07月10日(金)  I ran.
I ran 10 kilometers in the morning. I have pains on my legs, because I ran faster the day before yestarday. I'm afraid if I run 20 kilometers tomorrow.

■2009年07月09日(木)  yachtsman
I went to the conversation school. At that time, man joined our class. I thought he was a rich. Because he goes sailing in his free time, And he has own yacht. He said the yacht costs 20,000,000 yen. Maybe he sometimes go to America. He could speak English better than I am. This time my brain was activated. I'm not sure he comes to the next class. But he said He would join us.

■2009年07月08日(水)  Studying
I cut weeds where I couldn't cut yesterday, after I work. After I got home, my son was studying. It was not often he studied. So I was happy at that time. But he was studying for summer home work. I was not sure if I was happy.

■2009年07月07日(火)  Tanabata
Today is Tanabata festival. It's star festival. But it's rainning tonight. So we couldn't see sky. Today, I cut weeds in our rice fields, after work. The weeds have grew up early. I don't like cut weeds. I'm wondering if someone cut it.

■2009年07月06日(月)  I felt bad.
I felt very bad. It was like a cold. And I was very tired, due to tomorrow. But the work was busy. I couldn't get home early.

■2009年07月05日(日)  Fly and Run and Kayak
Last ngight. My father took our family to eat dinner without my son. We went to an expensive sushi boats. It was realy good. Today I ran for 20 kilometers in this morning. After that. We brought junk to junkyard. Then I went flying. But I couldn't get good flight. Thesedays I always haven't flewn well and have missed it. After that. I kayaked with my daughter. Because I promised my daughter to kayak. But water was soo cold. I couldn't train to roll. After that I went to a communiry meeting. At that time, we went to our shrine and our water fall and worshiped. Today was so hard for me. The picture is our water fall.

■2009年07月04日(土)  Yomise
My daughter went to school today. So we were happy. But We don't know she is good. Anyway it was good. Tonight Yomise is be holding in Shinshiro. Children's looking forward to going there. Yomise is many food stalls and game corners on main street. Cars can't drive the road. My son is going there and he'll be absent the tennis school.

■2009年07月03日(金)  My daughter
My daughter's examinatins were finished. Today, she was absence from school. She never miss a day of hight school until now. Anyway I want she to get better.

■2009年07月02日(木)  It was very humid today too.
It was very humid today too and an easygoing day. I got up early morning and then I went running for 5 kilometers. After that I played DS eigizuke. And then I had breakfast. And I went to work. After work. I went to English school. And then I got back home and I went to bed. That's all.

■2009年07月01日(水)  It was very humid today,
It was very humid today. Now our company has been busy. Because we have the dead line for the job. We have to have finished this job by the weekend. After we finish the machine to build, we have to test it. We're not sure, if the machine is work right. Anyway let's bild the mcahine.

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