Katochanpe's Diary o(*^▽^*)o~♪
■2013年06月30日(日)  climbing Mt Fuji
I climbed Mt Fuji with Acchi & Katsu. The weather was bad.
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I was working all day. I'll go to Mt Fuji tomorrow with friends again. My son was playnig game all day. So my wife complained about it. But I couldn't stop him doing it. I hope he stops it himselves.

■2013年06月28日(金)  Frappuccino
My son woke at 7 o'clock. I guessed he won't miss the train. But he couldn't find his socksand missed the train. I disappointed it and took him to Toyohashi station. Today I have a free ticket to drink at Sterbacks. I ordered Dark Moca Frappuccino. It was so good.

■2013年06月27日(木)  my can't studay.
My son went to school and took tests today. But he can't study. He was playing games at home, after school.

■2013年06月26日(水)  my son
My son didn't go to school today too. He has tests from tomorrow. Is he OK?. I'm wondering if he go to school tomorrow. I went running in this morning in the rain.

■2013年06月25日(火)  my son has the refusal-to-go-to-school syndrome.
My son didn't go to school today too. My wife and I are serious now. But we can't do anything for him. I went running in this morning. I could run 10 km. My legs are getting better.

■2013年06月24日(月)  I didn't go ruinning.
I was very tired today. So I didn't go running. I was relaxed in this morning. My son didn't woke up today. He was absent from school today. He looks like fine at home.

■2013年06月23日(日)  I was tired.
I couldn't sleep well, because of clinbing yesterday. I have terrible muscle aches. But I went paraglidng . But the weater for paragliding was not that great. After paraglidie, I took a nap. And then I plowed my rice field.
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■2013年06月22日(土)  Mt Fuji
富士吉田市役所から山頂まで登ってきました。高低差、約2900。上り下りで約10時間でした。降りたら、ちょうど世界遺産に登録されて、記念品にウチワをもらってきました。I climbed Mt Fuji from Fujiyoshida city hall today. Mt Fuji was inscribed as a World Heritage site, When I returned the city hall. I was tired now.
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■2013年06月21日(金)  black points
朝は雨で、まだ不調だったので走りませんでした。小僧は時間に起きれず、学校へ連れて行きました。問題発生。赤いバラが黒星病になったみたい。たぶん、丁度、軒下に植えたのがいけないような????とりあえず、軒を拭いたけど、何か考えないと。I I didn't go running in this moring, because of the rain and I still have a like a cold. My son couldn't wake up at usual time. So I took himr to school today. Now I have a big ploblem that my red rose got black points. I guess the cause of it is water droplets from my house's eaves. I planted it under the eaves. I just I wiped the it cleanly. I'll have to see what I can do about that.
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■2013年06月20日(木)  rain season
It was rainning all day. But I could go running in this morning when it stopped. I was lucky. Maybe it'll be rain tomorrow. I wonder if I go running tomorrow.

■2013年06月19日(水)  relax day
I didn't go running in this morning. I relaxed. But I have a running nose and I keep sneezing now. I'll go to bed ealry.

■2013年06月18日(火)  tired
I went running 12km in this morning slowly. I hiked up Mt Hongu in this evening. I'm very tired. I won't go running and hike up tomorrow. I'll relax tomorrow.

■2013年06月17日(月)  training
I went running 20km at a moderately swift pace in 5minutes per km in this morning. After work I hiked up Mt Hongu. I'll go Mt Hongu, but I'll hike up slowly. It was hot today. We started using air cinditioners in our factory today.

■2013年06月16日(日)  last Ohimachi party
朝は雨が降っていたので走るのは止めて、サッカー観戦。日本のぼろ負け。その後はパラへ行きましたが結構飛べました。夜にはオヒマチ(組の寄り合い)がありましたが、今回で終わり!昔からの習わしで偶数月に回り順で各家で開いていましたが、最近は世代が変わって、家も大きい部屋が無いし、仕度など面倒なので、止めることになりました。次が自分の番だったので、ラッキー(笑)。I wanted to run to Mr Hongu. But it was raining. So I gave up it and watched Soccor Japan vs Brzil. Japan team really got hammered in the game. After that I went paragliding. I could get a good flight. In this evening our group had Ohimachi party. It was custom. Our group has 12 family. We have give a party by rotation every other month. I had to give it next time. But It was over. Because it was old costom and young generation house doesn't have any big rooms and it was too much of a bother.
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■2013年06月15日(土)  I was tired
I went running in this morning in the rain. But I gave up at 2.5km. because of tired. and I had no motivation. But I'll run to Mt Hongu tomorrow.

■2013年06月14日(金)  melanose
I couldn't wake up at 4. I wanted to run 20km. But I was tired and coldn't wake up. But I went running 10km. After that my son couldn't wake up and missed the train. I took my son to school after long time. I stopped at Toyohashi Starbacks on the way. I realized that some roses have melanose today. I removed dead leaves. It's difficult to grow roses.
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■2013年06月13日(木)  rush
I relaxed in this morning, because I didn't go running. But my son didn't wake up at usual time. I chaced the train with him by car. I cought it at Noda Station. I relieved it. The red rose is newblown.
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■2013年06月12日(水)  Gopro3
I went running 8km slowly in this morning. Because I was very tired. But I went hiked up Mt Hongu in this afternoon. I won't go running tomorrow. I bought Gopro hero3 before. But It was a reject product. They exchanged it for a new one. I think made-in-Japan product is the best. I bought a garmin car navigation system and a garmin running watch before. They were both reject.
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■2013年06月11日(火)  new mobile phone
新しいスマホをゲットしました。土曜にカヤックで水につけてしまいました(笑)。防水なんだけど、忘れて市販の防水にならないバッテリーをつけていたので、壊れました。保障が効いて、5000ポイントで済みましたが、設定が・・・・・。電話帳もバックアップが撮っていなかったので、一年以上前まで戻りました。I got a new mobilphone today. I capsized kayak with old mobile phone. Myit was waterproof
. But It had a commercial battery at that time. So it was not waterproof and broken-down. I was sorry. But I had mobile insurance and used it. But I lost 5000 points. Now I have a problem with new cellphone. I have to set up it. I didn't make a backup of address book.
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■2013年06月10日(月)  I'm tired
I was very tired, because of the weekend. I didn't go running this morning. I went back to sleep again. But I worked well.

■2013年06月09日(日)  Hard day 2
I went running 20km slowly today. After that I went paragliding in Shinshiro. But I onlyflow for 15 minutes. After that I mowed grass in the takeoff place again with friends. We could finished it. After that, I got home. I sprayed the weeds with a weed killer in my house and around my house. And then I fired dried grass and brunches that I cut before in my rice field. And then I took my son to Toyokawa for his tennis school. I'm tired today too.
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■2013年06月08日(土)  hard day
I went running to Mt.Hongu from my house in this early morning. After that I went paragliding in SHinshiro. But I only flow for 25 minutes. After that I mowed grass in the takeoff. And then I went kataking with Mr. Aki. In the evening I went to Toyokawa for dinner with my wife. I had a good time today. But I'm very tired.
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■2013年06月07日(金)  I was tired.
I was very tired because of usual trainning. I didn't go running in this morning. Today I orderd yellow rose seeding over the internet. I'm looking forwrad it.

■2013年06月06日(木)  chasing
I was rushing in this morning, because of my son. He was late. He missed the train at the usual station. I chased the train. I cought it at Shinshiro station. I never imagined I could catch it. I was very happy.

■2013年06月05日(水)  race
I went running 20km in this morning. But I can't run faster yet. I run slowly. But I hiked up Mt. Hongu 3 times last week. I'm joinning a race to top of the Mt. Fuji at the end of next month. I lost Osaka Marathon 2013. I have not been selected. I was sorry.

■2013年06月04日(火)  these days
I take my son to Togo station or Chausuyama station these days. I was happy. But I take him there in a hurry every day. After running, I water roses these days. I received a lot of e-mail from my daughter in this evening. We have to schedule about Australia trip.

■2013年06月03日(月)  a red tose
I didn't go running in this morning, because my legs were tired. A single red rose blossomed today.
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■2013年06月02日(日)  running, paragliding and hiking.
I went running in this early morning 20km. Today was a recycling day. I carried a lot of magazines and something to community local hall. After that, I went paraglidingin the morning. After that I hiked up Mt. Hongu with Mr. Aki.

■2013年06月01日(土)  roses
I went running in this early morning. After that I planted 2 rose seedlings and replanted mini rose seedings. I was very happy. But I have to remove waste soil. Now I'm wondering if I can grow these roses.
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